Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

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  • Myozan Kodo
    Friend of Treeleaf
    • May 2010
    • 1901

    Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

    Gassho all,
    Does anyone know what this Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium in Japan in October is about? Is it just the 'official church'?
  • Seiryu
    • Sep 2010
    • 640

    Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

    Here is a link I found about it ... 01110.html

    Seems like just a big gathering to be held in Japan...Maybe Jundo and Taigu know more about this....
    清竜 Seiryu


    • Shohei
      • Oct 2007
      • 2854

      Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

      Originally posted by soendoshin
      Gassho all,
      Does anyone know what this Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium in Japan in October is about? Is it just the 'official church'?
      It appears this is symposium on how to move official church forward in other lands where Soto Zen is already taking off (interestingly, er, well to me, Canada is not listed on their site)
      Its free though Seems there is little else to the official church's mind then their existence, as outliers, well we just are not so Kosher.

      Thank you for the link Seiryu.



      • Taigu
        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
        • Aug 2008
        • 2710

        Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

        I don't know anything about this symposium but my simple guess is that it is about dessimination and how to develop the growth of Sotoshu structures and/or how to monitor and control Zen outside Japan.




        • Myozan Kodo
          Friend of Treeleaf
          • May 2010
          • 1901

          Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

          Thanks for the link Seiryu. I wonder, should there be a Treeleaf delegate? Be interesting the reception. What do you think Jundo and Taigu?


          • Taigu
            Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
            • Aug 2008
            • 2710

            Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

            I don't think Treeleaf should be prt of it and I really think they would not really appreciate it. The Sotoshu is a respectable church with a clear agenda. We have no link whatsoever with the Sotoshu. We sit and follow Dogen's teachings. But we do it independantly of any institution or organisation. We don't charge fees, perform complicated ceremonies and are not eager to promote a Japanese zen style. We just sit, wear the kesa and try to find the meaning of the Buddha-dharma in our daily lives. We are like distant relatives but don't share the same priorities. I am pretty sure Jundo would agree with this. Jundo, any thought?




            • Myozan Kodo
              Friend of Treeleaf
              • May 2010
              • 1901

              Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

              Thank you Taigu. I can imagine the reception in any case. I also understand clearly what you say. Still, I can't help but feel, would it not challenge their worldview to show up? I bow to your wisdom in this matter. Maybe nothing would challenge their belief that they have a monopoly on Dogen's way, the Buddhadharma.


              • andyZ
                • Aug 2011
                • 303

                Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

                The statement on their website reminded me of another big international Zen school, The Kwan Um School. They've grown so big, that I'm sure they hold similar events to promote themselves into yet more regions. But I wouldn't think of them as the only "true" school of Korean Zen.


                • Myoku
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 1491

                  Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

                  Originally posted by Taigu
                  ...We sit and follow Dogen's teachings. But we do it independantly of any institution or organisation. We don't charge fees, perform complicated ceremonies and are not eager to promote a Japanese zen style. We just sit, wear the kesa and try to find the meaning of the Buddha-dharma in our daily lives...


                  • Hoyu
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 2020

                    Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

                    Originally posted by Peter Lin
                    Originally posted by Taigu
                    ...We sit and follow Dogen's teachings. But we do it independantly of any institution or organisation. We don't charge fees, perform complicated ceremonies and are not eager to promote a Japanese zen style. We just sit, wear the kesa and try to find the meaning of the Buddha-dharma in our daily lives...
                    I second that! Thank you for these beautiful words Taigu Sensei _/_
                    Ho (Dharma)
                    Yu (Hot Water)


                    • Shokai
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 6528

                      Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

                      I surprised. In my ignorance I thought we were Soto. As My understanding is we are of Soto Lineage? Not that it really matters, I don't particularly enjoy the political nature of we's and they's. All one, not two? From way back I developed an aversion to hearing about Protestants, Catholics, etc. (not to speak of those Presbyterians down the street) so, innocent question; from whom do Jundo and Taigu take marching orders?
                      gassho, Shokai

                      仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                      "Open to life in a benevolent way"



                      • Taigu
                        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2710

                        Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

                        Hi Shokai,

                        We are indeed a Soto lineage group, not because we are blessed by the Sotoshu but just because:

                        a) We sit and do this according to Dogen's teachings.
                        b) The two teachers received transmission in the Soto lineage of Niwa and Nishijima.

                        Of course, Nishijima decided to break free from Sotoshu giving transmission out of the church; of course Sawaki Kodo could not care less about Sotoshu or anything Soto and used to call his school: the school of the kesa.
                        What I mean here is there is a great gap between the sociological-cultural reality of a Japanese organisation and real Buddhist practice. Many priests of the Sotoshu are very enthusiastic and dedicated ( the young ones). Many are also just interested in temple business and money making.

                        What do we do here? We offer the opportunity to many to practice and sit in this tradition that doen't belong to temples or institutions.

                        As a priest, I am the great grandson of Niwa Zenji, abbot of Eiheiji (Jundo is the grandson). For the Sotoshu, I am a nobody that is not in their files and therfore I have no existence and no authority.

                        Two lineages are at work here, Shokai. The visible and institutionalised one (Sotoshu), and the other one, out of the business box( a great variety of people ranging from guys like us to Brad and even more colourful guys).

                        As far as your inocent question is concerned...I don't take marching orders from anybody else than the ordinary people I meet, work, live, laugh and cry with in this life.

                        My teacher is shikantaza, sewing the kesa, living, making mistakes...




                        • Dokan
                          Friend of Treeleaf
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 1222

                          Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

                          Haha. Wonderful Taigu...absolutely wonderful post!

                          Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
                          We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                          ~Anaïs Nin


                          • Hans
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 1853

                            Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October


                            somebody mentioned the gathering briefly to one of the teachers during my stay at Shogoji, but it seemed that not too much was known about it outside of the circle of people organising it.

                            Thank you for your post Taigu.




                            • Kyonin
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 6752

                              Re: Soto Zen Buddhism Symposium October

                              Originally posted by Taigu
                              My teacher is shikantaza, sewing the kesa, living, making mistakes...
                              This is one of the most wonderful things I've read. Thank you, Taigu Sensei. I will sit on this.
                              Hondō Kyōnin
                              奔道 協忍

