Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Here is some of the topics discussed during the latest Teaparty.
Questions for the Unsui
Finding Buddhism
Finding Jesus
The end of the world
Coloured photos
C ya sundays.
Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
This topic is closed.
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
A reminder of the Treeleaf teaparty , 21.00 (swedish time).
Everybody's welcome.
Same time, same place.
Thank you for your practice.
Also, this sunday we have the Treeleaf beginners mind teaparty, starting an hour earlier, 20.00 (swedish time).
This is an option for those that is new to the teaparty and/or and/or are a bit on the shy side and /or have questions about Treeleaf.
Note: you don't need an camera, just an headset and a skype account.
An option to skype is that we do it through oovoo, that is if everybody feels comfortable with video...
If you want to join either, Just pm Fugen or Shohei your skypename.
Gassho & Mtfbwy
Shohei and FugenLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
As I have stated before, I'd love to join in but 3:00pm on Sundays is not convenient for me at this time. If that changes I'll be there. Meanwhile, I'll stay with the forum and PMs.
Enjoy the tea folksLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Here's the secretary list of things we discussed this week.
Davids (Hogo's) move.
Getting people doing things on Treeleaf
Prices of groceries
Tomatoes and Bananas have their place...
Diet drinks and micestudies
Troubles while sitting and yoga
Women and Films
Horror movies and bad movies
Internet and privacy
FugenLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Originally posted by Seiryuops: I was sooooo planning to join this week but some how it slipped my mind..urg!!!!
Karma hates me right now... :evil:
Anyway will try extra hard to join next week!!
(That is, if the world is still here I mean.. :wink: )
You don't have to be there like five minutes before, we have people that join after the ceremonies and just join the talk.
You're always welcome, whoever you are, whenever you join.
FugenLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Originally posted by Seiryuops: I was sooooo planning to join this week but some how it slipped my mind..urg!!!!
Karma hates me right now... :evil:
Anyway will try extra hard to join next week!!
(That is, if the world is still here I mean.. :wink: )Leave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
ops: I was sooooo planning to join this week but some how it slipped my mind..urg!!!!
Karma hates me right now... :evil:
Anyway will try extra hard to join next week!!
(That is, if the world is still here I mean.. :wink: )
SeiryuLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Hi all,
Here is this past week's tea party report:
We had a slow start due to many folks celebrating Mother's Day in North America, but attendance picked up after awhile. After some chit chat about motorcycles, robots, crazy weather, and mothers the discussion turned to how different people participate at Treeleaf. It was noted that more are practicing here without using the forum than in the past, choosing to interact mainly with the zazenkais, sitting hall, or right here at the tea party. However, it was felt that the forum remains the primary conduit for communicating with other sangha members. Ideas about why more people don't take advantage of the tea party and the live sits were discussed and as well as how we might increase participation. At the end of the call one of the participants was asking questions related to the function of our priests in training and the roles they serve here at Treeleaf.
Hope to see some folks on this week's webcam required!
DoshoLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
A reminder of the Treeleaf teaparty ,sunday 21.00 (swedish time ) on skype.
Contains a short ceremony and some friendly talks.
If you want to join, unless you already have, pm Fugen or Shohei your skypename.
Everybody's welcome.
Same time, same place.
Thank you for your practice.
Gassho & Mtfbwy
Shohei and FugenLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Hi all,
Here is this past week's tea party report:
After our traditional meal chant, robe verse, and short sit we had a wonderful description of one person's visit to a local zen center's sesshin. One of our priests in training brought to our attention some wise words from zen master Fred Rogers that he heard around the neighborhood while another unsui described his recent attendance at funeral services. Other topics discussed were recent activity on the forum concerning password protecting part of it, the corporate culture displayed by some zen centers, motorcycles, kesas, changing times, and the eternal wisdom of the Simpsons.
Hope to see some folks this weekend!
DoshoLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
A reminder of the Treeleaf teaparty , 21.00 (swedish time).
Everybody's welcome.
Same time, same place.
Thank you for your practice.
Also, this sunday we have the Treeleaf beginners mind teaparty, starting an hour earlier, 20.00 (swedish time).
This is an option for those that is new to the teaparty and/or and/or are a bit on the shy side and /or have questions about Treeleaf.
Note: you don't need an camera, just an headset and a skype account.
An option to skype is that we do it through oovoo, that is if everybody feels comfortable with video...
If you want to join either, Just pm Fugen or Shohei your skypename.
Gassho & Mtfbwy
Shohei and FugenLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
A reminder of the Treeleaf teaparty ,sunday 21.00 (swedish time ) on skype.
Contains a short ceremony and some friendly talks.
If you want to join, unless you already have, pm Fugen or Shohei your skypename.
Everybody's welcome.
Same time, same place.
Thank you for your practice.
Gassho & Mtfbwy
Shohei and FugenLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Hi all,
Here is this week's tea party report:
This week's group was a small one with three of our priests in training and a couple others in attendance. After our traditional meal chant, robe verse, and short sit (which was dedicated to the father of Fugen's friend slapsko) Fugen discussed a recent sesshin he had attended. After that we discussed a number of topics such as those who claim to have experienced kensho but still seem to be out of touch with their own shortcomings, the effect of environment vs. genetics on how we develp through childhood, personality types developed through themes originally from Carl Jung, and the nature of love and compassion in different religiuous contexts. It was a wide ranging and very personal discussion that can really only be understod by being there!
I hope to see some folks at this weekend's tea party!
DoshoLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Originally posted by JundoOriginally posted by DoshoEven though the recommendation is closer to 30 minutes here at Treeleaf, one of our priests in training said that the intention with which you practice zazen is the point ...
The "official" recommendation here is "15 minutes to 30 minutes per day, with lots and lots of 'Insta-Zazen ... plus longer Zazenkai, retreats and Sesshin from time to time ... all with good intention and sincerity ...
So, 15 minutes is fine if that is what someone can sit, and if coupled with all the rest.
Gassho, JundoLeave a comment:
Re: Sharing Helpful and Insightful Tips (was The Tea Party)
Originally posted by DoshoEven though the recommendation is closer to 30 minutes here at Treeleaf, one of our priests in training said that the intention with which you practice zazen is the point ...
The "official" recommendation here is "15 minutes to 30 minutes per day, with lots and lots of 'Insta-Zazen ... plus longer Zazenkai, retreats and Sesshin from time to time ... all with good intention and sincerity ...
So, 15 minutes is fine if that is what someone can sit, and if coupled with all the rest.
Gassho, JundoLeave a comment:
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