Thank you Taigu - I also prefer the Buddha nature route coming from a strange mix of Catholic/Methodist childhood - which had some complicated up and downs.
However - as you say - all respect to what suits the individual, and as theology is now more open and hermenuetical in its endeavors there are many interpretations (even of the story of original sin) to choose from.
I have just finished reading Uchiyama's 'Opening the Hand of Thought' and was struck by his comparing (and likening) egocentric thought to 'original sin' (pg 104). If we follow this analogy through it is as though Zazen is the state of grace that releases us from ego attachment.
I have many (contradictory!) thoughts on this but don't want to make this thread too long.
Briefly - I feel we use the term ego too much - it is just a topographical device dreamed up by Freud to provide a pseudo-scientific structure of the mind. I'm not sure what we use in its place, but it can become a weapon of self-flagellation, labelled as bad, bad, bad. The same has happened with the term narcissitic.
I think - what I'm trying to say - very clumsily - is in this area of 'shame' - let's not replace one tyranny (the concept of original sin) with another (ego attachment).
Does that make sense
Thanks to all for the many interesting/thoughtful posts in this thread
However - as you say - all respect to what suits the individual, and as theology is now more open and hermenuetical in its endeavors there are many interpretations (even of the story of original sin) to choose from.
I have just finished reading Uchiyama's 'Opening the Hand of Thought' and was struck by his comparing (and likening) egocentric thought to 'original sin' (pg 104). If we follow this analogy through it is as though Zazen is the state of grace that releases us from ego attachment.
I have many (contradictory!) thoughts on this but don't want to make this thread too long.
Briefly - I feel we use the term ego too much - it is just a topographical device dreamed up by Freud to provide a pseudo-scientific structure of the mind. I'm not sure what we use in its place, but it can become a weapon of self-flagellation, labelled as bad, bad, bad. The same has happened with the term narcissitic.
I think - what I'm trying to say - very clumsily - is in this area of 'shame' - let's not replace one tyranny (the concept of original sin) with another (ego attachment).
Does that make sense

Thanks to all for the many interesting/thoughtful posts in this thread