Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

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  • ChrisA
    • Jun 2011
    • 312

    Re: Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

    I've been director of operations for a large online forum for several years. The tech director had the PHP and MySQL expertise, but I have overseen several major forum redesign projects, built several help pages and indexes, and created the recruitment & training policies & procedures for volunteer moderators.

    If any component of that skill-set would be useful (and there's more in there I'm forgetting, probably!), I'm happy to help out.
    Chris Seishi Amirault


    • Shohei
      • Oct 2007
      • 2854

      Re: Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

      Thank you to you all for replying! Many hands make light work...and a less insane Shohei (slightly)
      If you think you can help at all then let me know... if your not sure...mwhahaha test subjects!!

      E X C E L L E N T !



      • Myozan Kodo
        Friend of Treeleaf
        • May 2010
        • 1901

        Re: Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

        Hi Shohei,
        I know nothing about technology (except that it is evil and we will be punished for it!). Only joking.

        If I can help in any other way (test subject, etc), please let me know.



        • ezzirah
          • Dec 2009
          • 56

          Re: Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

          I wish I had the skill level to help, but I am an old hardware tech and have no code skills what so ever.

          I cannot wait to see the new site! This is exciting! :!:


          • lorax
            • Jun 2008
            • 381

            Re: Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

            Hi Shohai

            Really wish I could help, but I have difficulty at times just turning on the computer much less understanding how it all works. Speaking of lack of computer skills, may I make a suggestion? I am not sure exactly what you folks are doing in redesigning Treeleaf site but here is what I have had difficulty with even though it has been answered numerous times, I keep loosing the location of the answers, Can you add a “technical aid” section that pulls together all the little frustrating things,
            1. How do you attach a picture to a post that fits? I find it is either too big or way too small.
            2. How do you pull a quote from another post and put it in your response. I see everyone doing it but I can’t figure it out.
            3. How do you create a small picture to add to your profile? I do have the web site for that thanks to Chet, but someone else may find it useful.
            4. Is there a spell check feature on the area where we post things? I am dyslectic and never could spell. Word is my savior, but it is time consuming to write something in word and then paste it into the comment space on Treeleaf.
            Can’t think of anything more at the moment but others may be silently frustrated and
            Could add subjects that they would like to have answered but too embarrassed to ask.

            Appreciate your diving into this. Treeleaf site certainly has evolved over the years, and probably it is time to reorganize all the good things that are there.



            • Shohei
              • Oct 2007
              • 2854

              Re: Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

              Really wish I could help, but I have difficulty at times just turning on the computer much less understanding how it all works.

              Thank you for the Thought!

              Speaking of lack of computer skills, may I make a suggestion? I am not sure exactly what you folks are doing in redesigning Treeleaf site but here is what I have had difficulty with even though it has been answered numerous times, I keep loosing the location of the answers, Can you add a “technical aid” section that pulls together all the little frustrating things,
              Well there is the older FAQ at the bottom of the treeleaf forum but its dated (and yes somethings are in the works to bring a more up to date, easy to use technical aid.
              I also will reply as best I can to each question below, so that for the time being, I can alleviate some of the frustrations!

              1. How do you attach a picture to a post that fits? I find it is either too big or way too small.

              That requires working in an image edit program or uploading your image to a image host (that will allow resizing automatically)
              That said too large can be fixed. Too small... cannot. You can always scale down picture but a picture that is too small cannot be increased in size while keeping clarity.

              2. How do you pull a quote from another post and put it in your response. I see everyone doing it but I can’t figure it out.

              When you read persons posts look to the right hand side of the post, (in line with the posts subject) there is a button icon that says Quote:

              Failing that if you write
              [quote="Jim bob"][/quote]
              Originally posted by Jim bob
              HE SAID THIS
              it will look like:
              Originally posted by Jim bob
              HE SAID THIS
              There is also a button when you are writing a post titled quote that if you click it it gives you the two things in square brackets and you can just put in the first set the ="so and so's name"

              3. How do you create a small picture to add to your profile? I do have the web site for that thanks to Chet, but someone else may find it useful.

              Yes there are some sites (the faq is old and the ones listed there may no longer work. Often an image hosting site like flikr automatically creates a 75x75 pixel thumbnail of your picture you up loaded there, and it works great as an avatar!

              4. Is there a spell check feature on the area where we post things? I am dyslectic and never could spell. Word is my savior, but it is time consuming to write something in word and then paste it into the comment space on Treeleaf.

              ^^ That is actually a very good way to spell check and THINK check Do not stop doing that
              That said, spell check is dependent on your web browser and/or Operating system. I am very much like you, and have the spell checker enabled on my web browser (using Firefox for the record, but most have the feature, you may have to turn it on in the settings)

              Can’t think of anything more at the moment but others may be silently frustrated and
              Could add subjects that they would like to have answered but too embarrassed to ask.

              Appreciate your diving into this. Treeleaf site certainly has evolved over the years, and probably it is time to reorganize all the good things that are there.


              Thank you for offering and thank you for asking the questions!!


              Attached files


              • Hogen
                • Oct 2009
                • 261

                Re: Help Wanted (and greatly appreciated)!

                I know a little PHP but only enough to get me in trouble.

                if you have any issues, you may want to look into converting the forum over to Simple Machines. A lot of peole prefer that over PHPBB


