Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

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  • Tb
    • Jan 2008
    • 3186

    Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)


    A reminder of the treeleaf teaparty on sunday 21:00 (swedish time) on skype.

    Everybody's welcome.
    Same time, same place.
    Thank you for your practice.

    Life is our temple and its all good practice


    • Dosho
      • Jun 2008
      • 5784

      Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

      Here's this week's tea party report:

      Today's call consisted mostly of social talk as it does on occasion, although some matters of practice were discussed. Fugen asked the group how he, Shohei, and Mongen should refer to members of the sangha as ordained zen priest trainees. Some research on the interweb saw a repeated use of "parishioners" among some Western Zen centers, but most on the call didn't like that term. "Friends" was thought highly of by the group, but a note was made to ask Jundo about the topic.

      Ango was discussed there some reluctance to discuss each other's practice? For some on the call, Ango can be "all the things we'd like to do but can't seem to get to". Perhaps we have expectations that are too high? Or are the goals meaningful whether or not we reach them?

      There were some technical issues throughout the call with some not getting connected at all and others having trouble being heard. Much of the call went into discussions of computers, star trek, being a nerd, video games, and determining if one is "jedi-positive". There was also a brief discussion of zen kids books before the call ended, as it was getting late particularly for the European folks.

      See everybody next week!


      • Saijun
        • Jul 2010
        • 667

        Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)


        It was good to join you, even if I had to leave fairly early. Thank you all.


        To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity. --RBB


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41199

          Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

          Originally posted by Dosho
          Some research on the interweb saw a repeated use of "parishioners" among some Western Zen centers, but most on the call didn't like that term. "Friends" was thought highly of by the group, but a note was made to ask Jundo about the topic.
          Well, I would just say "members of the Sangha" ... which includes everyone, from the person who just sat here for the first time today to the teachers and novice priest-trainees, not to forget the Buddha and all Ancestors, the mountains and air and trees. On that last one, sometimes I like "leafers" for our particular Sangha.

          I once used the analogy of a ship, in which all of the members are passenger-crew on this same ship we all sail (both passenger and crew at the same time). The job of the ordained folks is to be the cabin boys, bringing fresh towels (cause they have been trained to know where the clean towels are kept) or to be on the bridge keeping the ship afloat and on course (which, in our Practice, is to no destination but right here). All members of the ship, however, are expected to help out and pull their own weight. 8)

          Ango was discussed there some reluctance to discuss each other's practice? For some on the call, Ango can be "all the things we'd like to do but can't seem to get to". Perhaps we have expectations that are too high? Or are the goals meaningful whether or not we reach them?
          Ango is a Practice of wrestling with doing what we want to do, doing what we resist, not doing what we want to do, not doing what we resist. The burdens should usually be set just a little above what we are comfortable with doing, and should include some things we do not wish to do and resist (maybe sewing, work as samu, chanting daily). None of our suggested practices on the original list was set to be so onerous that it could not be done by even someone working two jobs and raising kids ...

          I believe that Ango participants should commit to all or most of the following. In all cases, the emphasis will be on increasing ... not raw quantity ... but the sincerity, commitment, vigor and seriousness of what we undertake:

          + Add a minimum of 5 minutes per sitting to however long one's current sitting time, and commit to sit that time - at least daily - without missing a single day. As well, for those who can and whose schedule will realistically allow ... consider adding an additional full sitting period per day to however many times per day one is now sitting Zazen. Whatever your commitment, be realistic about what you can maintain ... and then (absent sheer impossibility) stick with it, without missing a single day

          + Join in each and every 90 minute Saturday Treeleaf Zazenkai, and 4-hour monthly Treeleaf Zazenkai netcast without fail. However, as always, each will be available in recorded form (so may be joined at a time to fit your schedule).

          + Add, if you can, Metta Verse Practice ( viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1199 ) and Nurturing Seeds Practice ( viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1730 ) to your routine each day.

          + Listen, as possible, to each short (usually 5 minutes or so) 'Sit-a-Long' Talk (to be presented by Jundo and Taigu at "Shambhala Sun") during the practice period, also all available in recorded form to meet your schedule. A special series of talks will be presented during the Ango and Jukai period.

          + Join frequently in online discussions in our Forum of the content and Ango experiences, sharing the ups and downs and middles.

          + If technically possible, commit to meet with Jundo or Taigu by Skype video at least once per month during the Ango.

          + If simultaneously studying for Jukai, complete and participate in each of the readings and discussions each week regarding the individual Precepts, as well as complete Rakusu sewing.

          + Make formal study on the meaning and philosophy of Samu (work practice, the central theme of Dogen's "Instructions for the Cook"), and apply such perspectives and attitudes in your family and work duties each day.

          + Commit to give up one or two items or passions one truly loves during the Practice period, for example, sweets after meals, luxurious meals, cigarettes, television, consumer purchases of luxury items.

          + Commit to mindful eating, and silently or orally recite one short meal chant before all meals (here is one I suggest).

          (Hands in Gassho) This food comes from the efforts
          of all sentient beings past and present,
          and is medicine for nourishment of our Practice.
          We offer this meal of many virtues and tastes
          to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha,
          and to all life in every realm of existence.
          May all sentient beings in the universe
          be sufficiently nourished.

          + Commit a portion of your weekly income during the period to extra charitable donations (assuming you have the financial ability). We do not accept any "Dana" financial contributions for Treeleaf, as we now have sufficient resources for what we are doing. However, we do encourage people to make financial donations to charities that help folks, e.g., feeding the poor, finding a cure for a disease. Both donations and Samu work should be a bit beyond the point where it starts to hurt. If you have the time, consider extra volunteer activities in your community as well.

          + Commit to sit our SPECIAL 2-DAY ROHATSU RETREAT (to be held online, currently scheduled for netcast the weekend of December 4 & 5) at the culmination of the Ango. Again, it would be good to participate "live", but all will be available in recorded form to fit schedules. The retreat will likely be similar to last year's schedule and content:

 ... day-j.html
          For that reason, if one is not performing what one has committed to do (and absent real extenuating circumstances such as flood or earthquake or martian invasian), one must ask of themselves whether it is a failure of self control and will and discipline and time organization. Seriously. (No different for me, by the way, who wrestles the same way with my perpetual diet). One may avoid several practices (not because one seriously does not have the time), but because one forgets or resists.

          The good news is that it is not too late to get back on the wagon, by the way. Right today, right now.

          There is "nothing to achieve" in this practice, and "not place to go". But that does not mean we can just sit around, being neglectful. One must bring a great sincerity and diligence to this "nothing to attain".

          Gassho, Jundo


          • Dosho
            • Jun 2008
            • 5784

            Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

            Thank you Jundo...



            • Shohei
              • Oct 2007
              • 2854

              Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

              Well, I would just say "members of the Sangha" ... which includes everyone, from the person who just sat here for the first time today to the teachers and novice priest-trainees, not to forget the Buddha and all Ancestors, the mountains and air and trees. On that last one, sometimes I like "leafers" for our particular Sangha.
              Yes that sounds about right, natural. When asked about name calling I thought along the lines of ."my friends"... now the this term is being used by others already but i meant it in a far less formal way I mean ... no high or low, low or high, just "yeah my friends and I were talking..." Sangha members works, well i think (of course imho)

              Good chat too, thank you Dosho for *posting! I agree on the reset button its never to late to reset (im hitting it right now!) Im thinking it is too easy to, speaking solely for myself here, to write it off to the reset button to many times.



              • Dosho
                • Jun 2008
                • 5784

                Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                Originally posted by Shohei
                I agree on the reset button its never to late to reset (im hitting it right now!) Im thinking it is too easy to, speaking solely for myself here, to write it off to the reset button to many times.
                You speak for me as well on that point Shohei, so let's all hit that reset button and recommit to sit!



                • Jinyu
                  • May 2009
                  • 768

                  Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                  Originally posted by Dosho
                  You speak for me as well on that point Shohei, so let's all hit that reset button and recommit to sit!
                  And to chant, and to study, and to do samu, ... :lol:

                  It was a very nice talk yesterday! Sorry for my poor connection... :roll:
                  Thank you guys!

                  Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


                  • Shohei
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 2854

                    Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                    Hi All
                    A reminder of the treeleaf teaparty on sunday 21:00 (swedish time) on skype

                    Please note DST is in effect for some folks so check your time.
                    Current local time in Sweden – Stockholm. Get Stockholm's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Stockholm's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.

                    US and Canada DST is not in effect until November 7th so the party will start an hour earlier

                    See you then.



                    • Jen
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 166

                      Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                      I am really, really planning on making it this weekend after my ongoing Hiatus. One thing though--I keep spacing out! If Fugen or Shohei would be so kind to message me on facebook if I don't have Skype on on Sunday, I'll bring Halloween cookies to the tea party

                      (ah yes. I am not above bribery!)
                      Not all those that wander are lost- JRR Tolkien


                      • Hogo
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 497

                        Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                        Originally posted by Jen
                        I am really, really planning on making it this weekend after my ongoing Hiatus. One thing though--I keep spacing out!
                        I do have family in town but I am really pushing for a bit of free time so am working to join you guys this week. Barring any overrulings by the boss (my wife) I'll see you all then


                        • Hogo
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 497

                          Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                          o.k. wrote that post not two min. ago and forgot what day Sunday was.......My daughters Birthday!! :shock: I will be in the middle of a party then :lol: so........ I will really see you guys the Following week!!
                          Have a great weekend everyone.
                          Gassho ~ Dave.

                          P.s. Happy Halloween everyone (those who celebrate?) Is it only a U.S. thing?


                          • Shohei
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 2854

                            Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                            Originally posted by Dday
                            o.k. wrote that post not two min. ago and forgot what day Sunday was.......My daughters Birthday!! :shock: I will be in the middle of a party then :lol: so........ I will really see you guys the Following week!!
                            Have a great weekend everyone.
                            Gassho ~ Dave.

                            P.s. Happy Halloween everyone (those who celebrate?) Is it only a U.S. thing?
                            Enjoy the part
                            P.s. Happy Halloween everyone (those who celebrate?) Is it only a U.S. thing?
                            LOL Ill come egg your house, burn a stone bridge if you dont hand over the to my kids :twisted:
                            (unfortunately that's the yearly koan round here...How to set a stone bridge a blaze?)
                            Seriously though good question Dave, I know its common in US and Canada (and confirmed for on scary guy in Sweden) how about others?



                            • Dosho
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 5784

                              Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)

                              Hi all,

                              We have a very brief report this week, both because there was low attendance due to the holiday and I had to leave early:

                              We discussed the similarities between Halloween and monks begging for food, since both groups have bowls, wear robes, and get handouts. Would the Buddha egg someone's house if they didn't give him "treats"? Probably not.

                              Ango and practice partners were discussed...there is still some resistance to talking about Ango experiences, but as Fugen pointed out, our "failings" are how we ultimately strengthen our practice. If we were perfect, what would be the point in practicing?

                              Some were taking the kids trick or treating, others were getting ready for parties or just handing out candy, so we decided that's probably where most others were today. I had to leave early due to an impending crisis in the household: My eldest son didn't want to wear thermal underwear under his costume. In the end he wore them and good thing too: It was snowing by nightfall!

                              See everyone next week!



                              • Tb
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 3186

                                Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)


                                A reminder of the treeleaf teaparty sunday 21:00 (swedish time) on skype.

                                Everybody's welcome.
                                Same time, same place.
                                Thank you for your practice.

                                Please note DST is in effect for some folks so check your time.
                                US and Canada DST is not in effect until November 7th so the party will start an hour earlier

                                Life is our temple and its all good practice

