Re: Do Not ZZZ
Waow! :shock:
This old thing was my first contact with Zen... something like 10 or 12 years ago!
I was a Nyingma ( Tibetan Vajrayana) practitioner when I was adolescent and this Rinzai approach seemed so bizarre that I only got back into Zen and Chan two or three years later!
Thank you so much for this... I totally forgot about all this until I saw your post!
And I must say the main page tastes like a "Madeleine de Proust" ... I was back in the days for some seconds...
Have a great day everyone!
Deep deep gassho,
Jinyu ( Yao Xin - Fa Miao - Luis ... the same adolescent in front of his computer... but smiling and enjoying his widely open and beautiful Treeleaf Sangha! Thank you to be here everyone!)
Do Not ZZZ
Do Not ZZZ
Came across this strange website while searching for something else. Obviously quite old from the coding, but quite bizarre little interactive video when you click "Enter"
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