Hey y'all,
I'm going to head up to Sanshinji in Bloomington, IN for one of their Genzo-e retreats. The dates are May 2-7. I've spoken with Ron(rculver), and he's on board to attend as well. We're extending the invitation to anyone who would like to join us.
Here's some background information:
The schedule for the retreat is posted here: http://www.sanshinji.org/genzo-e/ It's not as intense as the sesshin schedule, but it does involve 50 minute periods of zazen.
I don't have any involvement with Sanshinji, nor am I promoting their retreat over any other. I'm attending because I would like to study with Okamura sensei. Realizing Genjokoan was, for me, an outstanding work of scholarship & understanding.
So there it is! Hope some of you can join us, although I understand it's a commitment and challenge to family life & work.
I'm going to head up to Sanshinji in Bloomington, IN for one of their Genzo-e retreats. The dates are May 2-7. I've spoken with Ron(rculver), and he's on board to attend as well. We're extending the invitation to anyone who would like to join us.

Genzo-e Retreats are one of the unique offerings of Sanshin Zen Community. This retreat focuses on the study of the Shobogenzo (True Dharma Eye Treasury), the major work of the founder of Soto Zen, Dogen Zenji. Although the Shobogenzo is considered to be one of the most important Buddhist texts in Japan and has been translated into English several times, it is very difficult to understand without studying the text in its original language. The Genzo-e retreat is therefore a rare opportunity for in-depth study of Dogen with a teacher who has studied the Shobogenzo extensively and practiced with its insights for many years. Two 90-minute lectures are offered each day with some discussion. Breaks are offered to allow discussion and study of the teachings. Registration 2 weeks before the start of the retreat (postmarked) is $225, after 2 weeks is $258.
I don't have any involvement with Sanshinji, nor am I promoting their retreat over any other. I'm attending because I would like to study with Okamura sensei. Realizing Genjokoan was, for me, an outstanding work of scholarship & understanding.
So there it is! Hope some of you can join us, although I understand it's a commitment and challenge to family life & work.