Poetry Corner

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  • BruceS
    • Aug 2007
    • 59

    This is my favourite teaching, The Song of Mahamudra. The great sage Tilopa is teaching Naropa. These are the ancestors of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. See if you can see the similarity to Shikantaza.

    The Song of Mahamudra

    Mahamudra is beyond all words
    And symbols, but for you, Naropa,
    Earnest and loyal, must this be said.

    The Void needs no reliance,
    Mahamudra rests on nought.
    Without making an effort,
    One can break the yoke
    Thus gaining Liberation.

    If one sees nought when staring into space,
    If with the mind one then observes the mind,
    One destroys distinctions
    And reaches Buddhahood.

    The clouds that wander through the sky
    Have no roots, no home; nor do the distinctive
    Thoughts floating through the mind.
    Once the Self-mind is seen,
    Discrimination stops.

    In space shapes and colors form,
    But neither by black nor white is space tinged.
    From the Self-mind all things emerge, the mind
    By virtues and by vices is not stained.

    The darkness of ages cannot shroud
    The glowing sun; the long kalpas
    Of Samsara ne'er can hide
    The Mind's brilliant light.

    Though words are spoken to explain the Void,
    The Void as such can never be expressed.
    Though we say "the mind is a bright light,"
    It is beyond all words and symbols.
    Although the mind is void in essence,
    All things it embraces and contains.

    Do nought with the body but relax,
    Shut firm the mouth and think of nought.
    Empty your mind and think of nought.
    Like a hollow bamboo
    Rest at ease your body.
    Giving not nor taking,
    Put your mind at rest.
    Mahamudra is like a mind that clings to nought.
    Thus practicing, in time you will reach Buddhahood.

    The practice of Mantra and Paramita,
    Instruction in the Sutras and Precepts,
    And teaching from the Schools and Scriptures will not bring
    Realization of the Innate Truth.
    For if the mind when filled with some desire
    Should seek a goal, it only hides the Light.

    He who keeps Tantric Precepts
    Yet discriminates, betrays
    The spirit of Samaya.
    Cease all activity, abandon
    All desire, let thoughts rise and fall
    As they will like the ocean waves.
    He who never harms the Non-abiding
    Nor the Principle of Non-distinction,
    Upholds the Tantric Precepts.

    He who abandons craving
    And clings not to this or that,
    Perceives the real meaning
    Given in the Scriptures.

    In Mahamudra all one's sins are burned;
    In Mahamudra one is released
    From the prison of this world.
    This is the Dharma's supreme torch.
    Those who disbelieve it
    Are fools who ever wallow
    In misery and sorrow.

    To strive for Liberation
    One should rely on a Guru.
    When your mind receives his blessing
    Emancipation is at hand.

    Alas, all things in this world are meaningless,
    They are but sorrow's seeds.
    Small teachings lead to acts;
    One should only follow
    Teachings that are great.

    To transcend duality
    Is the Kingly View;
    To conquer distractions is
    The Royal Practice;
    The Path of No-practice
    Is the Way of Buddhas;
    He who treads that Path
    Reaches Buddhahood.

    Transient is this world;
    Like phantoms and dreams,
    Substance it has none.
    Renounce it and forsake your kin,
    Cut the strings of lust and hatred,
    Meditate in woods and mountains.
    If without effort you remain
    Loosely in the "natural state,"
    Soon Mahamudra you will win
    And attain the Non-attainment.

    Cut the root of a tree
    And the leaves will wither;
    Cut the root of your mind
    And samsara falls.

    The light of any lamp
    Dispels in a moment
    The darkness of long kalpas;
    The strong light of the mind
    In but a flash will burn
    The veil of ignorance.

    Whoever clings to mind sees not
    The truth of what's Beyond the mind.
    Whoever stives to practice Dharma
    Finds not the truth of Beyond-practice.
    To know what is Beyond both mind and practice,
    One should cut cleanly through the root of mind
    And stare naked. One should thus break away
    From all distinctions and remain at ease.

    One should not give or take
    But remain natural,
    For Mahamudra is beyond
    All acceptance and rejection.
    Since the Alaya is not born,
    No one can obstruct or soil it;
    Staying in the "Unborn" realm
    All appearance will dissolve
    Into the Dharmata, all self-will
    And pride will vanish into nought.

    The supreme Understanding transcends
    All this and that. The supreme Action
    Embraces great resourcefulness
    Without attachment. The supreme
    Accomplishment is to realize
    Immanence without hope.

    At first a yogi feels his mind
    Is tumbling like a waterfall;
    In mid-course, like the Ganges
    It flows on slow and gentle;
    In the end, it is a great
    Vast ocean, where the Lights
    Of Son and Mother merge in one.
    The best thing I ever do is sit and do nothing.


    • Hans
      • Mar 2007
      • 1853

      Hi guys!

      Thanks for all the great posts.




      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41114

        Dear Bruce and Jordan,

        Thank you very much for posting those translations of the Song of Freedom and the Mahamudra. Ah, they don't write stuff like they used to anymore!

        I would like to underline just a few lines that echo some of what we have been talking about around here (of course, the way I put things is much less beautiful) ...

        not struggling against delusion
        or grasping after the truth.

        One sees the nature of ignorance
        to be itself Essential Awareness,

        and the illusion of one’s own body
        is the Realm of Reality.

        Completely realizing
        the Realm of Reality to be objectless,

        one finds oneself the source of all things
        and one’s own nature to be Awake Awareness. [Jundo]

        --- [From the Mahamudra]:

        Do nought with the body but relax,
        Shut firm the mouth and think of nought.
        Empty your mind and think of nought.
        Like a hollow bamboo
        Rest at ease your body.
        Giving not nor taking,
        Put your mind at rest.
        Mahamudra is like a mind that clings to nought.
        Thus practicing, in time you will reach Buddhahood.


        Realizing Suchness, neither self nor things exist;
        in one moment cause and effect are liberated.

        If anything I say is untrue
        may my tongue be pulled out for countless eons. [Jundo]


        Don’t lose your Zen whether walking or sitting,
        be at ease in speech or silence, moving or staying,

        Be calm even when facing a sword
        and your clarity will never be poisoned.
        Such good stuff! Gassho, J


        • Fuken
          • Sep 2006
          • 435

          I think someone could make a lifetime examining the song of freedom.
          Glad you appreciate it.

          Yours in practice,
          Jordan ("Fu Ken" translates to "Wind Sword", Dharma name givin to me by Jundo, I am so glad he did not name me Wind bag.)


          • Bansho
            • Apr 2007
            • 532


            I’ve never really written any poetry, but this one sort of popped into my head while thinking about Nishijima Roshi’s analogy of a pearl on a razor’s edge for describing our freedom of choice in the present moment. Anyway, for what it’s worth...

            A blade of grass in the wind,
            a withered leaf on a tree.

            Seemingly bound,
            yet perfectly free.

            A pearl on a razor’s edge –
            no place to abide.

            How, what, where, when?
            Only you can decide.



            • Keishin
              • Jun 2007
              • 471

              poetry corner

              sitting with a cake
              iced with brightly burning flames
              one big breath and ..... pouf!


              • will
                • Jun 2007
                • 2331

                Is that metaphorical Keishin or was it your birthday
                To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                • Keishin
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 471

                  poetry corner

                  yes, Will, yes indeed, 'tis true


                  • will
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 2331

                    To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                    To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                    To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                    To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                    • Keishin
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 471

                      poetry corner

                      changing on the fly
                      motion flows into motion
                      in pursuit of pucks


                      • Urug
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 39

                        Part Two XII

                        "Want the change. Be inspired by the flame
                        where everything shines as it disappears.
                        The artist, when sketching, loves nothing so much
                        as the curve of the body as it turns away.

                        What locks itself in sameness has congealed.
                        Is it safer to be gray and numb?
                        What turns hard becomes rigid
                        and is easily shattered.

                        Pour yourself out like a fountain.
                        Flow into the knowledge that what you are seeking
                        finishes often at the start, and, with ending, begins.

                        Every happiness is the child of a separation
                        it did not think it could survive. And Daphne, becoming a laurel,
                        dares you to become the wind."

                        by an other


                        Urug 8)
                        "You must be present to win"
                        "The answer is not what you think"


                        • Keishin
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 471

                          poetry corner

                          Hello Urug:
                          Just saw your poem--beautiful!!


                          • will
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 2331

                            How do you know there is grass under the snow if it's unseen?

                            Or is it metaphorical?

                            To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                            To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                            To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                            To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                            • Keishin
                              • Jun 2007
                              • 471

                              poetry corner

                              all one, yet boundaries?
                              now if it weren't for precepts
                              I'd never find them


                              • will
                                • Jun 2007
                                • 2331

                                Run; Run;
                                With Nowhere to go...

                                photo by:Paul Caponigro
                                To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                                To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                                To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                                To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.

