Hi folks
Best laid plans and all that - i was planning and was sitting live and was ...then the connection went batty so i closed off some stuff but to no avail i was getting 1 sec. of live feed per minute or so... my isp has an unfair "Fair access / usage" policy that states that any more than 400mb in a 24/hr period is abuse of service and that my once exceeded the bandwidth would be throttled, more like strangled down to about 10 kb/s, for 24 hours starting the moment i cross that threshold. not enough to sustain the live net cast let alone the other funky stuff i was doing. A VERY frustrating clause in the agreement and its the only highspeed isp and service available
So it appears i will be sitting this later...and i cannot say ... ill let you all know when i sit it. Even this wonderful online sangha is beyond my reach here in the sticks where i live :/
As it is i used my last 2 vacation days Today off so i could prep and Monday off so i could clean up and return equipment/help my wife with the kids since she is now a couple of hundred km away with them at her parents. I cannot sit this at work as i drug all everything here, didn't clear it with security and pet considerations. etc.
To say I'm disappointed would be a understatement, however this is the way things go. For the rest of the weekend since i have time it will be sewing and sitting. on the up side i have alot of food read to eat.
9 bows to all currently sitting, and going to sit.
Hi folks
Best laid plans and all that - i was planning and was sitting live and was ...then the connection went batty so i closed off some stuff but to no avail i was getting 1 sec. of live feed per minute or so... my isp has an unfair "Fair access / usage" policy that states that any more than 400mb in a 24/hr period is abuse of service and that my once exceeded the bandwidth would be throttled, more like strangled down to about 10 kb/s, for 24 hours starting the moment i cross that threshold. not enough to sustain the live net cast let alone the other funky stuff i was doing. A VERY frustrating clause in the agreement and its the only highspeed isp and service available

As it is i used my last 2 vacation days Today off so i could prep and Monday off so i could clean up and return equipment/help my wife with the kids since she is now a couple of hundred km away with them at her parents. I cannot sit this at work as i drug all everything here, didn't clear it with security and pet considerations. etc.
To say I'm disappointed would be a understatement, however this is the way things go. For the rest of the weekend since i have time it will be sewing and sitting. on the up side i have alot of food read to eat.

9 bows to all currently sitting, and going to sit.