First Encounters of the Zen Kind

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  • Fuken
    • Sep 2006
    • 435

    Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

    Nice one Dirk,
    And it is not unpleasant to hear from you as well!

    A bow in deference to you in the direction of Canada!
    Yours in practice,
    Jordan ("Fu Ken" translates to "Wind Sword", Dharma name givin to me by Jundo, I am so glad he did not name me Wind bag.)


    • Tb
      • Jan 2008
      • 3186

      Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind


      Jordan, good to see you.
      Glad to hear you're ok and all.

      Looking forward to hear more.

      Life is our temple and its all good practice


      • JohnsonCM
        • Jan 2010
        • 549

        Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

        Awesome thread.

        I searched through every religion I could find. I've read the holy books of the Christians, Muslims, Krishnas; studied what I could find on Shinto, the Dreamsongs of the Aborigines of Australia, the Great Spirit and animal religions of the Cherokee, even Druidism for a while. I was trying to find something that made sense. Problem was, almost all of it had some sense of the ridiculous about it. Magic, in my opinion (at least the kind the Wiccans and other Earth Religions profess) doesn't work - it's just a way of making the powerless feel powerful against natural forces they have no control over. Mainstream religion is so cold, so hard, very "boom, boom, boom, boom, Row you bastards!" Plus the three things I could never get past were 1) no matter what good you do in the world, if you don't accept fill in the blank you go to hell. 2)Why would God go through all the trouble he went through to make everything he made, just to want us to spend all our time worshiping him, instead of living the life he gave us? and 3)Why can't I question? Why does that mean I have no faith? Why must faith be its own proof?

        Ok so that was sort of 5 questions. Then I started really getting into samurai. I always had a thing for honor. It seemed like something bigger than myself (my "self") and it seemed pure, unsullied. I watched Ghost Dog and wanted to get a copy of Hagakure, which I read. I had always been curious of Buddhism, but stayed away from Zen, because I thought (in my limited understanding of things) that Theravada was the most closely related to the Buddha's teachings. The rituals and ceremonies kind of turned me off (and the hats) because it started looking like all the other religions that put such a high importance on ritual, sort of like being infatuated with a problem but not caring so much about the solution. But Tsunatomo was a Zen monk after giving up the sword, so it was a hop, skip and a jump before I read Hagan's Buddhism Plain and Simple. I looked around, read alot, and thought I had a grasp on what was up in the Dharma. Then I found this sangha (while I was online looking for something exactly like this sangha) and found out that I still had a looooooooong way to go, for which I am profoundly thankful.
        Sat today


        • gakuse345
          • Dec 2009
          • 32

          Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

          Hey Christopher,
          Buddha just sat, everything else was added later.


          • Fuken
            • Sep 2006
            • 435

            Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

            Originally posted by Fugen

            Jordan, good to see you.
            Glad to hear you're ok and all.

            Looking forward to hear more.


            Fugen, Thanks.

            Yours in practice,
            Jordan ("Fu Ken" translates to "Wind Sword", Dharma name givin to me by Jundo, I am so glad he did not name me Wind bag.)


            • will
              • Jun 2007
              • 2331

              Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

              Buddha just sat, everything else was added later.
              To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
              To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
              To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
              To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


              • Seishin the Elder
                • Oct 2009
                • 521

                Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                Hello Sangha,

                It is Easter Sunday and I am reading and writing to you from my home Abbey, where I've been for the past week...getting a recharge!

                I think I have been very fortunate in that I have always been able to wrap my mind and heart around a few things at one time. I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic church, but my maternal grandfather was from Tzarist Russian Lithuania and Russian Orthodox, so there was always "another" view to things that I was able to embrace. Russian Orthodoxy is rather mystical in its approach and so my heart was opened early to the spiritual along with the juridical sides of Christianity.

                In high school I read everything Thomas Merton wrote, and earnestly wanted to be a Trappist. Then someone gave me several "beat" books: [u]Howl[u], [u]Dharma Bums[u], [u]On the Road[u]. Those led me to D.T. Suzuki and Alan Watts. I tried "sitting" on my own, off and on for several years. Away at college (SIU Carbondale, IL) in the mid-60's I met a Swami from India for the Ananda Marga Yoga Society. I was the sixth person in the States that he initiated and I began an regular practice with him, finally dropping out of school to be his secretary at the national ashram in Wichta, KS. I was there for a couple of years when I began to feel the very real call to monasticism. There was little chance for me to go to India to become a swami, so I migrated toward the West Coast and found some echoes of my past (shades of Grandpa) in a group of Russian Orthodox monks, I studied with them and became Orthodox and then was tonsured a monk. Finished my schooling and rose in ranks to become ordained a priestmonk in the Orthodox Church. Even in my cell I felt familiar with many of the spiritual monastic practices, having read of very similar things in Suzuki Roshi's books. I even continued some of the "meditation" practices I had learned in Yoga, and what I felt were Buddhist. Thank goodness none of the other monks knew that or I probably would have been excommunicated. Even though the Orthodox Church has many "Eastern" practices, it believes that these are their own and no one else ever thought of them!!!

                Well years down the road I was assigned to a diocese in the Midwest and the bishop asked me to learn somethings about Western Spirituality because the Church had been receiving recent converts from the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches. I found a Benedictine Abbey in my state that was amenable to working with an Orthodox cleryman to that intend., Well my ability to see two sides of the coin at the same time kicked in and I was very pleased and comfortable with them, and they with me. After a while I "transferred" my vows to the Benedictine Order and that Abbey, as a Solemnly Professed (Bi-Ritual)Benedictine Monk. Also during this time I resumed my interest in Buddhism, due primarily to re-discovering Merton, and his amazing journey toward the East. After some time I was granted the status of Hermit, within my community, and settled in my own hermitage. I found a Tibetan Buddhist Center not too far away and began to attend there from time to time. There really was a lot there familiar to an eastern orthodox monk: lots of bells, smells and icons!!!

                As a Hermit,I have tried to simplify my life and practice and Tibetan Buddhism ,as beautiful as it is, is rather complicated; so I came back to Zen, only this time I wanted a formal experience. There are so many different flavors of Zen Buddhism in my part of the Midwest, and many were simply too distant for me to seriously become a part of. THEN I FOUND TREELEAF!!! I wrote to Jundo to see if I could study with the Sangha, and in his familiar way he said "Why not!" The rest has been a wonderful experience. This Sangha is very, very real to me, and far more personally engaging than I think I would find in brick and mortar. I feel at home here and I am able to incorporate both of my spiritual practices evenly and complementarily (is that a word?? )

                A few weeks ago my cousin asked me what I was these days: Orthodox, Catholic, Benedictine, Buddhist. Without missing a beat I told her I was Buddhadictine...and I'm sticking with it!!!! Thanks Jundo, Taigu and Sangha for the opportunity to be that.


                Kyrill Seishin


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41217

                  Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                  Originally posted by Kyrillos
                  Without missing a beat I told her I was Buddhadictine...and I'm sticking with it!!!!
                  Well, then may we all be "Buddhadictines" !

                  I have expressed this a few times before, but I feel you present a warm face to many folks who, for one reason or another, have felt alienated from the religious traditions they were born into. The "either/or" choice may be of man's own making.

                  If one has a vast and boundless heart, then labels and differences can drop away.

                  We just all sit undivided from life as it is, and seek not to do harm.
                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Shogen
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 301

                    Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                    Originally posted by Jundo
                    Originally posted by Kyrillos
                    Without missing a beat I told her I was Buddhadictine...and I'm sticking with it!!!!
                    Well, then may we all be "Buddhadictines" !

                    I have expressed this a few times before, but I feel you present a warm face to many folks who, for one reason or another, have felt alienated from the religious traditions they were born into. The "either/or" choice may be of man's own making.

                    If one has a vast and boundless heart, then labels and differences can drop away.

                    We just all sit undivided from life as it is, and seek not to do harm.
                    Hi Kyrillos and Jundo
                    It is precisely posts and responses like these that make a pilgrim joyous to have found Treeleaf.
                    Gassho Gassho Zak/Shogen


                    • scott
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 138

                      Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                      Originally posted by Kyrillos
                      Away at college (SIU Carbondale, IL) in the mid-60's I met a Swami from India for the Ananda Marga Yoga Society. I was the sixth person in the States that he initiated and I began an regular practice with him, finally dropping out of school to be his secretary at the national ashram in Wichta, KS. I was there for a couple of years when I began to feel the very real call to monasticism. There was little chance for me to go to India to become a swami
                      We've talked about this on the side but for everyone else, a year after Kyrill Seishin did that I met the same "swami", Vimalananda, in Boston, but I did go off to be a monk in India, and was there for a while before the government told me to leave the country (I had protested in front of the Prime Minister's house). I ended up teaching yoga in Japan where I re-encountered Zen and here we are. I enjoy sharing roots with as many of you as I do.


                      • Taigu
                        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2710

                        Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                        Hellos to all...

                        What’s my story?

                        Well, my childhood, full of the nourishing love and light and dreams was also filled with the figure of my dad, a mad and wrathful deity almost always drunk and quite violent. He used to shout most of the time and his strong voice and the cries of my mother used to terrify the young foolish bear hidden away under the bed sheets. The house was big, with lost of shadows and I had nothing but my teddy to cuddle and comfort me. One day the wrathful deity got hold of one of his guns (he was a keen hunter and a proud killer of all kinds of beasts) and decided to chase my mother and I in the fields to shoot us ( he was shouting his intention very loudly and we did not check if it was an illusion or not…maybe the reason why I hate running ). The following day, we vanished.
                        Then, I was in pieces. But, one day, I noticed a picture of a sitting Buddha and had the instant impression that this was for me. Although I liked the local Catholic priest of my village and his nice stories, the Christ on the Cross never quite did the trick for me. I already much preferred the Lady in the white, Notre Dame , the loving mother, my first encounter with a picture of Kannon. One of my school buddies knew the son of a Zen priest, and that’s how I did find myself, age 13, sitting on a black cushion on a sunny Saturday afternoon. It was hell. But I knew I was home. So I started to practice. Making the 4 hours journey to this temple created by Deshimaru roshi . The headpriest was Francis Baudart, who started to teach my dull head. This is where the robe touched me for the first time where I saw Antoinette, a delightful old nun wrapped in a seven stripes okesa, sitting zazen. As I was 18, I went to Lille to study French literature and practice zazen in the local sangha. As I received Jukai in the Temple of la Gendronniere, in 1982, I started to sew my first kesa using vague instructions and became a priest the following year. My teacher was Etienne Mokusho Zeisler, a tall chap and soon dharma heir to Niwa Zenji. I did a lot of retreats, and started to sew many kesas. Did get married too. Moved to the Middle East in Syria in 1987 where I sat and taught French. Then we came back to France and I started to work as a University lecturer. Carried on doing the ten thousand things I do so badly: poetry, music, painting, writing, cooking and sewing... I carried on sitting with the AZI, the Zen association which is the official umbrella for the students of Deshimaru but started to be disappointed by the military style of the guys and the nature of the teachings. I then move to England to live , teach and sit. That’s where I bumped into a translation of Shobogenzo by Mike Cross and Nishijima Roshi in a London bookshop. Mike was living not too far and he was an Alexander Technique teacher too. I went to see the guy…he was very clear and told me I was a complete mess but I could come back if I really wanted to study with him. So I did. I will always be grateful to my teacher and cherish the time we had together, and his lovely kids and wife Chie, very dear to my heart. He gave me Dharma transmission. After a second marriage and a second divorce, I lost my job, ended up doing teaching in the worst schools of London and when I could not do it anymore, I worked stacking shelves in Sainsbury’s to keep my feet on the ground and my bum on the cushion. From University to the most menial jobs... It rings a bell to me. I managed to make peace with my dad two years before he died, huging him after avoiding him for more than 25 years . One day, I had a kind of vision of myself begging at dusk in a remote village and in the cold and the wind, as I looked into my empty bowl, so many stars were reflected in it, shining like incredible treasures. When I came back to reality, I knew I had to fly to Kyoto and do ritual begging. I bought the ticket. That’s how I ended here and started to teach and practice here. But actually, I am not in Japan for Zen. I just happen to love the place so much and I now have a great family.




                        • Nenka
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 1240

                          Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                          Came to this 'ol thread through another thread . . . wow, some great stories here! I'm bookmarking it and reading a little at a time.

                          As for me? A relatively dull story, I warn you. The first Buddha I ever remember seeing was a statue in my neighbor's little Chicago back yard. It was red and probably plastic, and of Amida, I think (in any case not the laughing fat man.) Wow, that's cool, I thought, and never really forgot it. I was maybe 8 or 9 at the time. Every time I saw a Buddha image after that, I was somehow interested. In high school, I had a "Humanities" class with a unit on Buddhism, and at that time I also got into J.D. Salinger, who had some Buddhist themes to his stories (although his views . . . eh, that's another story.) I got my hands on a Shasta Abbey Buddhist Supply catalog and ordered a book on the Buddhist life and a Lotus Om pendant :wink: . The book was way too hardcore for me--pretty much a manual on becoming a nun, sweep like this, bow like that, etc. The pendant I wore every day under my shirt, eventually transferred it to my keychain, where it got battered up. Then I lost it for years.

                          After that: occasional periods of reading on various sects of Buddhism, on yoga, on whatever, looking for something but always getting disillusioned in the end by religious thinking and (seemingly) pointless ritual. I should say I come from a decidedly non-religious background: my mother is a lapsed Catholic with a rebellious streak and great admiration for the atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair; my father was supposed to be Lutheran, although I don't think he ever really finished his childhood instruction and all that. In any case, they left my religion up to me, and in a mostly Catholic neighborhood, I just never got the whole be-good-and-go-to-heaven thing.

                          A couple years ago, things just started lining up. I learned there were people writing and publishing haiku in English (just as I was getting tired of reading and writing "regular" poetry (yes, I was an English major)) . . . I found Robert Aitken's "A Zen Wave," which is about both haiku and Zen, and brought back my interest in Buddhism . . . I was (am) married to a guy with a degree in Japanese history and a ton of books on Japanese art and history and culture which I started going through, looking for Zen info . . . I was playing video games that took place or had to do with Asian temples and folk tales and religions . . . I found Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind and took to it right away. Then I started looking online and almost immediately found a bunch of scandals and bad-behaving teachers. Great, I thought. It's all just more bullshit. I struggled with that for a while . . . but I kept going, because at least people were speaking out about it. If my cynical and depressed early adulthood has taught me anything, it's that there's bullshit in everything. The important thing is, what do you do about it? I gave myself a year to just absorb and think about it all (although I knew I was Zen after 6 months or so.) Oh--and I found my battered old Lotus Om pendant at the bottom of a cup of drawing pencils. I was strangely happy to still have that thing with me all these years later, lost, forgotten, not even the "right" symbol, but there, you know?

                          I got to Treeleaf when I was poking around on YouTube one day looking for instruction on kinhin and found Taigu's video. Hey, who's this guy? One video led to another, and when he happened to mention Treeleaf, I googled it and now here I am. This place has definitely been a big reason Zen has "stuck" with me where other paths have not. Well, that and the middle-way-ness of it all. The videos and discussions and instruction here . . . I just can't overstate it. It's so much more useful than just books. It took a good twenty years since high school. . . but I don't even wonder what I'm "looking for" anymore. Those questions have dropped off. It's like everything just led to Soto Zen its own good time.

                          Gassho, and thanks for reading all this navel-gazing noodling.



                          • Stephanie

                            Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                            Awesome, Jen, I loved reading about your journey. It's cool that Treeleaf has impacted you the way it has, it has definitely has had and continues to have an impact on my life and practice also. Gassho.


                            • Tb
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 3186

                              Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind


                              Batter up eh?

                              So, my story then...

                              I usually tell it like this...

                              There once was a young guy who was taking the communion for the first time, looked up at the ancient torturedevice with the man hanging limbly from it and thought "this is not for me, is it?", and three years later left the swedish church at his 18-th birthday.

                              Now i have been practicing martial arts since i was 15, and in that there was always an element of meditation and when i moved down to Kalmar i met up with some guys who i continued to do the practice with. Also to note is that i had been reading up on buddhist litterature and such since i started the training of martial arts.

                              Years later having moved back and forth, as well as up and down, in life i ended up starting a sittinggroup in my hometown, and one of the guys, slapsko on the forum here, sitting with me was talking about this online zendo that was starting up...
                              Having been here almost from the beginning, i also participated in the first online shukke tokudo, receiving the precepts from Jundo, in August 2010.
                              The story behind that is not much to tell, i got the question in an mail from Jundo, without hesitation said ok, and on the rollercoaster went.
                              Since that day, late in december 2010, it has been an ongoing thing, we did our robes, a lot of training, even more meetings and correspondece with both Jundo and Taigu, as well as other people, as Shohei,other Treeleafers and others not in the treeleaf community.
                              All this ending up here...

                              Here i am...
                              Having lived through 2 divorces (almost, one still ongoing...), a couple of jobs, moved 11times, an shukke tokudo, a whole lot of scoldings and laughs, an jack-of-all-trades who really does nothing out of the ordinary.
                              Sure, i sit there with some guys on saturdays and on sunday evenings, and i am in two other sitting groups, single parent to an 3,5 year old, manages a couple of jobs (although i wouldn't call them jobs per se, since i like them to much...) and all this time i have been sitting here.
                              In the end its all good practice.
                              Thank you for your practice.

                              Life is our temple and its all good practice


                              • Shohei
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 2854

                                Re: First Encounters of the Zen Kind

                                thank you all for adding your stories!!


