Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

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  • Tosh
    • Mar 2025

    Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

    Hi all,

    I'm new to Shikantaza and Soto, but not that new to Buddhism; however I am still very much a beginner (this isn't false modesty). I understand the fundamentals (from a Gelug point of view), but I'm exploring other types of Buddhism to see if I can find a better fit.

    Now Soto strikes me as being less intellectual and scholastic (apologies if I'm wrong) than the Buddhism I've studied on a two year foundation course, however the meditation seems to be more experiential. In Tibetan Buddhism emphasis is put on Lam Rim analytical meditation, whereas it doesn't seem to be this way with Shikantaza (however I've not done any work with koans; so maybe it could be?).

    So, I've been practising Shikantaza meditation for over a week now, I'm kinda getting used to keeping my eyes partially open, I've listened/watched all Jundo's and Taigi's begginer's lessons (thank you both), and listened to the audio book Zen mind Begginer's Mind, but - and I guess this is my question - how much effort should I put in to be able to sit 'correctly'? I'm 42 and fairly stiff. I can sit comfortably cross-legged for about 30 minutes, but I've no chance of getting my knees to the ground - not yet anyway - even with a Zabuton.

    Is it right effort for me to do some hip opening exercises so that I can achieve a Burmese position?


  • Koshin
    • Feb 2012
    • 938

    Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

    I thought I had already come to a Burmese position more or less adequate (sorry, no Half lotus or Full lotus for me yet) , but then I hurt my ankle and now I have to sit on a Seiza bench ... to tell you the truth it has been quite comfortable while I recover, I don´t know if I even want to comeback to the Zafu later ops: ... Our teacher Taigu explained it very well in his videos, saying that it is not necessary to strive to sit well, in a tense and hard fashion, but let the very act of sitting to be natural, out of our own inner non-self, like a flower blooming .... it´s hard to explain but once you can feel relaxed and upright at the same time, you know you are sitting right. I´m still working on it since a few months, but I think I am non-reaching to a decent posture :wink:

    These may help you

    Thank you for your practice


    • Tosh

      Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

      Thanks, Lipor,

      I think to understand I need some more sitting practise. And those links you provided were great. Striving yet not - striving!

      Well, I could do with being more flexible, it's a great way to prevent injury, so I'll implement some of the stretches I've seen in the links you put up, and just keep sitting.

      At present I start off meditating in a kinda Burmese position (knees don't get near the floor) on a zabuton, then when my legs ache and I've had enough of it (I do try to accept everything as it is), I then turn the zabuton on it's side and sit in the Seiza (I think it's called) position, which I find comfortable.

      Thanks for your kind help.



      • pinoybuddhist
        • Jun 2010
        • 462

        Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

        My knees don't go all the way to the floor either so I just sit with one pillow under each knee.


        • Tobiishi
          • Jan 2009
          • 461

          Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

          3 pillow- zafu,
          slouching-catching myself,
          nodding off. pfft.

          it's still sitting, and as it gets progressively more "orthodox", orthodoxy matters more and more less.

          I think, and it gets in the way.
          It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


          • Khalil Bodhi
            • Apr 2012
            • 317

            Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

            Thank you for this thread. The physical posture for me is not a problem as I have been meditating for awhile and sit Burmese or (rarely) half-lotus. What interests me is the posture of the mind in Shikantaza. Without an object it can be hard to know where one is at times especially when sleepy. Is it acceptable to remind oneself gently to "open, relax , smile" when one feels tension or becomes sucked into a story? If anyone has any advice or can recommend a book on the practice I would appreciate it. Metta.


            To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind — this is the teaching of the Buddhas.
            -Dhp. 183
            My Practice Blog


            • Hans
              • Mar 2007
              • 1853

              Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

              Dear Mike,

              I am at work currently and sadly can't write a longer reply..., but might I suggest that slowly sampling and digesting the great variety of available Dharma videos on our site might answer some of our questions in time whilst giving you the chance to learn more about our particular lineage flavour.

              If you were to press a .45 Magnum against my head, asking me to name a book, it'd have to be Kosho Uchiyama's Opening the Hand of Thought.

              Gassho and thank you for your interest,

              Hans Chudo Mongen


              • Khalil Bodhi
                • Apr 2012
                • 317

                Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position


                Thank you much. I will check it out and slowly work through the videos. Metta!


                To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind — this is the teaching of the Buddhas.
                -Dhp. 183
                My Practice Blog


                • disastermouse

                  Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

                  Originally posted by pinoybuddhist
                  My knees don't go all the way to the floor either so I just sit with one pillow under each knee.
                  I sit with a pillow under the knee of the top leg.



                  • Taigu
                    Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2710

                    Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

                    Hi Tosh,

                    All these exercises are good.
                    Sit allowing gravity to gradually take your knees down.
                    And let go of the idea of knees having to touch the ground. Let go of goals and agenda.

                    Enjoy your very presence in this world.




                    • Tosh

                      Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

                      Thanks all; I'll take your advice on board. I'm patient. I'll keep on sitting. In fact I'll do some now! :mrgreen:


                      • Taigu
                        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2710

                        Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

                        Enjoy your very presence in this world




                        • Koshin
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 938

                          Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

                          Originally posted by Taigu
                          Enjoy your very presence in this world


                          As simple as that. Thank you Teacher

                          Thank you for your practice


                          • disastermouse

                            Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

                            Originally posted by Taigu
                            Enjoy your very presence in this world


                            This was worth saying twice! It may be the most concise description, if not of the door, then at the very least its frame.



                            • Patrick
                              • Jul 2011
                              • 30

                              Re: Initial Thoughts about Shikantaza and a question on position

                              Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. -Voltaire
                              The better is the enemy of the good. -Voltaire

