Teachings Practices from other Schools / Traditions

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  • gakuse345
    Re: Teachings Practices from other Schools / Traditions

    What will a man do with three shoes?

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  • Daibh
    Re: Teachings Practices from other Schools / Traditions

    Originally posted by Shohei
    Hi Dave
    I think its interesting to glean beneficial parts from one practice while fully practicing another. (we do metta verses, such as supplemental yet key part of our practices here)That said...sitting on fence between traditions, or picking only what you like while tossing out the rest of each, a spiritual buffet if you will, gets you no where...
    Thank you Shohei.

    I believe our views, as per what I have quoted from you above, are not all that different on the matter.

    Hopefully my questions will toss up some perspectives I had not yet considered!

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  • Shohei
    Re: Teachings Practices from other Schools / Traditions

    Hi Dave
    Im no expert but ill toss this out for what its worth.
    I think its interesting to glean beneficial parts from one practice while fully practicing another. (we do metta verses, such as supplemental yet key part of our practices here)That said...sitting on fence between traditions, or picking only what you like while tossing out the rest of each, a spiritual buffet if you will, gets you no where (though no wheres to go or anything to get :lol eventually you will settle on what is right for you.

    you may play football or hockey, but a ball on the ice or skates on the field is not very wise idea(though I may have came up with a new Canadian past time ).

    I know others will have much more or at least concise things to add. and this is just worth the value of the the zeros and ones its written with!

    Good question, Thank you!


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  • Daibh
    started a topic Teachings Practices from other Schools / Traditions

    Teachings Practices from other Schools / Traditions

    Dear Treeleaf Sangha,

    Questions I wish to put forth are these:

    Do you feel there is any problem in a Zen practitioner recieving teachings from and practicing the diciplines of other schools & Buddhist traditions?

    Can such an undertaking in your opinion ever be beneficial or do you see it as an unnecessary extra or obstacle to Zen practice?

    I look forward to your thoughts.
