The requested user does not exist

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  • Keishin
    • Jun 2007
    • 471

    The requested user does not exist

    Hello to all those visiting this post!

    I have gone from being a regular visitor/poster to being a less regular visitor/poster to being a less regular visitor and an infrequent poster to being an infrequent visitor and less than infrequent poster.

    It is a progression of sorts...

    I am taking on responsibilities with the Chan group I sit with. I am not formally saying 'goodbye' because I may pop up in a less than infrequent manner---I don't know and can't say at this time.

    At any rate, I went looking to know more about Sleeps/Greg among the members list and got the message 'the requested user does not exist.'
    It was a sobering thought, this phrasing. It could have said: "membership withdrawn," or some such, but it didn''t.
    So there I was: What does exist? What is it to exist? And what is this existence?
    Exit and Exist are so closely spelled....are they somehow connected at some root word?

    Entrances and exits happen all the time here, and on the stage called 'All the World.'
    I have been visiting a co-worker/friend whose lungs are shot. He has been using oxygen tanks for years, recently hospitalized and sent to a care facility, he will be heading home with hospice. The evening I spent with him, a lovely one while we are able to still spend time together in this way, in this fleeting way.
    Many of the posts of late have been about illnesses, calamities, disasters, and such misfortunes; these too enter and exit all the time.

    The message on the Han (wooden striking board at zen temples): came to mind

    Wake up!
    Life is transient
    Time is swiftly passing
    There is the Great Matter of life and death before us
    Do not waste time

    (even 'wasting time' is not a waste of time ....; and 'not wasting time' can be a BIG time waster!)

    so coming here, I am not wasting time and not being here on a more frequent basis does not mean I am wasting or not wasting my time.

    There are times I do waste time.
    This is not one of them.

    With appreciation to Treeleaf: teachers, Jundo and Taigu, to teachers-in-training Fugen, Hans, Sohei, to members past, present and future, to frequent and infrequent visitors: thank you!
  • Hans
    • Mar 2007
    • 1853

    Re: The requested user does not exist

    Hello Keishin,

    I wish you all the best with your local Chan group. We are only ever a click away in case you feel the need for more Treeleaf vibes.

    Please tell us once in a while how things are going with the Chan group.

    All the best and gassho,

    Hans Chudo Mongen


    • Myozan Kodo
      Friend of Treeleaf
      • May 2010
      • 1901

      Re: The requested user does not exist

      Hi Keishin,
      Always been interested in your posts. The best of luck. Like Hans, I hope you drop by from time to time.


      • Taigu
        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
        • Aug 2008
        • 2710

        Re: The requested user does not exist

        wonderful news,Keishin. We will miss you and , at the same time, you are present in so many stitches of my kesa.

        take great care and pop in anytime!




        • Tb
          • Jan 2008
          • 3186

          Re: The requested user does not exist


          Thx for the update and thank you for your practice..
          May you be well.

          We are here,always.

          Life is our temple and its all good practice


          • Ekai
            • Feb 2011
            • 672

            Re: The requested user does not exist

            Hi Keishin,

            I too have enjoyed reading your posts and wish you the best of luck with your Chan group.



            • Myoku
              • Jul 2010
              • 1491

              Re: The requested user does not exist

              Thank you Keishin,

              Originally posted by Keishin
              (even 'wasting time' is not a waste of time ....; and 'not wasting time' can be a BIG time waster!)
              A wholehearted Yes! And as I agree, our opinions are always with us, aren't they
              Gassho & Good luck,


              • Shugen
                • Nov 2007
                • 4532

                "The requested user does not exist"

                Please keep in touch. I, also, very much enjoy your posts.


                Meido Shugen
                明道 修眼


                • ghop
                  • Jan 2010
                  • 438

                  Re: The requested user does not exist

                  Originally posted by Keishin
                  Exit and Exist are so closely spelled....are they somehow connected at some root word?
                  Just one more reason why I'll miss your wisdom.

                  Take care, and drop by often.



                  • Shohei
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 2854

                    Re: The requested user does not exist

                    Take care Keishin, and thank you for being an important part of this group, echoing much of what has already been said!!



                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41218

                      Re: The requested user does not exist

                      Hi Keishin,

                      The door is always open here for you and Sleeps.

                      Be well.

                      Gassho, Jundo
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Nenka
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 1240

                        Re: The requested user does not exist

                        Please keep in touch now and then if you can. I always love your posts.

                        Best of luck with your Chan group. You've taught us all so much, whether you know it or not.




                        • Omoi Otoshi
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 801

                          "The requested user does not exist"

                          You know I'm a fan. I have learned so much through your posts and I'm thankful.

                          Things change. I don't expect to ever see you again. But if I do, I know I will be happy, so don't be a stranger.

                          Take care,
                          In a spring outside time, flowers bloom on a withered tree;
                          you ride a jade elephant backwards, chasing the winged dragon-deer;
                          now as you hide far beyond innumerable peaks--
                          the white moon, a cool breeze, the dawn of a fortunate day


                          • Hoyu
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 2020

                            Re: The requested user does not exist

                            Hi Keishin,

                            As a fellow admirer of the wisdom you always express in your posts they will be missed _/_
                            Ho (Dharma)
                            Yu (Hot Water)


                            • Rich
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 2616

                              Re: The requested user does not exist

                              Yes. The great matter of life and death and how we do that. Thanks for the update and hope to hear from you soon.
                              無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...


