I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

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  • pinoybuddhist
    • Jun 2010
    • 462

    Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

    Coming from someone who's somewhat rich but hopefully not too ignorant and greedy (except for cookies and chocolate and... :mrgreen: :lol: ):

    Is your life the way it is because you were a dreadful person in your past lives? Is my life the way it is because I was a terrific person in my past lives? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, what to do now? How about we drop it?

    Drop everything: drop good, drop bad, drop rich, drop poor, drop dreadful past, drop terrific past, drop past lives... and what do I have that you do not? Nothing. What I have is this life. What you have is this life. No need for me to boast of my previous lifetime's deeds (I can't even remember them and even if I could, so what?), no need for you to blame yours. What you and I did in our previous lives is done. What we have now, is the chance to practice together.


    Originally posted by Sleeps
    Originally posted by Amelia
    Originally posted by Sleeps
    ...I can't speak for the whole planets karma but I can speak for my own. Past lives before this "physical" one? I must have been quite a dreadful person to let it come to this...
    Would you say that a rich, greedy and ignorant man has better karma, though he may have all that he wants?
    Wanted to update on what I said before, you don't need to be greedy and ignorant and rich. those people are simply dis-eased, consider looking behind the curtain of "rich" people, you'll find interesting things...I did...lots of love! :|


    • Sleeps
      • Oct 2011
      • 99

      Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

      Burning Coal


      • will
        • Jun 2007
        • 2331

        Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

        For someone who wants to be a Buddhist, it already sounds like who have it all figured out, so why ask? Maybe check out Jundo's sitting for beginners video, thread, what ever.

        Beginners mind is where you start.

        And end preferably.


        To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
        To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
        To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
        To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


        • Tb
          • Jan 2008
          • 3186

          Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ


          Even though i'm no authority of any kind, a humble ordained Zen Priest in training, and just an modest fool at best i'm just adding my own two cents here, but we have people here in the sangha which iterate "Shit is good fertilizer".
          Not all things are bad,everything can be used for practice, and it sounds like you're well on youre way, don't mind the bumps, theyre there for a purpose...

          Life is our temple and its all good practice
          Blog: http://fugenblog.blogspot.com/


          • Sleeps
            • Oct 2011
            • 99

            Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

            Burning Coal


            • Sleeps
              • Oct 2011
              • 99

              Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

              Burning Coal


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41220

                Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ


                You are posting so much so fast ... and now you have deleted most of your own posts ... I get the feeling that something is happening. You head seems to be filled with so much.

                Is something up? I also get the sense that you have not slept, because you have been posting all day.

                We need to talk ... please arrange to Skype with me as soon as you can. Here are times, but I can arrange a special time if you need.


                Until we talk, I would like you to slow down, take a breather. I want to make sure all is okay for you, my friend.

                Gassho, Jundo
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Amelia
                  • Jan 2010
                  • 4980

                  Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

                  Just to clarify, I do not feel that all "rich" people are negative and greedy. When I said, "rich, greedy and ignorant man," I meant just that: a rich, greedy, and ignorant man! Of course not all well-off people fall under those categories! I'm sure that a rich man with a loving, contemplative, and sharing spirit has excellent karma!

                  But, of course, let us drop it. 8)
                  求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                  I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                  • pinoybuddhist
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 462

                    Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

                    Hi Greg! I didn't get to read your last few posts so I don't know if you reacted to my post. Anyway, I hope my post didn't come across as callous or cavalier towards your situation. The point is, whatever our past was, it's all in the past. If we did good in the past and are reaping the rewards now, great. But still, we drop it and practice. If we did bad in the past and are reaping the negative consequences (not punishments! that would imply a punisher inflicting it on us) then we accept it and still drop it and practice. Even if our past lives had absolutely nothing to do with our current lives, we still drop it and practice. This is my own beginner's opinion of course, but please know that I offer it to you out of friendship.

                    Looking forward to practice with you in the sangha.



                    • Marek
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 161

                      Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ


                      please let as know what is going on with you. Seriously.

                      I know this is hard to talk about problems on forum. But this is after all Sangha (REAL Sangha, and I'm sure all members of TreeLeaf will a firm this).

                      I relay hope you will give a Jundo and us sign of Live.


                      • pinoybuddhist
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 462

                        Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

                        And on that note, I just want to add a reminder that you can post your more personal stuff in the Topics about All of Life forum http://www.treeleaf.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=9 as it is more confidential there (only members can access it).



                        • Keishin
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 471

                          Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

                          Late to this party and Sleeps has deleted his/her words...***

                          I will say this: 'wanting' is one thing for sure buddhism isn't. The other thing buddhism isn't is 'not wanting'
                          Wanting/not wanting is human: dissatisfaction with what is.

                          understanding this and understanding the way to end this is the seed/fundamental principle of buddism.

                          This is worthy task. Not by wanting to, but by the doing.

                          Good luck to you Sleeps wherever you are!
                          May we all realize the buddha way together!

                          *** Should have read ...and Sleeps/Greg has deleted his words...My humble apologies Greg...I was using my phone, not my laptop. The phone's small face limits what I can view
                          and a quick scan did not give me much of a view at all. The irony here for me is that in 'personalizing' the message, it became grotesquely impersonal. Please accept my apologies. Over the years I visit here, I have appreciated many of your writings, your perspective and your support of others. I hope you are well.


                          • Jiki22
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 89

                            Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

                            it is unfortunate that those most in need the fastest drop out
                            _/|\_ Gassho with deeply respect
                            慈 ji 氣 ki : Energy of Compassion


                            • Sleeps
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 99

                              Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

                              Hi guys I'm back, I just needed some rest, I think Bodhidharma went to the east to find some peace and quiet.
                              Burning Coal


                              • Shohei
                                • Oct 2007
                                • 2854

                                Re: I want to be a Buddhist. PLEASE READ

                                happy birthday Greg.


