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  • Seiryu
    • Sep 2010
    • 642


    Things do not come because you desire them; they come because you expect them. Rich people stay rich because they really don’t expect to be poor especially the ones that were born that way, the ones who never have been poor their whole life, they really don’t even hold that concept that they can ever be poor, whereas poor people don’t expect to be rich. It’s deep rooted. Your world is created by your expectations. Look at the things you expect to happen versus the things you want to happen. You may desire to move up in the world, get a better job, yet in reality you don’t expect it, you expect to stay working at that 9-5 job you hate, you expect not to improve, because of it, you don’t. Why is that? Because we don’t approach the things we want the same way we approach the things we expect. You may want a new job, yet in reality you expect not to get it so you are going to act, unconsciously, in a way that is going to plant the seeds for you not to get it. If you expected a better life, truly expected it, your actions will reflect it in such a way that you will be planting seeds for it that life to grow.

    I know you have seen this; there are girls and guys who are really attracted yet they have such a low mental image of themselves that they never get girlfriends/boyfriends, or even friends because they don’t expect people to like them. Then there are those people who are dorky looking who have some of the most beautiful women/men under their arms, because they expect people to like them.
    Do you truly expect to get what you want?

    Just some thoughts...
    清竜 Seiryu
  • Onken
    • Jun 2011
    • 106

    Re: Expectations...


    Well put..perception is reality. It reminds me of that old saying, "Watch your thoughts because they become words, watch you words because they become action, watch your action because it will become your destiny......", or something like that. If you truly believe something, it will become that.




    • JohnsonCM
      • Jan 2010
      • 549

      Re: Expectations...

      With our thoughts, we make the world.
      Sat today


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41220

        Re: Expectations...

        Originally posted by Seiryu
        Things do not come because you desire them; they come because you expect them. Rich people stay rich because they really don’t expect to be poor especially the ones that were born that way, the ones who never have been poor their whole life, they really don’t even hold that concept that they can ever be poor, whereas poor people don’t expect to be rich. It’s deep rooted. Your world is created by your expectations. Look at the things you expect to happen versus the things you want to happen. You may desire to move up in the world, get a better job, yet in reality you don’t expect it, you expect to stay working at that 9-5 job you hate, you expect not to improve, because of it, you don’t. Why is that? Because we don’t approach the things we want the same way we approach the things we expect. You may want a new job, yet in reality you expect not to get it so you are going to act, unconsciously, in a way that is going to plant the seeds for you not to get it. If you expected a better life, truly expected it, your actions will reflect it in such a way that you will be planting seeds for it that life to grow.

        I know you have seen this; there are girls and guys who are really attracted yet they have such a low mental image of themselves that they never get girlfriends/boyfriends, or even friends because they don’t expect people to like them. Then there are those people who are dorky looking who have some of the most beautiful women/men under their arms, because they expect people to like them.
        Do you truly expect to get what you want?

        Just some thoughts...
        Hmmm. Not so sure that life is so simple. Oh, there are folks (all of us really) who "box ourselves in" in some way, convincing ourself that we "cannot" "are not good enough" "have no chance to succeed." So, we never even try.

        And if we just try, with good expectations, often we will succeed in our goal!

        And often, we will not! Sometimes, our analysis that "we have no chance" was right! (This is why I have now officially abandoned my lifelong dream of being a member of the Olympic men's synchoronized swimming team)

        [youtube] [/youtube]**

        Yet I am a great believer in "the power of positive thinking", not "boxing ourself in" with assumptions and premature judgments.

        Our Zen Practice, though, is ultimately the dropping of all "expectations" and letting life be fully as it is! Oh, that does not mean we must abandon all dream and goals. Far from it!

        But while holding dreams and goals and expectations, working toward the good ones diligently and energetically ... hold them lightly, do not cling. Also, simultaneously live that taste free of all need for goals and expectations. Arrive or fall flat ... there is no place to fall, and only constant arriving! All at once, as one.

        Hey, maybe I will head for the pool today ... for there is still hope! 8)

        Gassho, J

        PS - ** I am old enough to remember the original SNL version with Martin Short

        PPS - I am not sure that Zazen is meant to help "dorky guys" learn to "pick up chicks". :shock: However, your point is taken. 8)


        • Shokai
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Mar 2009
          • 6530

          Re: Expectations...

          Christopher wrote;
          With our thoughts, we make the world.
          btw, Jundo, in a way i'm sort of glad you missed the cut :lol:
          gassho, Shokai

          仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

          "Open to life in a benevolent way"



          • Risho
            • May 2010
            • 3178

            Re: Expectations...

            Another great post! What I mean is a topic like this really helps to clarify practice.

            Gassho Seiryu and Jundo.

            Expectations can be crazy if we cling to them. In my work practice, I'm a software developer. I can tell an experienced vs. an inexperienced software developer by their expectations. An experienced software developer anticipates that he or she cannot possibly know all permutations of how their software behaves, so they employ what they call error handling (or exception handling). When I code, I employ error handling so the the code gracefully completes what it's doing and returns a meaningful response to the user. Users do the darndest things.

            Exception handling, and expectations, are similar to how we handle things in life. We have to plan, but we need to be flexible minded to address things as they spring up, and they always spring up. If things don't meet our expectations, do we run and hide, throw a tantrum, or do we adjust our expectations, dig in and keep going.

            Expectations, how we think, do impact the way in which we see the world and act in that world. However, our thought or expectation must be paired with action to do anything. We do live in the real, physical world after all and expecting to get rich doesn't mean you will be rich. I can wishfully hope that a million dollars will appear at my doorstep, but that doesn't mean it will.

            At the same time, I may be financially wealthy, but I'm so worried about losing it, that I act like I'm poor. Then I will experience that I'm poor.

            To be successful at any task takes time, hard work and we need to invest our entire self into the pursuit. You need to think positively, but worrying about outcomes (clinging to expectations)is detrimental. After planning or setting a goal, you need to just do it. It's more than positive thinking; it's determination and perseverance. No matter if expectations are crushed, if you want something you just need to go for it. It takes more than thinking though; it takes time and sacrifice to get anything worthwhile. That has been my experience; there are no magic bullets or fast fixes in anything worthwhile. It takes time to achieve substantial outcomes.


            Email: risho.treeleaf@gmail.com

