Suzuki-roshi Receiving the Okesa

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  • Dokan
    Friend of Treeleaf
    • Dec 2010
    • 1222

    Suzuki-roshi Receiving the Okesa

    Hi Everyone,

    My shakuhachi sensei sent me a mail today on an article that he came across on the SFZC web site that I thought was worth re-sharing. It's the transcript from June 1971 where Suzuki-roshi receives a "properly made" okesa. While I'm not sure the whole background on it, I just loved his attitude:

    "Today, at last, I could receive the proper-right okesa, properly made. I don't think-I don't think it is too late for me to receive this okesa. I don't think so. I'm still think I am very lucky to receive it, you know. You may think "He is-" you know, "We thought he is a great Zen master, but he just received okesa today." [Laughs.] You may think you-you are fooled by me. But, you know, my spirit is always aiming at one thing-one truth, which can be true with everyone: layman and priest, Japanese and American, and Indian people and European nation. We are in just one truth. That is why I always say it is not so easy thing to achieve Buddha's way. It cannot be so easy as long as our cultural background is different, as long as our way of life is different, our language is different, it cannot be so easy.

    But there is something which all of us aim at. The okesa is the symbol of that oneness-the expression of this, you know, one goal, one spirit. Maybe even though I receive okesa right now, even though I shave my head long, long time ago, I must shave my head again and again. Even though I received ordination long, long time ago, but still it is necessary to receive okesa. Many and many a times [1 word unclear] this kind of sincere practice, as long as you are-you do not lose the sincerity or way-seeking mind for the ultimate goal of human being, then every time you do something, that practice will enrich your experience of dharma and strength-make your spirit stronger and stronger. And you will be really a good example of bodhisattva."
    For the full article please check it out here: ... ?seemore=y



    PS - As an aside, the next piece I'm learning on shakuhachi is called Sashi...fits right in with the Winter Retreat theme of Kannon!
    We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
    ~Anaïs Nin
  • chessie
    • Jun 2008
    • 266

    Re: Suzuki-roshi Receiving the Okesa

    Hi Dokan

    Are there websites that show the pieces you learn in musical notation?



    • Dokan
      Friend of Treeleaf
      • Dec 2010
      • 1222

      Re: Suzuki-roshi Receiving the Okesa

      Sort of. They are in traditional shakuhachi notation. Here's one of the best available collections and the one I use, by Jin Nyodo:



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      We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
      ~Anaïs Nin


      • Jinyu
        • May 2009
        • 768

        Re: Suzuki-roshi Receiving the Okesa

        Very inspiring! Thank you Dokan
        Suzuki's style is always so direct and friendly ...

        Have a very nice day!
        Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels

