Re: Concentration practice incompatible with shikantaza?
Hi Chet and Rich
My one of my American friends would say. You are quite right. I was being lazy in my writing. The a priori assumption that practice is to make us "better" people is an assumption I choose to take, and yes that is conditioned by previous things of course. However, we all have assumptions that are based on the conditioned. My defintion of better would be any action that doesn't produce harm, or produces the least harm in a given situation, or produces the most happiness for the most people in a given situation. That's a minefield I know, but to simplify it I would say its living the eightfold path. The alchoholic teacher would be taking steps to address the drinking as this is part of the that path. At the very least they would be open and up front about their problem. Perhaps some are I don't know. The same goes for all the other issues, both in the Zen and Theravadan schools (and others). Unless we are working to create peace in this world, more friendliness/love and more happiness for each of us then I think that any form of practice is redundant.
An experience that seems like the unconditoned doesn't have to be anything of the sort. This statement is a belief. It is the same as a Christian who experiences something and says it is definitely God. Batchelor suggest that the original "unconditoned by greed, hatred and delusion"- which refers to something more concrete- was misunderstood (If I recall him correctly). It is an article of faith, or perhaps more accurately a description of an experience that is not necessarily an accurate description.
No, the experience itself isn't a postulate, but as all of our understanding of the world is based on conditioned phenomena anything postulated as unconditioned is meta- to the -physical.
me too- that's why I mention it every now and then. I come from a universty debating background where we take any point of view and argue it for different reasons. Sometimes we did it to challenge our own beliefs, sometimes just for fun and sometimes to develop our own mental flexibility to "go against the grain"- mostly all mixed in. However, the passion we put into that sometimes giave the impression to outsiders that we really held that point of view and were being dogmatic.
Also it is very easy to join a group and cover over doubts about the group beliefs or accept them without challenging them. This is part of my practice to be authentic and transparent (I have a loooong way to go) and risk being wrong as well as being right- or neither. At the end of the day my position so far is that we can't rely on our minds- just check out the self delusion work in psychology and philosophy (which we all suffer from)- and my experience as a scientist shows that all of our descriptions are just that. Reality is unknowable and we as human beings are "modellers" of that reality, but we forget the model is not the thing. Any model. This leaves us only with the practical and our values- hence my answer to the koan of "nansen and the cat" and my position on taking a life in that thread. Everything else is uncertain in a sense.
It all comes back to the fact I should've kept my mouth shut at the beginning
What the hell do I know?
Best wishes to you all (and thanks Chet for your wishes
Hi Chet and Rich
'Better' is based on belief - not the choice
Have you not tasted the unconditioned? In fact, you are soaking in it! The conditioned are expressions of the unconditioned, the unconditioned is the essence of the conditioned. Re-read the Heart Sutra in light of earnest practice if you have not already.
A subjective and inter-subjective experience is not a metaphysical postulate
I'm sorry if sometimes I give the impression of certainty

Also it is very easy to join a group and cover over doubts about the group beliefs or accept them without challenging them. This is part of my practice to be authentic and transparent (I have a loooong way to go) and risk being wrong as well as being right- or neither. At the end of the day my position so far is that we can't rely on our minds- just check out the self delusion work in psychology and philosophy (which we all suffer from)- and my experience as a scientist shows that all of our descriptions are just that. Reality is unknowable and we as human beings are "modellers" of that reality, but we forget the model is not the thing. Any model. This leaves us only with the practical and our values- hence my answer to the koan of "nansen and the cat" and my position on taking a life in that thread. Everything else is uncertain in a sense.
It all comes back to the fact I should've kept my mouth shut at the beginning

Best wishes to you all (and thanks Chet for your wishes
