Thanks For The Sit!

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  • Dosho
    • Jun 2008
    • 5784

    Thanks For The Sit!

    Hi everyone,

    I just finished the retreat and have to say: Thank you Treeleafers! When I sat, you were there...when you sit, I will be will the entire sangha. It is a wonderful thing to find one's place in the universe and for me that place is here. I am so grateful to all of you. Thank you so very much.

  • Ronchan
    • Nov 2010
    • 119

    Re: Thanks For The Sit!

    Hi all,

    Same here, thanks again to all of you.

    With gentleness overcome anger. With generosity overcome meanness. With truth overcome deceit.


    • Jinyu
      • May 2009
      • 768

      Re: Thanks For The Sit!

      Hi everyone!

      Thanks to Jundo and Taigu! :wink:
      And to everyone who sat and will sit! You folks have been a great support in the "difficult"/long moments!

      nine bows to all!

      Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


      • Ronchan
        • Nov 2010
        • 119

        Re: Thanks For The Sit!

        Hello all,

        If you were watching the live stream through Ustream, you may have noticed the same thing happening on your screen that happened on mine.
        I know, it could have been different from wherever you were watching but still.. or I am too slow on the pick-up, whatever.
        But for those who were not there, could not be there:
        When we started on the friday, my info-part/text on my screen told me that 'this was Treeleaf, Jundo, the on-line Zendo' etc.
        Well, that seems to have changed: it now mentions a Jundo AND a Taigu who teach at the Treeleaf Zendo and the new picture also was a colourfull, happy 'thing', that invites you in.
        Good job.

        I think the change is honouring the Sangha as a whole and gives recognition to the correct situation here with us.
        I am glad this has been done,

        With gentleness overcome anger. With generosity overcome meanness. With truth overcome deceit.


        • Shinko
          • May 2009
          • 165

          Re: Thanks For The Sit!

          Thanks to Jundo and Taigu!

          I cannot express fully what this retreat was to me. I appreciate all the work and planning that went into getting the broadcast together, even though my Shockwave plugin hated me at times.

          I needed it more than I have ever needed anything right now. Wasn't sure I was going to make it but I am glad that I did.


          • Shinko
            • May 2009
            • 165

            Re: Thanks For The Sit!

            Originally posted by Ronchan
            Hello all,

            If you were watching the live stream through Ustream, you may have noticed the same thing happening on your screen that happened on mine.
            I know, it could have been different from wherever you were watching but still.. or I am too slow on the pick-up, whatever.
            But for those who were not there, could not be there:
            I noticed it too.


            • Engyo
              • Aug 2010
              • 356

              Re: Thanks For The Sit!

              I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to do this year's Rohatsu Retreat live and wall to wall. My time zone (being exactly opposite of Japan's) meant I had the night "watch". Many thanks to Jundo and Taigu for their leadership, skills, as well as content contributed; in keeping everything moving so well. Thanks also to all the wonderful company. All in all, the retreat went by very quickly as a result.
              I am not new to retreats, or having done extended practices such as "Watches of the Night" in company with others in Ajahn Mun's Theravada lineage, in celebration of Vesak; encompassing Buddha's birth, enlightenment and passing. I wondered, then, what it would be like online here. Well it was every bit as special and more. I felt the presence provided by our teachers and those who participated, just as sure as having others on cushions either side of me. The experience was seamless. No separation. I had the easy part. All I had to do was just be there.
              Adding in full measure to all this are all those who will sit in recorded sessions; here and there; near and far; now and then, as circumstances permit and this practice of Rohatsu is... well it's...then on the other hand I might describe it as...or of course I might say...
              Gassho, just Gassho,

              P.S. I can hardly wait 'til the next one.


              • Shohei
                • Oct 2007
                • 2854

                Re: Thanks For The Sit!

                Yes! Thank you for the retreat! It was much needed. I was (am still) with a good dose of a cold so the first night I sat live until midnight my time (1 pm Japan time), then woke up Saturday morning at 8:30ish and sat the remaining recorded bits. I was thinking that I would be able to complete it and catch some winks then plow through the next day... Good plan eh? Actually ended up sitting 24 hours straight!! right from the recorded bits until an hour or so before the live started for day 2 so I decided to go for it. It was wonderful and and like Don said, lets do that again (only sooner )

                Batman!! Shohei


                • KellyRok
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 1374

                  Re: Thanks For The Sit!

                  Hello all,

                  Just finished the retreat...wonderful! Thank you all! Thank you Jundo and Taigu for all your efforts. It was another beautiful retreat, filled with technical difficulties, emotion, soreness, joy, sleepiness...I surrendered to it all.

                  I finished my last sit with my children who asked to join me...they lasted for about 10 minutes, and I loved every minute.

                  bows to to bed for me,



                  • Nenka
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1240

                    Re: Thanks For The Sit!

                    Thanks so much, Jundo and Taigu, for this retreat. I just finished!

                    Thanks also to everyone who sat with me, whenever that is.

                    Originally posted by KellyRok
                    It was another beautiful retreat, filled with technical difficulties, emotion, soreness, joy, sleepiness...I surrendered to it all.



                    • Tb
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 3186

                      Re: Thanks For The Sit!


                      Having done the retreat parts live parts recorded i humbly bow to all that have sat or will sit.
                      Lovely to see different styles blend together to create this unity of things.

                      Life is our temple and its all good practice


                      • Myoku
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 1491

                        Re: Thanks For The Sit!

                        this was my first retreat and it surely had a massive impact; I sat about 5 hours delayed,
                        so it fitted aproximately 5:00-22:00 my time. Thank you Jundo, Thank you Taigu,
                        thank you everybody, no particular order, the whole universe supported me and
                        you and us, again, all the Moon anyway


                        • nadia_estm
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 38

                          Re: Thanks For The Sit!

                          definitely big thanks o the sangha and teachers that made this wonderful retreat possible It was wonderful!


                          • Onshin
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 462

                            Re: Thanks For The Sit!

                            Although I said this on another post (I really should look first ops: ),
                            Thank you Jundo and Taigu for a well run and insightful retreat. I loved Taigu's Kesa, very cheery, and I found Taigu's talks to be very personal and deep rooted, quite emotional really and very moving, not to mention helpful. Thank you for sharing your depths._()_

                            And thank you all for sitting with me.


                            "This traceless enlightenment continues endlessly" (Dogen Zenji)


                            • Heisoku
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 1338

                              Re: Thanks For The Sit!

                              Agreed Joe!
                              Both Taigu and Jundo many thanks for being so inspiring and for inspiring commitment for this jukai.
                              I have spent today just being in the midst at work... a wonderful feeling.

                              Many thanks to everyone sitting for sharing their has really been a break through for me to have completed this retreat and you have all contributed to this.

                              Many Gassho's

                              Heisoku 平 息
                              Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)

