On Board? Maybe I'm a little dinghy!

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  • Keishin
    • Jun 2007
    • 471

    On Board? Maybe I'm a little dinghy!

    Hellos to all:

    I guess I'm not a treeleafer, nor am I a treeleafer leaver--just what am I?
    I've never considered Jundo to be my teacher (just as Gudo Nishijima Roshi is not my teacher), but I certainly regard them both as venerable teachers, and I learn from them, and a multitude of others who teach me, whether they are 'teachers' or not. I am lucky to be able to attend a weekly sitting group with a teacher.
    So what am I doing here, at Treeleaf Zendo? Well, because it's here. Because I can. When I want some conversation 'now and zen.' Because this site is carefully monitored to keep out riffraff, one is able to hold a decent conversation, and one is able to pick up old conversations and continue them--I enjoy and appreciate that.
    The insights and information and experiences shared here are of top caliber and reflect the sincere efforts of those who participate in forum discussions. Isn't that the point of a sangha-- to encourage each other's practice? If I had to explain what I am here, I guess I'd say I consider myself more a 'guest' of this sangha than a sangha member. But this is not a unique experience for me--I've sat sesshins and parts of sesshins as a 'guest' of other zendo's led by teachers who weren't 'my' teacher.
    I have found it good to be exposed to different styles/approaches, at least, that has been my experience--even when sitting for a while (2 years) with a teacher I did not fundamentally agree with--I could still sit zazen with him--and I learned profoundly from the experience of staying and being of service to him and to the sangha I was a part of.
    I'd like to think that sharing my odd assortment of various experiences is helpful in some way to others here. If not, I would best serve all by keeping still.
    So I guess my question is: Is there a place at the Treeleaf Zendo for persons, such as myself, who have a teacher and sit elsewhere, to come for conversation and the sharing of experiences? It does not appear that my approach to practice runs counter to Jundo's (I'd best let Jundo address that himself!)
    I would like to sew a rakusu with all of you, but I will not be taking Jukai with Jundo.
    Would I be allowed to participate in precepts discussions?

    When I first stumbled upon the Treeleaf website I was amazed and delighted.
    It is intriguing to me--the concept of a cyber zendo--I am deeply grateful to Jundo for the huge and constant amount of time and effort in creating, managing and maintaining this growing community. It is fitting in these new uncharted waters that Jundo be recognized as founding a lineage of his own.

    So, cap'n Jundo--permission to come aboard on occasion?

    keishin (a deck hand of sorts)
  • Dainin
    • Sep 2007
    • 389

    Hi Keishin,

    While I cannot/would not speak for Jundo, I have very much appreciated your postings (and have told Jundo so). Your insights and varied experiences have given me much food-for-thought.

    I, for one, hope to keep "seeing" you around here.



    • Rev R
      • Jul 2007
      • 457

      Hey there Keishin,

      Originally posted by Keishin
      this site is carefully monitored to keep out riffraff
      I'm here so it's not that carefully monitored. :twisted:

      Seriously though,

      So I guess my question is: Is there a place at the Treeleaf Zendo for persons, such as myself, who have a teacher and sit elsewhere, to come for conversation and the sharing of experiences?
      I don't think that Jundo would make folks like you (who has a teacher elsewhere) or like me (who isn't really interested in the "paper zen" stuff) walk the plank.

      It might be presumptuous of me, but I'm pretty sure there will be a couple of zafus sitting out for us wanderers.



      • louis
        • Aug 2007
        • 172

        Avast ye me hearties,
        from the lowliest Jim Lad,
        to the sea dogs amongst us
        who've lived to cheat the godforsaken sea.

        There can but be but one answer...

        Hey Keishin & Rev,

        No matter you set sail, all my love to you both



        • will
          • Jun 2007
          • 2331


          I guess I'm not a treeleafer, nor am I a treeleafer leaver--just what am I?
          I've never considered Jundo to be my teacher (just as Gudo Nishijima Roshi is not my teacher), but I certainly regard them both as venerable teachers, and I learn from them, and a multitude of others who teach me, whether they are 'teachers' or not. I am lucky to be able to attend a weekly sitting group with a teacher
          There are teachers everywhere Keishin.

          So I guess my question is: Is there a place at the Treeleaf Zendo for persons, such as myself, who have a teacher and sit elsewhere, to come for conversation and the sharing of experiences? It does not appear that my approach to practice runs counter to Jundo's (I'd best let Jundo address that himself!)
          I would like to sew a rakusu with all of you, but I will not be taking Jukai with Jundo.
          Would I be allowed to participate in precepts discussions?
          I believe there was a notice when I joined that said: All must follow Jundo. I'll see if I can find it.

          To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
          To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
          To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
          To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41217

            Re: On Board? Maybe I'm a little dinghy!

            Originally posted by Keishin
            Hellos to all:

            I guess I'm not a treeleafer, nor am I a treeleafer leaver--just what am I?
            I've never considered Jundo to be my teacher (just as Gudo Nishijima Roshi is not my teacher), but I certainly regard them both as venerable teachers, and I learn from them, and a multitude of others who teach me, whether they are 'teachers' or not. I am lucky to be able to attend a weekly sitting group with a teacher.
            So what am I doing here, at Treeleaf Zendo? Well, because it's here. Because I can. When I want some conversation 'now and zen.' Because this site is carefully monitored to keep out riffraff, one is able to hold a decent conversation, and one is able to pick up old conversations and continue them--I enjoy and appreciate that.
            The insights and information and experiences shared here are of top caliber and reflect the sincere efforts of those who participate in forum discussions. Isn't that the point of a sangha-- to encourage each other's practice? If I had to explain what I am here, I guess I'd say I consider myself more a 'guest' of this sangha than a sangha member.


            So I guess my question is: Is there a place at the Treeleaf Zendo for persons, such as myself, who have a teacher and sit elsewhere, to come for conversation and the sharing of experiences? It does not appear that my approach to practice runs counter to Jundo's (I'd best let Jundo address that himself!)
            I would like to sew a rakusu with all of you, but I will not be taking Jukai with Jundo.
            Would I be allowed to participate in precepts discussions?


            So, cap'n Jundo--permission to come aboard on occasion?
            Hi Keishin,

            I have been flooded with mail today, and many things to do, but I wanted to stop to answer you first.

            The following is chock full of cliches, but that is just because they are true ...

            Don't be anything but Keishin. Don't have any teacher but Keishin. Learn from everybody and everything. You always have a Zafu and a cup of tea waiting for you here. We are all "guests" in this world, but it is our home and we are the "host" too. You already know all that.

            I am not so big for this "whose a 'student' or 'not a 'student''' perspective anyway. Maybe I should hand out "I'm an Official Student of the Treeleaf Zendo. Ask me more." badges? Everybody around here should be like Keishin in attitude anyway. (In fact, everybody seems pretty much of that attitude, given all the different sources that people draw on for insight just in today's talking ... from Tennyson to the Mahàtanhàsankhayasuttaü)

            You can join the discussions or anything else for the Jukai, as you wish. Frankly, the Jukai means nothing and everything too: If you are living as to not do harm now, you are already "Jukai". Ceremony is just a celebration to commemorate that fact. I think.

            Of course, I need to teach what I teach around here. I'm a fish store, and I sell fish, not books. So, when we are here, that is the focus (fish?). We don't sell other things so much, but all are welcome here.

            Welcome aboard. Come sail whenever you like.

            Gee, sorry for all the cliches (part of it is that I just woke up :-) ), but ... feel at home here, come and go as you please, you have the keys ... I could go on like this.

            Gassho, Jundo

            PS - This place would not be the same without Keishin's wise words, so I hope you hang with us a lot


            • Keishin
              • Jun 2007
              • 471

              On Board?

              Hellos to Keith, Rev R, Louis, Will and Jundo: Thank you for your kind words. I'm soon to be back at work and time contraints will naturally curtail my visits. My computer's hard drive died along with everything on it. This new hard drive does not have the 'photo booth' application anywhere where I can find it, despite my exploring--and my son won't help me!! I'll be getting a picture up again eventually, so you'll 'see' more of me. I really prefer reading what is being said without the 'who said it' being so prominent....I'll get over it. Mensch--please keep your cigarette machine--especially now that I know your story of how you 'fell' into zen!

              PS Keith your piece expressing your experience of inter-connectedness of all things and gratitude was very beautiful, and I'm glad little ones are both doiing much better.

              keishin (glad to still have 'guest list' status)


              • Dainin
                • Sep 2007
                • 389

                Re: On Board?

                Dear Keishin,

                "PS Keith your piece expressing your experience of inter-connectedness of all things and gratitude was very beautiful, and I'm glad little ones are both doiing much better."

                Thank you. Yes, my sons are doing much better. Now we're all just trying to relax and clean up our messy place! I am reminded of the book "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry"!

                I'm glad you'll be hanging around.



                • Smoggyrob

                  Hi everyone:

                  I've been thinking about Treeleaf's separation from Dogen Sangha a lot. It's a weighty subject. The conclusion I've come to is that it would be best for me to concentrate on one teacher, so I'm going to be leaving Treeleaf. No knock on this place, I'm just easily distracted. I put the Stupid in "Keep It Simple, Stupid." I want to say that all of you have been extremely nice to me in my time here, so thank you, and I wish the best for all of you. Jundo, thank you in particular for your hospitality, your teaching, and your efforts to bring the dharma online.



                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41217

                    Hi Rob,

                    You are always welcome here, and I hope that you will stop on back here from time to time.

                    No reason to get caught up in paper changes and superficial names. I also think it best to learn from one teacher and to learn from many, all at the same time (I do. I even learn things from this "Brad" fellow sometimes! :wink: Sometimes he is a good writer! )

                    Anyway, keep sitting!

                    Gassho, Jundo
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

