It's more like a "purple out." It's been happening since I started sitting bout 15 or so years ago. I sit there, very still, and my vision starts to cancel itself out. It's like when you look at those weird blotches on the computer or some such, and when you close your eyes a vision is revealed to you from the negative of the blotches. Its that kind of thing, but it's my entire field of vision. As I say, everything canceles itself out.
I am totally aware as it happens–it's not like I'm dizzy falling over–and I'm not tired at all. It's not a blackout blackout kinda thing.
When it happens I end up "noticing", I guess, and my vision can come back, but sometimes I can sit in this "vision cancellation." At this point I usually find myself going "wow" on some level and I get in the loop of what I should do. Seems if I don't think about what I should do, the "purple outs" happen. It used to make my heart race, but it doesn't anymore; it can be quite pleasant. Once again, it happens when I'm totally still, focused, and "empty." I only bring it up because I don't hear many stories of people having similar experiences, so I am to suspect that this is NOT some... progress indicator (I just tripped over the wire by using the phrase "progress indicator," I just know it!) Do I dare ask if I should "return to now" with that in regard to having my focus BE on something that is of "normal color," or am I to allow for eventual TOTAL "darkness?" Or are you guys just gonna tell me something that has nothing to do with either option? Gimme all ya got!
I am totally aware as it happens–it's not like I'm dizzy falling over–and I'm not tired at all. It's not a blackout blackout kinda thing.
When it happens I end up "noticing", I guess, and my vision can come back, but sometimes I can sit in this "vision cancellation." At this point I usually find myself going "wow" on some level and I get in the loop of what I should do. Seems if I don't think about what I should do, the "purple outs" happen. It used to make my heart race, but it doesn't anymore; it can be quite pleasant. Once again, it happens when I'm totally still, focused, and "empty." I only bring it up because I don't hear many stories of people having similar experiences, so I am to suspect that this is NOT some... progress indicator (I just tripped over the wire by using the phrase "progress indicator," I just know it!) Do I dare ask if I should "return to now" with that in regard to having my focus BE on something that is of "normal color," or am I to allow for eventual TOTAL "darkness?" Or are you guys just gonna tell me something that has nothing to do with either option? Gimme all ya got!