Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

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  • Kaishin
    • Dec 2010
    • 2322

    Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

    Came across this video of Seung Sahn Sunim, with his famous staff pounding and Katz! yelling. Thought I'd share.

    Rings sharply of Genjokoan and Makahannya-haramitsu:

    As all things are buddha-dharma, there is delusion and realization, practice, and birth and death, and there are buddhas and sentient beings.

    As the myriad things are without an abiding self, there is no delusion, no realization, no buddha, no sentient being, no birth and death.

    The buddha way is, basically, leaping clear of the many and the one; thus there are birth and death, delusion and realization, sentient beings and buddhas.

    Yet in attachment blossoms fall, and in aversion weeds spread.
    The five skandhas are form, sensation, perception, mental formulation, and consciousness; they are five instances of prajna. Clear seeing is prajna itself. To present this truth for realization it is expounded that "form is exactly emptiness, and emptiness is exactly form." Thus form is form, and emptiness is emptiness. They are the hundred particular things, the myriad dharmas.
    Background info on video (from Hyon Gak Sunim's site)
    Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
    Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.
  • Hoyu
    • Nov 2010
    • 2020

    Re: Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

    Very nice talk!
    Couldn't help but chuckle at all the squirming the crowd did after he mentioned the 30 wacks. You can almost hear them thinking "oh god is he going to start wacking people now?!"
    Prior to that they were all seriously still and engrossed in his talk. Quite an interesting reaction :lol:

    Ho (Dharma)
    Yu (Hot Water)


    • pinoybuddhist
      • Jun 2010
      • 462

      Re: Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

      :twisted: "This stick hit you 30 times" boy am I glad I'm in Treeleaf :lol:


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 40190

        Re: Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

        A very good talk by Seung Sahn ...

        The famous saying of Ch'ing-yüan Wei-hsin (Seigen Ishin):

        ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????

        Before I had studied Zen for thirty years, I saw mountains as mountains, and waters as waters. When I arrived at a more intimate knowledge, I came to the point where I saw that mountains are not mountains, and waters are not waters. But now that I have got its very substance I am at rest. For it's just that I see mountains once again as mountains, and waters once again as waters.

        Dogen, the Jazz man, might say too that mountains walk on water ... (from Shobogenzo Sansuikyo ... Mountains and Water Sutra) ...

        Mountains and waters right now are the actualization of the ancient Buddha way. Each, abiding in its phenomenal expression, realizes completeness. Because mountains and waters have been active since before the [beginning of time], they are alive at this moment. Because they have been the self since before form arose they are emancipation realization. ...

        Priest Daokai of Mt. Furong said to the assembly, "The green mountains are always walking; a stone woman gives birth to a child at night." Mountains do not lack the qualities of mountains. Therefore they always abide in ease and always walk. You should examine in detail this quality of the mountains walking. Mountains' walking is just like human walking. Accordingly, do not doubt mountains' walking even though it does not look the same as human walking. The Buddha ancestors' words point to walking. This is fundamental understanding. You should penetrate these words.

        Green mountains master walking and eastern mountains master traveling on water. Accordingly, these activities are a mountain's practice. Keep its own form, without changing body and mind, a mountain always practices in every place. Don't slander by saying that a green mountain cannot walk and an eastern mountains cannot travel on water. When your understanding is shallow, you doubt the phrase, "Green mountains are walking." When your learning is immature, you are shocked by the words "flowing mountains." Without full understanding even the words "flowing water," you drown in small views and narrow understanding. Yet the characteristics of mountains manifest their form and life-force. There is walking, there is flowing, and there is a moment when a mountain gives birth to a mountains child. Because mountains are Buddha ancestors, Buddha ancestors appear in this way.
        By the way, the kind of formal talk by Seung Sahn is very ancient to the Zen way, and Dogen used to offer such talks at Eiheiji too ... complete with brandishing his stick and KWATZ!!!

        These talks are recorded in his Eihei Koroku, the Record of Eihei (Dogen) ... published in English as "Dogen's Extensive Record"... often very different in feeling from the style of the Shobogenzo ... ... n=&image=1

        Seung Sahn, Dogen, Jundo, Taigu, Shobogenzo, Eihei Koroku ... mountains, waters ...

        ... different yet just the same, precisely the same but very different ...

        mountains are not mountains, waters not waters ... mountains precisely mountains, waters wholly waters ...

        Understand? I strike myself 30 times? Do not understand, I strike myself 30 more times.

        Originally posted by pinoybuddhist
        :twisted: "This stick hit you 30 times" boy am I glad I'm in Treeleaf :lol:
        We once thought to invent a Kyosaku stick that would plug into your computer USB slot and we could operate at a distance! However, we gave up on it, and are peaceful pussycats. Anyway, Taigu's tongue is sharper than any sword ... and my claws like a tiger when this 'pussycat' is so inclined! 8)


        Gassho, J


        • Shokai
          Treeleaf Priest
          • Mar 2009
          • 6393

          Re: Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

          Jundo wrote;
          We once thought to invent a Kyosaku stick that would plug into your computer USB slot
          This reminds me of an early internet prgm that you could send by email. It was called an auto coffee holder. When you opened the program your CD drive drawer would open. If you weren't careful, it could give you a good whack on your shin.
          gassho, Shokai

          仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

          "Open to life in a benevolent way"


          • Shugen
            Treeleaf Unsui
            • Nov 2007
            • 4535

            Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

            Originally posted by Shokai
            Jundo wrote;
            We once thought to invent a Kyosaku stick that would plug into your computer USB slot
            This reminds me of an early internet prgm that you could send by email. It was called an auto coffee holder. When you opened the program your CD drive drawer would open. If you weren't careful, it could give you a good whack on your shin.

            Meido Shugen
            明道 修眼


            • Shogen
              • Dec 2008
              • 301

              Re: Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

              Hi Kaishin
              Thank you for sharing a very good link.
              Just wondering, when the Kyosaku went Bang! Taigu's bell rings Chin Ten Ton! A voice bellows Katz! Where did the descriminating self go? And through all the wondering the mountains were mountains, rivers still rivers, flowers were withering, and weeds were flourishing. Through the entire journey did we ever leave the same footprints? Gassho Shogen


              • Jinyu
                • May 2009
                • 768

                Re: Video Clip - Dharma Talk by Seung Sahn Sunim

                Thank you for the link Kaishin!

                Just wondering, when the Kyosaku went Bang! Taigu's bell rings Chin Ten Ton! A voice bellows Katz! Where did the descriminating self go?
                Thank you for the question Shogen!

                deep gassho,
                Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels

