Jundo's latest vid

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  • chicanobudista
    • Mar 2008
    • 864

    Re: Jundo's latest vid

    Originally posted by Jundo
    The sewing of a Rakusu is not like studying for a G.E.D., not even like struggling as a child to learn a new language. It is a process in which the must be some hardship and resistance precisely in order to learn the unlearnable lesson ...

    It is not a skill in sewing that you master, but a skill in finding the wholeness of life's tapestry.
    Actually, studying for the GED is in many ways like the sewing a rakusu. Sure you learn a skill. Sure learn how to take a test. But you also learn something about yourself. I invite folks here to come and sit with my students. Sit with them. Learn something about them...and yourself.

    Flor de Nopal Sangha


    • chicanobudista
      • Mar 2008
      • 864

      Re: Jundo's latest vid

      Originally posted by Dosho
      Originally posted by Stephanie
      Sometimes a sharp word, like a sharp slap, can get the blood flowing!
      Agreed, but sometimes a kind word can help just as much, especially for those who have already been beaten up either physically or mentally.
      Sharp words
      Kind words.
      Bad Cop.
      Good Cop.

      I barely came from the hospital tonite after visiting my mom. She suffered a brain aneurysm. She can't talk well and needs helps moving. My Dad and I help in what we can. My father lifted her from her wheel chair and then set her on the bed. Then, my dad and I at the count of 1, 2, 3 lifted her to put her right so we can feed her. Slowly put a blanket on her and made sure her adult diaper were well put. We brought food and slowly spoon. eat. spoon. eat. spoon. eat. Clean her chin and mouth. We stayed. Talked. She fell asleep.

      I am back in this forum. Good to see the back and forth. But also see a lot of flagpoles with flags. Yet. At the hospital, when feeding my mother. Whether I fail to listen. Whether GED is not like rakusu sewing. This vanishes at that moment. There. Me. Mother. Eating. Appreciating the time. This is good for the rakusu in my heart. The mud wall falls under the rain. Mud turns into fertile ground.

      Flor de Nopal Sangha


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41217

        Re: Jundo's latest vid

        Originally posted by chicanobudista
        I am back in this forum. Good to see the back and forth. But also see a lot of flagpoles with flags. Yet. At the hospital, when feeding my mother. Whether I fail to listen. Whether GED is not like rakusu sewing. This vanishes at that moment. There. Me. Mother. Eating. Appreciating the time. This is good for the rakusu in my heart. The mud wall falls under the rain. Mud turns into fertile ground.
        I an sorry for your mother's condition. Please let us know what we can do to help, and know that we are all there with you.

        I recall my mother's last months, a series of strokes. This is what happens to your mother, my mother, everyone's mother or father or wife or husband, to me and you. It is life, it is not easy ... yet not to be resisted.

        And that is a reason why sewing the Rakusu is not to be made 'so easy', why there must be some resistance. Let me respectfully remind you, life and death are of supreme importance ... time passes by, and opportunity is lost ...

        This place sometimes bothers me when folks start to sound like a bunch of bored homemakers going to a yoga class to kill their afternoon.

        Gassho, Jundo


        • chicanobudista
          • Mar 2008
          • 864

          Re: Jundo's latest vid

          Originally posted by Jundo
          Originally posted by chicanobudista

          And that is a reason why sewing the Rakusu is not to be made 'so easy', why there must be some resistance.
          must or musn't? :?:

          Flor de Nopal Sangha


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41217

            Re: Jundo's latest vid

            Originally posted by chicanobudista

            must or musn't? :?:

            Sometimes resistance, sometimes no resistance ... sometimes (and this is the trickiest) resistance without the least resistance.

            Good luck on sewing, and the situation with mom. All whole and the same.


            • chicanobudista
              • Mar 2008
              • 864

              Re: Jundo's latest vid

              Originally posted by Jundo
              Originally posted by chicanobudista

              must or musn't? :?:

              Sometimes resistance, sometimes no resistance ... sometimes (and this is the trickiest) resistance without the least resistance.

              Good luck on sewing, and the situation with mom. All whole and the same.

              Flor de Nopal Sangha


              • disastermouse

                Re: Jundo's latest vid

                Originally posted by Jundo
                Originally posted by chicanobudista

                And I think you dont hear me asking for help. But here I still am sitting outside the temple.
                At any Zen monastery in Asia, they will leave the person waiting to enter outside the door, ignored ... for hours, better for days, before his or her presence is even acknowledged.

                Before one can enter ... even if it is not literally 'out in the snow' (though sometimes so) ... one is left sitting Zazen morning to night for about a week in "Tangaryo" ... left in the same clothes, without a bath, their few belongings in a small bag leaning against the wall ...
                In China, they used to bind a woman's foot. In Africa, they mutilate women's genitalia. In most Western nations, men are circumcized. Kosher Jews don't eat pork.

                Referring to tradition is not an answer to the question - it's obfuscation. Chicanobuddhista (WTF is your real name again? I can't remember) is not Chinese or Japanese. Treating us as if we were is perhaps misguided.

                In a meat-world sangha, a student ignored by the teacher may nonetheless get some instruction from other students. How can that happen here regarding the bib?



                • disastermouse

                  Re: Jundo's latest vid

                  Originally posted by Jundo

                  This place sometimes bothers me when folks start to sound like a bunch of bored homemakers going to a yoga class to kill their afternoon.

                  Gassho, Jundo
                  Bored homemakers are also worthy of the Dharma.



                  • chicanobudista
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 864

                    Re: Jundo's latest vid

                    Originally posted by disastermouse
                    Chicanobuddhista (WTF is your real name again?
                    oops..sorry..here...I forgot to put it on when I got here.....


                    Flor de Nopal Sangha


                    • Taigu
                      Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 2710

                      Re: Jundo's latest vid

                      Chicanobudista, I am sorry to hear about these difficult circonstances and wish all the best to your mum. Take it easy.

                      Chet wrote:
                      In a meat-world sangha, a student ignored by the teacher may nonetheless get some instruction from other students. How can that happen here regarding the bib?

                      Chet, Chicanobudista is not ignored by the teacher, the teacher advises a course of action. It is fully part of the teaching. Of course, any student can receive help from others, it happens often. But there is a major difference between helping from time to time and organizing a whole sewing live session on line. This is not realistic for me because I live in Japan and it implies commitments you have no idea about. I don't want to burden others and ask them to do it and I think they are not rady yet to take this responsability.

                      You are refering to the kesa as the bib. I find it offensive in your mouth. Particularly when you think you have no experience whatsoever of sewing it.

                      Referring to tradition is part of the answer.

                      We all find it very hard to take lessons and we all prefer to give them. You are obviously not an exception. Respect and gratitude are things that need to be learned sometimes.

                      I am sorry to read your words and sincerely hope you are not feeling too unwell. If you are balanced and fine, I would strongly invite you to question your thoughts about this practice, your commitment and your style.




                      • Taigu
                        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2710

                        Re: Jundo's latest vid

                        One last thing that should be said...everytime I teach, this teaching is for me. Before I joined Treeleaf, I used to say that I had only one student and a very bad one, myself.




                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41217

                          Re: Jundo's latest vid

                          Originally posted by disastermouse

                          In China, they used to bind a woman's foot. In Africa, they mutilate women's genitalia. In most Western nations, men are circumcized. Kosher Jews don't eat pork.

                          In a meat-world sangha, a student ignored by the teacher may nonetheless get some instruction from other students. How can that happen here regarding the bib?

                          Some traditional and modern hard practices overstep a line of cruelty and are rather pointless. We do not use the Kyosaku stick in our Lineage for that reason (although, even that, if used gently is just a 'waker upper'. Menzan, I understand, wanted to use a long stick with a feather instead) ...


                          Other strict and hard practices leave a lesson in one's bones and are worthwhile. There is a difference.

                          Some practices from Japan and China are silly for 21st century westerners to pursue, others are worthwhile to keep around. There is a difference.


                          Getting instruction from each other, and supporting each other ... building a spirit of Sangha ... is also part of the sewing. That has been our experience the last two years. In fact, the teacher needs to not butt in too much to the sewers figuring it out for themselves, and supporting and encouraging each other. Furthermore, the students do a disservice to each other if they overly spell things out for each other, do the work for each other.

                          I think it is time for you to sew a Rakusu, Chet, and to spend a bit less time with video games.

                          Gassho, Jundo
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • disastermouse

                            Re: Jundo's latest vid

                            Originally posted by Taigu
                            Chicanobudista, I am sorry to hear about these difficult circonstances and wish all the best to your mum. Take it easy.

                            Chet wrote:
                            In a meat-world sangha, a student ignored by the teacher may nonetheless get some instruction from other students. How can that happen here regarding the bib?

                            Chet, Chicanobudista is not ignored by the teacher, the teacher advises a course of action. It is fully part of the teaching. Of course, any student can receive help from others, it happens often. But there is a major difference between helping from time to time and organizing a whole sewing live session on line. This is not realistic for me because I live in Japan and it implies commitments you have no idea about. I don't want to burden others and ask them to do it and I think they are not rady yet to take this responsability.
                            I do understand this, Taigu. My understanding is that your schedule is very busy. In a more traditional Sangha, there would be classes - because like so many Zen things, the way you do it is pretty particular - and to Americans, sewing itself is pretty foreign. My point was not to disrespect your time, my point was that more instruction is OFTEN required of people doing this particular thing, and such instruction is often provided. Hence, turning 'Sewing your Rakusu" into a koan is a bit - unintentionally untraditional. The bottom line is, it's not a disrespect of your time that I was expressing.

                            You are refering to the kesa as the bib. I find it offensive in your mouth. Particularly when you think you have no experience whatsoever of sewing it.
                            Actually, I was referring to the Rakusu. The Kesa is a mumu :twisted: Call it what you will, it's a bib. It's a fancy, Japanese, Zen bib, but that doesn't make it less bib-ish. If I was to walk down the street to the gas station for a snack wearing the rakusu - besides that in itself being very irreverant - someone might actually say, 'Hey, cool bib!' If I corrected them, that'd be mildly inappropriate in itself.

                            As for offending you, glad I could be of service! Finally I've found my calling! :twisted:

                            (All above offered in light-heartedness.)



                            • disastermouse

                              Re: Jundo's latest vid

                              Originally posted by Jundo
                              I think it is time for you to sew a Rakusu, Chet, and to spend a bit less time with video games.

                              Gassho, Jundo
                              Boy, do we ever agree on that! I need to figure out how to break it into a simple-step process. I think step one is finding the supply list and the vids - and getting a sewing kit.

                              I often need to break down intimidating things into steps or I get overwhelmed by the whole big-damned-idea of it.

                              I purchased the book, but have since misplaced it. It's probably at my mom's place in a box somewhere, sadly. I'll Amazon it - too bad it's not on iBooks yet.



                              • Taigu
                                Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                                • Aug 2008
                                • 2710

                                Re: Jundo's latest vid

                                Thanks, Chet.
                                And yes, it would be great if you could give it a start.



