Youtube Meditations

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  • Ryan
    • Aug 2007
    • 27


    Haha, the "Zen Fighting" was pretty funny with the stereotypes!


    • Martin
      • Jun 2007
      • 216

      Jundo, all

      I was interested to hear your comments about Big Mind. I went to a Big Mind session in London last January. I had come across Big Mind on Brad Warner's blog, where Brad (whose writing I really like) was getting quite emotional on the subject, and his hostility rather perversely made me want to go and see for myself, so when I found out that Genpo Roshi was in London I went along.

      It wasn't expensive, and I didn't object to the entrance fee. The hall had to paid for, presumably. I don't know where the $1400 comes from: I can't recall exactly what I paid, but it was comparable to what I'd pay to see my local soccer team get beaten on a Saturday. I enjoyed the day, and when Genpo Roshi asked to speak to "Big Mind" I did experience a state of mind. It was just that; a state of mind. Not unlike what I experience on the cushion. Maybe even the same, I don't know. I'm not even sure if "same" is meaningful in that context. But as for attaining "enlightenment" or experiencing a "quick fix" (or "slow fix" come to that), good grief, no. I had a nice sandwich, though.

      I don't know enough about hypnosis to know whether there was an element of that. I'm not sure that the experience, such as it was, would be "invalidated" if there were: it was still just what it was. I did want to say, though, that whatever others may say about it, and whatever the hype that has got Brad Warner so exercised on the subject (which may come from Genpo Roshi, I don't know), on the occasion when I saw him Genpo Roshi was careful to stress that Big Mind is not a substitute for Practice; quite the reverse. He didn't for one moment present it as "instant enlightenment", more as something that may help with Practice.

      I believe he's coming here again next January but I don't think I'll go again. It's not that I thought it was harmful - it might even be helpful, and I wouldn't discourage anyone else from going - it just seems a bit irrelevant to my daily Practice. Maybe I don't see that I should have to go to London when my cushion is just next to me.

      If anyone were interested I even have a DVD of the Big Mind "process" (which I picked up for my son who is studying Religion and Philosophy and who was interested but couldn't go) which I'll gladly send on (if you give me your address) as I can't imagine either I or my son are going to watch it again. No $1400 fee either!




      • will
        • Jun 2007
        • 2331

        Hey Martin. Keep sitting

        This stuff could probably cause some state. I don't know. I just know that zen is not a state and what this could be mistaken for is some experience that deludes you from your actual experience. Zen is infront of your nose not in your mind. Actually, it is your nose and your mind.

        Anyway, Jundo?

        PS. I tried the one on youtube and "big surprise" nothing. I felt uplifted for about 4 hours and then I felt like crap and confused again. The goal of zen is not a state of non-dualism. It is a state of non-dualistic "EXPERIENCE".

        Jundo? (this means Jundo what do you say?)

        To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
        To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
        To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
        To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41217

          Originally posted by will

          Jundo? (this means Jundo what do you say?)

          I say ... everybody back to your Zafu! Best to talk about some of these issues with silence.

          Gassho, Jundo


          • Justin
            • Jul 2007
            • 97

            Hello all,

            I've just finished reading Beyond Sanity and Madness, Genpo Roshi's book on Dogen. I know it's a no-no to talk about being disappointed with teachers and all that, but I must admit being a little disappointed in the book.

            Can mainly be summarized by the following points:

            -NO REALLY
            -CUT IT

            Lots of talk of the heroism of the crazy old masters who'd break people's legs or cut off their arms to bring them to enlightenment. They get called "compassionate" a lot. Genpo suggests that if you think this is crazy, you are not on the true way! It's frustrating.



            • will
              • Jun 2007
              • 2331

              Genpo can kiss my a**. woops. hehe. I meant art. Yeah. Thats it.

              To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
              To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
              To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
              To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


              • helena
                • Oct 2007
                • 43

                Originally posted by Justin
                Lots of talk of the heroism of the crazy old masters who'd break people's legs or cut off their arms to bring them to enlightenment. They get called "compassionate" a lot. Genpo suggests that if you think this is crazy, you are not on the true way! It's frustrating.
                Thanks for this Justin. This is a much more powerful explanation of why his teachings will probably not worth pursuing for me than the pro/anti Big Mind blog posts.

                I think some zen masters need some WWBD (What Would Buddha Do) bracelets. If being on the true way means seeing extreme violence as compassionate, I'd rather stay on my false way.



                • Drut
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 37

                  I have been gone for a while. Went to a memorial for a friend...was a good time. Here is a list to keep you busy.



                  • paige
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 234

                    Sorry to hear about your friend, Drut.

                    Thanks for the video links - I have to second the "Good Lord!" re: the Gucci ad. :?

                    The fact that I've never heard of the Casket Seal Dharani in no way impacts the awesomeness of this animation:

                    And here are two pretty cool (IMO) Heart Sutra chants (the 2nd one can get stuck in my head all day!):

                    https://<div class="videocontainer w... </a> </div>

                    https://<div class="videocontainer w... </a> </div>


                    • Drut
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 37

                      Thanks Paige. Although people seem to look at me funny or even insist on having the last word of condolance when I say it but I think those here will understand when I say it is not to be regreted. Not that I reacted that way when I first heard of his death but I got there eventually. In any case he didn't miss much in life.


            , touring, sport and dirt biking. Bicycles...many charity rides for AIDS, breast cancer amongst others. Sea kyaking. Home renovation. He was friend for life to me and about 100 other people who showed up at the memorial. He had a real talent for friendship.


                      • Kevin
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 113

                        Genpo Roshi is the roshi of my local Zen center (Kanzeon ZC in Salt Lake City). I haven't been to Kanzeon since I attended their introductory meditation classes years ago. I have heard of Big Mind recently, but hadn't seen anything or gotten any detail until I watched the videos just now.

                        I did find the videos helpful, somewhat, in a partially experiential way, but mostly in an intellectual way. It seems a little hokey to me, but the distinctions Genpo Roshi made were interesting and somewhat helpful, I suppose, in understanding what a "fully enlightened" state might look like. It all seemed like a lot of visualization exercises...

                        Even if we accept the premise as true, it still falls, for me, into the wisdom section of the Noble Eightfold Path. It still requires the practice to be able to implement it and sustain it in real life. Is that what enlightenment is? Just glimpses of this state, then an ever growing experience of that state? Is the "sudden" school referring to the glimpses and the "gradual" school referring to the practice, which helps the experience become more and more frequent and persistent?


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41217

                          Originally posted by paige

                          The fact that I've never heard of the Casket Seal Dharani in no way impacts the awesomeness of this animation:

                          Thank you Paige.

                          It is amazing what magic stories the human imagination will come up with when it cannot see the magic right before its own eyes. I particularly liked the part at the end promising "longevity, high positions and fame without striving, defeat enemies without fighting, a noble husband or beautiful wife without searching, smart sons and pretty daughters PLUS every other wish fullfilled" all for building a Stupa. Stupa-pendous!

                          The style, in fact, reminds me of some animations that the Aum Shinrikyo cult (the folks who poisoned the Tokyo subways) made of their guru, Shoko Asahara. Please have a look at these, they are MUST SEE. not be be missed.

                          (watch only the first couple of minutes of this first one ... then it gets talky)


                          Thank you, Paige, for the very pretty Heart Sutra recordings.

                          Gassho, Jundo
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41217

                            Hi Kevin,

                            Gee, you asked THE Question!! :-) This is the question where the teacher might tell you, "Don't ask, just sit!!!".

                            Originally posted by Kevin
                            ... the distinctions Genpo Roshi made were interesting and somewhat helpful, I suppose, in understanding what a "fully enlightened" state might look like. ... Is that what enlightenment is? Just glimpses of this state, then an ever growing experience of that state? Is the "sudden" school referring to the glimpses and the "gradual" school referring to the practice, which helps the experience become more and more frequent and persistent?
                            And that "don't ask, just sit" is really the best advise. Otherwise, I am trying to describe to you the sweetness of vanilla ice cream when you have never tasted it for yourself. So, please get back to the cushion and keep churning your ice cream.

                            The one thing I do want to say is that, in our "Just Sitting" way, we have to be careful with the idea that there is some "fully enlightened", once and for all, state we are searching for that ... the instant we get IT, well, we're done, time for the party!

                            I might just say this to you: Insights, large and small, come in an instant, now and then. They are many, and many varied in the "lessons" (better word: perspectives) they provide. But making them truly part of you and your life is a matter of time and learning ... some of which takes a lifetime.

                            I still think that Genpo Roshi is using a bit of hypnosis and some parlor tricks to give his audience one or two quick and easy "Zen like" experiences (like giving somebody a taste of a quick appetizer, not the whole banquet) Further, it will do little for someone without the rest ... without the lifetime of cumulative Practice.

                            I should mention to you a subject that has come up here from time to time, since you are near Kanzeon. Genpo Roshi's Lineage (vie Maezumi Roshi) is Soto/Dogen/"Just Sitting" in name, but is actually a hybrid with a particular subgroup of Rinzai Zen that emphasized "WOW" experiences, big Kensho breakthrughs and the like via intense Koan focused Zazen. I believe that Genpo Roshi, like many in that lineage, have backed off from that quite a bit in the current generation of teachers. However, that theme still pops up from time to time in some of their wording in teachings. I think.

                            As in the material I sent you yesterday, in our "Just Sitting" Zazen as I teach ... we seek nothing, and no special state. However, living without seeking IS a very special state of being.

                            Now, go back and sit!

                            Gassho, Jundo
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Ryumon
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1818

                              Originally posted by Jundo

                              I might just say this to you: Insights, large and small, come in an instant, now and then. They are many, and many varied in the "lessons" (better word: perspectives) they provide. But making them truly part of you and your life is a matter of time and learning ... some of which takes a lifetime.
                              This is probably the most important thing I've learned here in the six months or so of hanging around the Leaf. So many books on the dharma present enlightenment as a miracle, as something that can be obtained either mathematically (ie, prostrate 108,000 times, etc.) or through mooing. Yet this lesson so corresponds with my own experience: these little flashes of kensho that add up over time. Understanding this also helps me not grasp at these flashes, and not seek enlightenment.

                              A killer teaching indeed!

                              I know nothing.


                              • ..::walter::..
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 17

                                Originally posted by Drut
                                Beautiful smile. Being hard of hearing I couldn't catch all of it. Music can be especially hard for me to understand but I think I caught the jist of it.
                                here is the lyric:

                                What about me?
                                by Sakyong Mipham

                                What about me?
                                That’s my first thought every morning.
                                What happened to me?
                                It’s the last thought every night.
                                Has this gotten me anywhere?
                                Any more friends? Any more love?
                                It should. It should have, by now.
                                In fact, by now I should be a bundle of joy.
                                Because I say this mantra every day.

                                What about me? What about me? What about..

                                In fact, it’s embarassing
                                I say this mantra all day long.
                                Like the beating of my heart: What about me?

                                What about me? What about me? What about..

                                When I take a shower, I think: “what about me?”
                                I hope this shower makes me feel happy.
                                I hope this kiss makes me feel happy.
                                I hope this lunch makes me happy.
                                I hope these clothes make me feel happy.
                                I hope this donut, this cup of coffee,
                                This new affair, this new job….

                                What about me? What about me?
                                What about me? What about me?
                                What about me?

                                This new spiritual practice,
                                This new movie, this new CD
                                Oh, this new CD will make me happy…

                                What about me? That’s my first thought every morning.
                                What about me?
                                What happens to me? It’s my last thought every night.
                                Has this gotten me any more love? Any more joy?

                                This new city. This new country.
                                This new planet. This new universe makes me happy.

                                You know what? None of it will make you happy
                                Unless you do one simple thing:
                                Change “me” for “you.”
                                Change “me” for “you.”

                                Just wake up in the morning, and try something wild.
                                Just wake up, and not “me.”
                                Instead, say "you, be happy."
                                May you be happy.
                                May you be happy.

                                What about you?
                                That’s my first thought every morning.
                                What happens to you? It’s my last thought every night.
                                It has given me so much more love. So much more joy.

                                When I give you a big fat kiss, take a shower,
                                Make my bed, when I dance,
                                May make you happy.
                                When I give you the remote control
                                May make you happy.
                                When I sit on a park bench by myself,
                                When I feel the sun, the breeze,
                                May make you happy.
                                When I just look at you, and stare at your eyes.
                                May make you happy.

                                And you know what?
                                When you’re happy, I’m happy.
                                That’s the formula:
                                First you, then me.
                                That’s all happiness is.
                                It’s just the heart being free.
                                Gassho, walter
                                i apologize for my bad english
                                [u:1a228k4d]please, fell free to correct my mistakes[/u:1a228k4d]

