How do you post pics on here? I can't even get it to take one for my avatar, much less post one.[/img]
Sangha fun: 3PM, November 14
Hi Karl,
Check out Jundo's FAQs on the main forum page. It tells about creating your avatar.
I use for my photos. You have to post the pic to their site then embed a link to it in your post on the forum.
Good luck,
Bill[size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John CageComment
Plankton, your picture address is not a hard-coded URL pointing to a specific file (like "") but includes parameters that are interpreted by the hosting server. For direct linking to pictures photopic requires special routines, see:
I'd rather switch to a dedicated hosting service. A very simple, fast, flexible and reliable one is Euroupload. The interface is German only but foolproof:
• Pick duration of hosting from 7 days to eternity.
• Press "Datei auswählen" to select picture file from your hard disc.
• Check terms of use read (which only say they delete porn and guarantee for nothing).
• Press "Bild hochladen" to start upload.
• Retrieve image URL with prepared tags, trim off advertising link if necessary.
Keep in mind that the forum software displays large pictures at reduced preview size but browsers have to load the hole picture every time. So keep them at reasonable size especially in longer photo threads.