Buddhist Books and other resources

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  • Seiryu
    • Sep 2010
    • 642

    Buddhist Books and other resources

    Hi all!!

    Here is a website I found that has a lot of cool and interesting information (if you don't know about it already).

    http://www.buddhistelibrary.org/en/inde ... ng=english


    清竜 Seiryu
  • Saijun
    • Jul 2010
    • 667

    Re: Buddhist Books and other resources

    Hello Seiryu,

    Thank you for the website. I just downloaded their copy of the Surangama Sutra. A little light reading for after work, you know? 8)


    To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity. --RBB


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41220

      Re: Buddhist Books and other resources

      Originally posted by Seiryu

      And I also have a pdf copy of "The Tibetan book of living and dying, and The Tibetan book of the dead" as well as a pdf of Eckhart Tolle's "The power of now"

      None of those is particularly at the top of my recommended book list. But, any book is worthwhile in some way. The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a wild fantasy (not even particularly "Buddhist", but more part of Tibet's native "Bon" beliefs) but, if its incredible vision of the afterworld is actually so ... well, I guess we'll find out! Kind of like a 'Science Fiction' of its day, I suppose, and one might better spend one's time reading good SF, I feel. Stanis?aw Lem perhaps.

      Eckhart Tolle has some very good insights, but sometimes a bit spacey and 'New Age'. Also, without a solid practice of sitting and such to go with it, I feel it is like reading a cookbook without getting into the kitchen and baking.

      By the way, here is our little recommended list here for Shikantaza practice.


      The Surangama Sutra, by the way, is now well known to be an "apocryphal" Sutra (meaning that it can be clearly shown to be composed in China, not India, and relatively late in Buddhist history. It was even known to be so in Dogen's day, and Dogen was a skeptic about it ... although he sometimes quoted stories from it too). Of course, all "Suttas" and "Sutras" are "apocryphal" in some way! You are right that the Surangama Sutra is another WILD ride cooked up in the vivid imaginations of its authors. Please think of it as more SF, but with some good parts in there.

      Gassho, J


      • Seiryu
        • Sep 2010
        • 642

        Re: Buddhist Books and other resources

        Originally posted by Jundo
        Eckhart Tolle has some very good insights, but sometimes a bit spacey and 'New Age'. Also, without a solid practice of sitting and such to go with it, I feel it is like reading a cookbook without getting into the kitchen and baking.
        Never thought of comparing Eckhart Tolle to a cooking book :shock: I lol'd- But I understand your point. But its nice sometimes to read people who have insights can care to share. Me, I follow a principle that I will listen to anybody share spirituality as long as it makes sense. No sense=me not listening. Doesn't mean I'll agree, or even follow-I'll just listen

        I agree with what you have written about the book of the dead and such. I like the Tibetan books since its nice to hear some Buddhist stories about the after life. Much like the ancient Egyptians after life stories and the process you have to go to to get there.

        anyway right now I reading its of the Dhammapada and attempting to re-read Genjo koan and the mountains and river sutra of the Shoubogenzo


        清竜 Seiryu


        • Hans
          • Mar 2007
          • 1853

          Re: Buddhist Books and other resources

          Hello everyone,

          the boring German posting again. Hello Seiryu, thank you for your efforts, but may I ask whether you actually have the copyright clearance that allows you to distribute free PDF copies of Eckhart Tolle's books and the TBOTD (which translation btw., may I ask?)?

          Sorry to be so conservative about this, but although I don't work in the publishing sector, my job is also tied to the fact that individuals do not freely distribute the products we are selling.

          If a book isn't available anymore and one has no other way of getting it...well....pdf is a great format Otherwise I would strongly advise against promoting file sharing on our site. But that's just me.

          (NOTE: this post referred to an earlier version of the original topic post)

          I know you are just sharing the dharma, so I have no doubt as to the "purity" of your intentions.




          • Engyo
            • Aug 2010
            • 356

            Re: Buddhist Books and other resources

            Thank you Seiryu, Jundo and Hans, for your posts.
            I'm not sure how similar content at this link is, but another accessible library online for acquiring teachings (for your own use) is:

            If I may, any questions regarding texts available here, their use and respective permissions received for material at this or the 'url' in Seiryu's post can be directed to:

            Ven. Pannyavaro
            Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.
            78 Bentley Road, Tullera, via Lismore NSW 2480, Australia
            Email: bdea@buddhanet.net


