Mediocre: From Latin Mediocris, Medius: Middle. Then, Mediocre man = Man in the Middle Way... If your family thinks you are a mediocre man, then it is a great compliment ![Happy](
Thank you four your post Kyonin, they always make me think so much about my practice. I've always had admiration and respect for my teachers, and actually seeing their flaws or their "human side" drew me a little off balance.... now I understand that we are all, in the end, on the same level, in terms of dignity and need of respect, we are all equal..... it is just that some people put a greater care on what they do, not like me and my clumsy hands and mind
Thank you four your post Kyonin, they always make me think so much about my practice. I've always had admiration and respect for my teachers, and actually seeing their flaws or their "human side" drew me a little off balance.... now I understand that we are all, in the end, on the same level, in terms of dignity and need of respect, we are all equal..... it is just that some people put a greater care on what they do, not like me and my clumsy hands and mind