Reality check

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41080

    Re: Reality check

    Originally posted by praxis
    Quite apt indeed. Just consider as part of the reality check the fact that the "Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions" did not emanate from yours truly.

    I bid you all adieu.

    Well, if I may speak up for our little community here, I did not find anyone who seemed to become "angry and resentful" or who wrote filled with "destructive emotions" in what they wrote and posted, pretty much all of which was extremely civil, non-aggressive and soft spoken. A couple of people felt some irritation, quite a few did not want to engage, Taigu used some pointed language (as we often do in criticism) and some liked your thoughtful questions which seemed sincere. I thought that several people tried to answer your questions honestly and directly, even if you did not agree with the responses.

    You are always welcome here to sit Zazen.

    Gassho, J


    • Eika
      • Sep 2007
      • 806

      Re: Reality check

      Originally posted by praxis
      You really do see things the way that you feel like seeing them.
      Everyone does, and that's why we sit.

      I hope you find what you are looking for, here or elsewhere.

      As a general rule, I don't respond to posts from people who are basically anonymous on the forum as I think it is rarely demonstrated that anonymity produces responsible interactions. There is a reason so many want to see a face or a name, even as we recognize that names and faces don't fundamentally mean much. I think both sides are more likely to respond to one another with civility and respect when one isn't faceless. So, I hope you stay, but I also don't know how productive the nameless-faceless persona is. I think when Treeleaf is at its best is a result of the members' awareness that we ARE a community and as such we have a responsibility to one another to respond with humanity and compassion. Studies repeatedly suggest that it is all but impossible for humans to do that while anonymous. I understand the reason for Jundo's allowing folks to remain anonymous if they have real reasons to, but I think it all but dooms their interactions with the others on the forum as it damages the reciprocal trust inherent in face-to-face conversation.

      [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41080

        Re: Reality check

        Originally posted by praxis
        Jundo and Taigu made remarks which were more rude than anything I actually expressed. So in this case the person with anonymity was relatively more cordial if you look at the actual dialog.
        Hi Praxis,

        Do you feel you are being honest?

        If so, would you kindly pull up a quote, any quote, in which I was rude to you????

        Can you post a quote of any one of our general members being rude to you?

        Can you also show where Taigu was rude to you? I do think there was one post where Taigu said this ...

        Just a suggestion, you may drop this intellectual arrogance which is not you, come gently and peacefully, life is too short, you know. At least this is what comes across when I read your prose and look at your statements.

        You may wake up to the fact that you are more, after all, than an obstinate and stingy fly that come back again and again.

        You may remind yourself that you are here to learn, and although finding teachers wrong is now an American sport, the two guys here, that don't charge anything, spend so much of their time and get no profit whatsoever should be left alone by people of your kind, not showing up really and doing apparently not much for the Dharma.

        Is that it, that you he called on you to wake up to the fact that your are more than obstinate and stinging fly, coming back and back but with your ears closed? That's what you got for "more rude than anything?"

        It seems, Praxis, that you are not being very honest (it it rude to say so?), you are trying to stir things up with innuendo and all kinds of bizarre arguments. You are going over to other blogs and saying that we are trying to silence you or be rude to you. I too am starting to wonder if there is a game afoot. You haven't succeeded in getting one person to "pick a fight" with you here (as our members seem to smart for that), so are you starting to go around and say it happened anyway? Shame on you.

        Someone wrote me an email about what may actually be going on in, and who is behind this. If so ... shame on you. None of our members are going to take the bate.

        Gassho, Jundo

        PS -
        • Theories of deindividuation propose that it is a psychological state of decreased self-evaluation and decreased evaluation apprehension causing antinormative and disinhibited behavior. Deindividuation theory seeks to provide an explanation for a variety of antinormative collective behavior, such as violent crowds, lynch mobs, etc. Deindividuation theory has also been applied to genocide and been posited as an explanation for antinormative behavior online and in computer-mediated communications.

        Some genocidal lynch mob out to get you here?! Everybody has been listening patiently to post after post (a couple of posts were a bit fed up with it). They just can't figure you out.


        • Shogen
          • Dec 2008
          • 301

          Re: Reality check

          Originally posted by Taigu
          That s why empty and idle discussion about this criticism versus that criticism are bizantine rubbish.

          A simple glass of water or the sun in the curtains have much more to teach us that the endless twisted paths of the mind. If we want to change anything in this world, let s start at home and not bother about others.

          "BIZANTINE RUBBISH" How could a 2 word summary get any better? Gassho Shogen


          • Shokai
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Mar 2009
            • 6492

            Re: Reality check

            Good one Zak :lol: _/_
            gassho, Shokai

            仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

            "Open to life in a benevolent way"



            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41080

              Re: Reality check

              Originally posted by praxis

              Could you please post a links to those blogs. You've managed to get me curious again.

              Thanks in advance!
              Dear Praxis,

              This is what is making me think you are being disingenuous, because you are posting the following on other blogs ...

              Jundo and Taigu made remarks which were more rude than anything I actually expressed. So in this case the person with anonymity was relatively more cordial if you look at the actual dialog.

              5:26 PM
              I will ask you again to be honorable and please answer the questions:

              Kindly pull up a quote, any quote, in which I was rude to you.

              Please show us a quote from any one of our general members being rude to you.

              I suppose that Taigu was rude to you for saying you are acting like an "obstinate and stingy fly that come back again and again" to cause trouble, although I do not believe it was meant that way if read in its full contect. Can you point to anything else he said that was rude to you?

              So, do stop going around the internet saying how rude we are to you, because it is false. Further, many of us have sincerely attempted to respond to your comments, and you seem not to be interested in any response.

              I am also going to ask you to contact me by email or PM to confirm some parts in the original information your provided when registering which I have not been able to confirm at all regarding your identity.

              Let me mention that, if you have any complaint or dispute with regard to how you have or are being treated, we have an Ethics Committee in place, and you are free to contact any or all of its members and make a complaint.


              Gassho, Jundo


              • disastermouse

                Re: Reality check

                Originally posted by praxis
                Originally posted by Taigu
                If we want to change anything in this world, let s start at home and not bother about others.
                This is what I find so fasitnating. That words like these are readily voiced, yet the very next breath is so often used to point out the others, to define the pagans.

                Do you realize why you do this?

                But then, we all do, don't we?



                • disastermouse

                  Re: Reality check

                  You may wake up to the fact that you are more, after all, than an obstinate and stingy fly that come back again and again.
                  Taigu, what the hell is this?


                  Coming in late, admittedly but what the hell? That whole thread was like being in high school again.


