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  • Rev R
    • Jul 2007
    • 457

    Hey Jundo,

    If you like it, it's yours. Use it well.

    Rob the shaman would have loved that vid. We used to call that type of thing "Zen Terrorism".



    • Jarkko
      • Oct 2007
      • 58

      Originally posted by DontKnow
      The danger for some people is that they never settle on one particular spiritual practice.
      Hi Bill
      what you said i find it true to myself. That thing has been problem for me sometimes. Maybe it is because i have been a goal thinker and searched answers outside of me. Many thing is different nowadays.

      My point was that people shouldnt look things through "religious" and idealistic goggles which is great problem in our world.

      Dont know much about ceremonies but i have found that bowing thing has been very usefull in my daily life. Sometimes i find myself putting peoples and things in different levels and then i need knock in my head. I bow sometimes just mentally.




      • Martin
        • Jun 2007
        • 216


        I don't suppose you'll read this but on the off chance....

        I "missed" your "departure" as we were away for a long weekend walking / youth hostelling in the North Yorkshire Moors. But I wanted to say how much I've enjoyed your posts and how sorry I am to see you "go".

        I don't for a moment understand why you feel you have to go, but obviously for you it's important. May you be well. And "here" or "there" I suspect you'll be in the same place when you sit. And probably when you're not sitting too.



        PS. Jundo, I loved "pragmystic" and the idea of putting something that isn't a Buddha statue on the altar. "Everything that lives is holy, life delights in life" (William Blake).


        • Keishin
          • Jun 2007
          • 471


          Hello/goodby Bruce!

          I am sorry to be arriving at the discussion on this thread so late. I would have liked to have joined in. Kind of moot at this point.

          Bruce, it is perfectly fine to 'not know' about a lot of things. "Keep This Don't Know Mind, Only Don't Know" was something Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn Soen Sa Nim would say to his students.
          So as far as rebirth and other issues go don't know until you do know.

          You wrote:

          The last thing I ever thought I'd be doing is debating what to pick and choose out of Buddhism on a Buddhist forum, and it's just not how I want to spend my time.

          I don't think there is a single relgion where people don't 'pick and choose' in the practice of their religions. There are infinite discussions between practitioners as to whether doing certain things or not doing others means that you are no longer 'one of the fold.'
          In the end, we are a lamp unto ourselves--we light our own way. Practice hones a sense of direction.

          You also said:
          Maybe we want different flavours of Buddhism and that's fine. We should all hang out where we feel comfortable. So, I'll take my leave now. I wish you all the best.

          Even if it were the exact same flavor of Buddhism, we all don't have the same taste buds--and everything is just like that: uniqueness, you-neekness.

          I agree we should all hang out where we feel comfortable. I also know it has been of benefit to me to hang out where I don't feel comfortable (I'm not talking about unsafe places, just I'd rather not places. It has been instructive to me--a workout, to be sure.)
          Part of what I think to be interesting at this cyber sangha is the opportunity for all kinds of people exposed to all kinds of backgrounds, buddhist and non- to engage in these wide varieties of topics and discussions.
          Anyone can pick up a discussion and breathe new life into it and refer to comments made by those who may no longer be active participants at the Treeleaf--similarly what you have said here, now, would still have impact for others with these issues.

          Bruce, I also wish you the best.



          • BruceS
            • Aug 2007
            • 59

            Hi Keishin,
            I think you're right. Sometimes I can be a real fool. After a couple of weeks of thinking through all of this, I still don't know what I believe, but what I think I do know is that it probably doesn't matter.

            Despite all of the reading I had done in the past I don't think I was ever aware of the Zen position on these things. If I had read it, it must've gone right over my head and I just went on assuming that Zen shared the same basic beliefs as the Tibetans (minus all the esoteric stuff). So I guess the topic caught me off guard and really took me back.

            What I'm ashamed of is my fundamentalist reaction. That's just so NOT what I want to be. I've had, and am still having a difficult time forgetting all the stuff that was ground into my head before. I guess I feel like a former Catholic, still carrying a lot of guilt around. Actually, I do still carry some guilt from giving up being a monk.

            I've really been struggling with my practice the past couple of weeks. I think I do need to forget everything and get beginner's mind again. Anyway, thanks for pointing out that sometimes it's best to be uncomfortable. That was very wise.

            The best thing I ever do is sit and do nothing.


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41188

              Originally posted by BruceS
              That was very wise.

              Hi Bruce,

              So nice to hear from you. Talk about reincarnation, it was nice to hear from you! :-)

              The only thing I want to say is that there is no "official" Zen position on reincarnation (as a form of life after death), some esoteric practices and the like. So, please do not think that all of Zen agrees on all points. Some uphold a traditional view of reincarnation, an increasing number these days (maybe most in the West) do not. But please do not think I am saying that there is no life after death, be it reincarnation, heaven/hell, or the Buddha's Pure Land. I am just saying that I do not know, I strongly doubt based on what I see (based on what any human being can see from here I think), and it is not central to my Practice anyway.

              Continue your hard searching and doubting. We had a nice little thread here recently about 'long dark nights of the soul'. They may even be a necessary part of what we do. There is much about our practice that is "not knowing". The point of "not knowing" is that some things we can truly 'know' only when we give up trying to know them in the usual way (that is the point of Shikantaza, in which we radically give up all searching), but other things we just cannot know with human eyes. I think.

              Gassho, Jundo


              • paige
                • Apr 2007
                • 234

                I'm so glad to see you again, Bruce!

                I've met a fair number of Zen students and teachers so far, and their opinions on rebirth have been pretty well all over the map. From pretty much literal transmigration of a 'spirit' to "when we die, we turn into compost!"

                I personally think that it's a bit extreme to claim that rebirth is a Brahmanistic holdover that has nothing at all to do with Buddhism. However, I've also yet to hear a very compelling argument for any type of 'life after death' (I think that 'evidence' like birthmarks in the shape of knife wounds/ bullet holes is kind of goofy).

                I'm happy enough to sit on the fence on this one. But it does seem an issue that stirs up passions. :?


                • Ryumon
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 1818


                  Glad to see you back, and glad to see that you got some little enlightenment from this whole thing! :-)

                  I know nothing.


                  • Keishin
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 471


                    I just lost my post!!!!

                    I'm slow these days to catch up with all the goings on.
                    Hello Bruce!
                    Very nice to see you back, and I look forward to sharing more experiences with you here on this path!

                    Taking a break is good--helps with the indigest-zen, I always find....



                    • egbrooks
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 29

                      A lot has been said since the original post of reincarnation and I haven't been around in a long time. It's great to read such a wonderful discussion/dialogue with many so many issues being brought up.

                      Something that struck me, from early in the post, was that Buddha and Dogen were/are in fact fallible. What a revelation! I can honestly say that I've never really been very critical of either Buddha's or Dogen's ideas. I kind of took them at face value. In fact, this revelation will change the way that I practice Buddhism.

                      Thanks for the whack to the head Jundo!

                      still smarting,
                      ‘Training and being spiritually awake are not two separate things.’ - Dogen

