Pocket Zen Liturgy

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  • Jikyo
    • Jan 2009
    • 197

    Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

    Thanks for this, Shinkai! I carry around the four vows and verse of atonement on a tattered 3x5 card folded in half with the verses hidden inside. Your printed version is a dream! I love to use Thich Nhat Hanh's little gatha book as inspiration - "Present Moment, Wonderful Moment." And I always say the Treeleaf meal chant before eating, no matter how small the meal. The meal chant has become enough of a habit that my husband and I recite it even at restaurants, complete with our hands in gassho. We live in Humboldt County, behind the Redwood Curtain, where it's perpetually 1975, so our little public practice doesn't get much notice



    • sittingzen
      • May 2010
      • 188

      Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

      You and Jenn are fabulous.

      Deep Gassho,

      Shinjin datsuraku, datsuraku shinjin..Body-mind drop off, mind-body drop off..


      • Silva
        • May 2010
        • 109

        Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

        This is beautiful, and just enough room for a few pen and ink illustrations!

        "...the bell's melodious sound continues to resonate as it echoes, endlessly before and after. "
        Eihei Dogen


        • Jinyu
          • May 2009
          • 768

          Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

          Originally posted by Silva
          This is beautiful, and just enough room for a few pen and ink illustrations!
          I'm so messy I'm capable to write my shopping list on it :lol:
          But Thanks Shinkai it's really nice and neat! I just printed it :roll:
          And that Pocket Mod thing is very interesting!

          Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


          • Shugen
            • Nov 2007
            • 4532

            Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy


            Very nice, thank you!

            Meido Shugen
            明道 修眼


            • ghop
              • Jan 2010
              • 438

              Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

              Originally posted by Jundo
              Both Zazen and Donkey Kong are an absolute waste of time ... though Zazen will allow one to see absolutely that there is no "time". Zazen will get you freedom in this moment ... as one realizes that there are no points awarded in life, that the obstacles and barrels to jump over are of the mind's own making, as is the ape-self who is chasing us ... as 'jumpman' realizes there is no place to jump ... as the mental rivets are removed and the Koan Kong falls into emptiness ...
              Where do you get this stuff? :lol:

              Originally posted by Jundo
              If I put buzzers and sirens on the Zafu, and had it automatically award points for how long you sat there, it might have about the same effect
              Hey, now there's an idea! :shock:

              You guys are great!



              • Heisoku
                • Jun 2010
                • 1338

                Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                Love the booklet and pocketmod is pretty neat too!

                Gassho Nigel
                Heisoku 平 息
                Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)


                • Shohei
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 2854

                  Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                  Firstly - AWESOME-SAUCE . I work/whatever @ a university print shop has a ...pfft whatever... and you, Shinkai and Jen too, have done a great job with these booklets. I must admit i still have big messes of papers sewn...yeah i stitched with needle and thread ... some of the Chant books etc. This is much nicer and portable (and presentable!!) Thank you for your efforts!



                  • Jen
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 166

                    Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                    This is totally awesome! Thanks for doing this, Shinkai!
                    Not all those that wander are lost- JRR Tolkien


                    • Govert
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 95

                      Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                      Awesome, I spend many time on plains and waiting in airports, it is of great benefit for me and it can be put away so easily,




                      • Risho
                        • May 2010
                        • 3178

                        Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                        This is really, really cool! I've started to incorporate liturgy in my daily practice, and this makes it a lot easier to do!
                        Email: risho.treeleaf@gmail.com


                        • Al
                          • May 2007
                          • 400

                          Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                          Bumping this thread for n00bs and those who are looking for a portable way to increase their practice during the upcoming Ango period.
                          Gassho _/\_



                          • Hoyu
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 2020

                            Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                            Oh how I love when gems from before my time here surface! Shinkai this is awesome!! Thank you for sharing and re-sharing this! I printed both the Heart Sutra and the Zen Liturgy and they look and work like a dream!!! Many bows for this _/_

                            Ho (Dharma)
                            Yu (Hot Water)


                            • Kyonin
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 6752

                              Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                              Dear Shinkai!

                              Thank you so much! It is actually a very useful tool for our practice! I will have mine handy all the time
                              Hondō Kyōnin
                              奔道 協忍


                              • Kyonin
                                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                                • Oct 2010
                                • 6752

                                Re: Pocket Zen Liturgy

                                Originally posted by Jundo
                                Donkey Kong is just as pointless as Zen practice. In fact, the game is truly pointless, while Zazen is pointless ... but with a point. The video game just has more bells and whistles, flashing lights and noise to distract the mind. If I put buzzers and sirens on the Zafu, and had it automatically award points for how long you sat there, it might have about the same effect. Donkey Kong is the self fooling itself that it is "accomplishing" something (granted, there might be minor improvements in hand eye coordination that we do not attain in Zazen ... although we do in Oryoki). The mind just fights being put "out of a job", and does not know how to drop the achieving, and getting somewhere, and winning points that the game fools the 'self' into thinking it is getting (because, of course, the points and "getting somewhere" are just electronic illusions on a screen).

                                Donkey Kong will get you nothing by a few hours' satisfaction ... as the games pass, and the time is killed. Both Zazen and Donkey Kong are an absolute waste of time ... though Zazen will allow one to see absolutely that there is no "time". Zazen will get you freedom in this moment ... as one realizes that there are no points awarded in life, that the obstacles and barrels to jump over are of the mind's own making, as is the ape-self who is chasing us ... as 'jumpman' realizes there is no place to jump ... as the mental rivets are removed and the Koan Kong falls into emptiness ...

                                You just gave something really serious to think. As an avid gamer all my life, I have come to realize that I no longer feel the urge to keep on playing. I like video games, but I haven't found the real reason why I have been slowing down my intake, so to speak.

                                Thank you.
                                Hondō Kyōnin
                                奔道 協忍

