Meditation makes brain quicker

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  • Kyonin
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Oct 2010
    • 6752

    Meditation makes brain quicker

    Found this and thought I'd share. What do you guys think? ... in-quicker

    Meditation Makes Your Brain Quicker
    Most people dismiss meditation as a bunch of hippy nonsense. But no longer; scientists have established that meditation, if done regularly and for long enough, is linked to the brain being able to process information faster. Take that, skeptics.

    The research, undertaken at UCLA, used MRI scans to compare the brains of 50 meditators to 50 non-meditators. What they discovered was that long-term meditators display large amounts of something known as gyrification in the brain. Gyrification is just a fancy-pants term for the amount of folding in the cortex—it's what gives the brain its unique, ridged appearance. Furthermore, there's a heap of evidence supporting the fact that the more folded a brain is, the quicker it can process information.

    In fact, the researchers found a direct correlation between the number of years participants had been meditating for and the amount of gyrification, which suggests that, over time, people who meditate see an increase in the speed at which they can process information. Speaking to Medical Express, Eileen Luders, one of the researchers, said:

    "Meditators are known to be masters in introspection and awareness as well as emotional control and self-regulation, so the findings make sense that the longer someone has meditated, the higher the degree of folding..."

    While the finding will likely make those who meditate smile smugly and say "I told you so", you should attempt to rise above it with Zen-like calm. After all, it might do you good.
    Hondō Kyōnin
    奔道 協忍
  • murasaki
    • Mar 2009
    • 473

    Re: Meditation makes brain quicker

    Good...I need all the speed and power I can get to learn more languages.

    "The Girl Dragon Demon", the random Buddhist name generator calls have been warned.

    Feed your good wolf.


    • Shokai
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Mar 2009
      • 6529

      Re: Meditation makes brain quicker

      There's no rebuke intended but lets all Remember the good advice;
      (instead to)say "I told you so", you should attempt to rise above it with Zen-like calm.
      ................................. 8) 8) 8) .................................................. ..
      gassho, Shokai

      仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

      "Open to life in a benevolent way"


      • Rich
        • Apr 2009
        • 2616

        Re: Meditation makes brain quicker

        I think the aging process trumps the 'processing of information faster'. I wonder if a cup of coffee wouldn't have the same results. Anyway there's more to this than 'information processing'. The more folds of the brain, the more exposure to blood and oxygen and that's a good thing so I guess I'll keep sitting
        無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...


        • jus
          • Nov 2012
          • 77

          my brain is already going too fast is the problem! LOL


          • Andrea1974
            • Mar 2013
            • 56

            Very interesting and thanks for sharing. I think that it is both a matter of faster and more efficient. A mind that is not preoccupied with self centered thoughts is able to focus more on the solution of one single problem. It is like a computer that is running only one program vs one that is running five. However, most Zen teachers would probably say that we should not practice to gain any benefits from Zazen. A faster brain, a calmer mind, improved health, and the ability to sleep better (not this morning in my case : ) are all nice side effects but not the primary reason why we practice.


