Anyone here who uses linux Mint or Ubuntu here knows of the 'Terminal' where one can control one's whole computer if you have the knowledge. I have two, one is called CLI companion which is an aid for computer dummies like me to use the terminal and the actual terminal. I accidentally clicked on the CLI Companion just before writing this reply. When it comes up on the screen the 'Terminal' always has a piece of advice. Today the CLI was.
/ You are taking yourself far too \
\ seriously. /
\ \_\_ _/_/
\ \__/
(__)\ )\/\
So just for fun I opened the actual Terminal and that advice was -
( You are fighting for survival in your )
( own sweet and gentle way. )
|o_o |
|:_/ |
// \ \
(| | )
/'\_ _/`\
I laughed out aloud when I read I was taking myself too seriously. I was about to write that it is not possible to be passionate about one's beliefs, opinions or judgments and at the same time let go of that passion. I am not speaking of opinions on fashion or the colour of a man's politics, I am speaking of passionate beliefs about what is right and what is wrong, and questioning is it worth being passionate at all about this worldly illusion that most of us have to take part in to survive.
Then I clicked on the 'Terminal' and read "You are fighting for survival in your own sweet and gentle way" (is the pic a little meditating Buddha??)
Actually a tear came to my eye! My first thought after reading that was 'passion' itself is the illusion that colours opinions, beliefs, judgments. To have opinions is neither right or wrong, good or bad, to let go of the passion that drives them, allows one to have opinions in a 'sweet and gentle way'.
It was AlanLa's Mantra -
""I am not my judgments." The balance I am trying to find with that little mantra is to not be so attached to something I feel passionately about, but that's kind of an oxymoron, which makes it very Zen, I suppose."
That really got me thinking, It does seem really Zen but if the passion is just an illusion (just the feeling created by the opinion, the thought) then it is certainly not an oxymoron.
So by having opinions in a 'sweet and gentle way', well let's drop the 'sweet' bit, by having opinions in a gentle way (without the illusion of passion) one can -
"hold opinions, trying diligently to make this life-world-self better, but hold them lightly. At the same timeless time, drop all opinions and let all just go, just be. All at once, as one." Jundo.
Ok that is my take on my question and whether I am right or wrong I do feel I have moved a little forward. Thank you.
hmmm for some reason the terminal pics have ended up all jumbled up on this post, shame because the second one really looked like a little Buddha!!
/ You are taking yourself far too \
\ seriously. /
\ \_\_ _/_/
\ \__/
(__)\ )\/\
So just for fun I opened the actual Terminal and that advice was -
( You are fighting for survival in your )
( own sweet and gentle way. )
|o_o |
|:_/ |
// \ \
(| | )
/'\_ _/`\
I laughed out aloud when I read I was taking myself too seriously. I was about to write that it is not possible to be passionate about one's beliefs, opinions or judgments and at the same time let go of that passion. I am not speaking of opinions on fashion or the colour of a man's politics, I am speaking of passionate beliefs about what is right and what is wrong, and questioning is it worth being passionate at all about this worldly illusion that most of us have to take part in to survive.
Then I clicked on the 'Terminal' and read "You are fighting for survival in your own sweet and gentle way" (is the pic a little meditating Buddha??)
Actually a tear came to my eye! My first thought after reading that was 'passion' itself is the illusion that colours opinions, beliefs, judgments. To have opinions is neither right or wrong, good or bad, to let go of the passion that drives them, allows one to have opinions in a 'sweet and gentle way'.
It was AlanLa's Mantra -
""I am not my judgments." The balance I am trying to find with that little mantra is to not be so attached to something I feel passionately about, but that's kind of an oxymoron, which makes it very Zen, I suppose."
That really got me thinking, It does seem really Zen but if the passion is just an illusion (just the feeling created by the opinion, the thought) then it is certainly not an oxymoron.
So by having opinions in a 'sweet and gentle way', well let's drop the 'sweet' bit, by having opinions in a gentle way (without the illusion of passion) one can -
"hold opinions, trying diligently to make this life-world-self better, but hold them lightly. At the same timeless time, drop all opinions and let all just go, just be. All at once, as one." Jundo.
Ok that is my take on my question and whether I am right or wrong I do feel I have moved a little forward. Thank you.
hmmm for some reason the terminal pics have ended up all jumbled up on this post, shame because the second one really looked like a little Buddha!!