Hi everyone! 
Just a little message to ask all Treeleafers who are interested in joining us for our retreat in Brussels (27-28-29-30 December 2011) to send me a message as soon as possible.
In the message, it would be nice to say if you stay for the all retreat, wich type of accomodation you want (beds are limited, so it would be great if younger folks could sleep on sleeping mats), and if you have any "food allergy", ...
Of course folks of Treeleaf will have priority in enrollment. But we will also allow people from other Sanghas to join us, so it is important for me to know who is going to come as soon as possible (especially for people absolutly needing to sleep in a bed for any reason) :!:
I'm happy to tell you that we will have the pleasure to share the retreat with two Theravada monks from India. And I hope that many other practitionners will join us!
So, if you don't now what I'm talking about please look at our "winter retreat thread" http://www.treeleaf.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3486. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask them in this thread, they can also help others! :wink:
Have a very nice day everyone!
Don't hesitate to contact me for any reasons, :roll:
deep gassho to all of you,

Just a little message to ask all Treeleafers who are interested in joining us for our retreat in Brussels (27-28-29-30 December 2011) to send me a message as soon as possible.
In the message, it would be nice to say if you stay for the all retreat, wich type of accomodation you want (beds are limited, so it would be great if younger folks could sleep on sleeping mats), and if you have any "food allergy", ...
Of course folks of Treeleaf will have priority in enrollment. But we will also allow people from other Sanghas to join us, so it is important for me to know who is going to come as soon as possible (especially for people absolutly needing to sleep in a bed for any reason) :!:
I'm happy to tell you that we will have the pleasure to share the retreat with two Theravada monks from India. And I hope that many other practitionners will join us!
So, if you don't now what I'm talking about please look at our "winter retreat thread" http://www.treeleaf.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3486. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask them in this thread, they can also help others! :wink:
Have a very nice day everyone!
Don't hesitate to contact me for any reasons, :roll:
deep gassho to all of you,