Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

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  • Hoyu
    • Nov 2010
    • 2020

    Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

    Dokan wrote:
    We get a lot of requests and I've only been adding those who I can confirm are Tree family!
    Speaking of this. I get lots of requests at G+ to add others to my circles. It can be quite confusing as to who is who and who is from where. Heck even my screen name doesn't match my Treeleaf one! Speaking of, Is there an easy way to change that so I don't confuse others as well??
    Recently I've kind of resolved to waiting to accept all those requests until I see whether any of those people are actually sitting or not. If not, why add them anyway? I'm not there for facebook like social networking or collecting large circles of friends.
    I know this method doesn't help with the overall Treeleaf issue Dokan raises but I just thought I'd mention my stance on individual accounts.

    Ho (Dharma)
    Yu (Hot Water)


    • Dokan
      Friend of Treeleaf
      • Dec 2010
      • 1222

      Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

      Originally posted by Hoyu
      Speaking of, Is there an easy way to change that so I don't confuse others as well??
      Yes! When you are on your profile page (by clicking your name), just click "Edit Settings" at the top and then you can just click your name to change it.

      Originally posted by Hoyu
      Recently I've kind of resolved to waiting to accept all those requests until I see whether any of those people are actually sitting or not. If not, why add them anyway? I'm not there for facebook like social networking or collecting large circles of friends.
      I know this method doesn't help with the overall Treeleaf issue Dokan raises but I just thought I'd mention my stance on individual accounts.
      And actually, if you are just there to sit, then you can just add the Treeleaf Sangha groups that I've been sharing. They contain all the known sangha persons.


      We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
      ~Anaïs Nin


      • pinoybuddhist
        • Jun 2010
        • 462

        Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

        I decided to give this a whirl so I added Treeleaf to my circles last night. I started a hangout this morning - but, apart from no one being there (which is not surprising given the time zone differences and all), there were some technical glitches. I continued sitting anyway.

        Anyway, if anyone's interested in sitting with me, I sit daily around 6:30 am, GMT+8 hours (Philippines timezone). I start out by chanting the Heart Sutra, followed by twenty minutes zazen, ten minutes kinhin, then chanting the Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, and close with the 4 Vows (not that you have to follow this format, it's just my own preferred daily routine).

        Btw, Dokan: I sent you an email requesting for access to the Treeleaf calendar.


        P.S. My name there is rafael070880.


        • Hoyu
          • Nov 2010
          • 2020

          Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

          Thank you Dokan! Everything worked out great with your help!
          Also updated my Treeleaf circle

          Ho (Dharma)
          Yu (Hot Water)


          • Jiki22
            • Oct 2011
            • 89

            Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

            I have a circle called Treeleaf :mrgreen:
            with all you guys in it.
            I did not accept any request
            and still you are all in the circle

            what is the difference between accepting or not accepting :?:
            just reading private stuff?
            I can post a message in the Treeleaf circle and you all can see it,
            and keep private post (and family) aside/separated
            my family have no interest in Treeleaf
            and Treeleaf has no interest in private stuff

            Or do I see something wrong?

            Thanks you.
            _/|\_ Gassho with deeply respect
            慈 ji 氣 ki : Energy of Compassion


            • Ekai
              • Feb 2011
              • 672

              Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

              Google+ does not work on my iPad. I may have to wait until I get a newer computer or until there is an iPad app release.



              • Daijo
                • Feb 2012
                • 530

                Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                So much to absorb for a newbie, but I've created a tree leaf circle on my Google+ account. I guess we'll see what happens from there.

                Question. (and forgive me if this is posted somewhere else, again a lot to look through) For our weekly sit along, are we using google+, or just meeting in the Zen Hall? (another thing I have yet to figure out, lol)




                • Daijo
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 530

                  Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                  OK. So never mind that last question. I found the answer.


                  • Daijo
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 530

                    Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                    Interesting sit on Google + tonight. Visitors from further reaches of the internet. Have to make a mental note, turn speakers off. Or change settings from public. haha

                    It would be interesting to know what they thought though. "What are these people doing? How long are they going to just sit there like that?"


                    • Shujin
                      Novice Priest-in-Training
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 1184

                      Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                      Chuck -- I can definitely relate to your experience. We were sitting awhile back, and a young man from Saudi Arabia joined the hangout. I think he was rather put off that we were all facing away from him, but I couldn't understand Arabic so I have no way of being sure.

                      Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


                      • Dokan
                        Friend of Treeleaf
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 1222

                        Re: Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                        Originally posted by chuck13
                        Interesting sit on Google + tonight. Visitors from further reaches of the internet. Have to make a mental note, turn speakers off. Or change settings from public. haha

                        It would be interesting to know what they thought though. "What are these people doing? How long are they going to just sit there like that?"
                        Yeah I always make my sits public. I have one gentleman of middle eastern descent who has sat with me countless times, although he just watches me. He's never commented or anything but I always thank him for joining. :lol:

                        We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                        ~Anaïs Nin


                        • Myozan Kodo
                          Friend of Treeleaf
                          • May 2010
                          • 1901

                          Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                          I use G+ to sit a lot. Do add me as a contact: Myozan Kodo. It's always great to sit with other Treeleafers.


                          • Dokan
                            Friend of Treeleaf
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 1222

                            Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                            Just a reminder. Please remember to add the Treeleaf Sangha Page to your circles and either drop a line here of your profile or put in your "about" section something referencing Treeleaf.

                            I get a lot of adds but I only add back people who I can confirm are Treeleafers. Thanks!

                            Treeleaf Sangha Page on G+


                            We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                            ~Anaïs Nin


                            • Jigetsu
                              • May 2011
                              • 236

                              Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                              Hey Dokan!

                              My Google+ username is philipdavidg. I think I've added you already.


                              • Daijo
                                • Feb 2012
                                • 530

                                Re: Google+ Treeleaf Sangha Page

                                I think I'm connected with most of the tree leafers on google + at this point. I also have a friend from the Kwan Um school who sits with me fairly often. Nice guy, add him if you'd like, "Michael Love".

