Okay, so today I was sitting zazen and thoughts were racing through my mind (like most times), and I had a realization or thought that I cannot shake. I was sitting there and the sound of the cat cleaning herself, the sound of the clock ticking, the sounds of my wife walking around the house were all entering my consciousness, then suddenly I thought "everything is exactly as it is." What I mean by this is my cat was being just what she is, a cat. The clock was being just what it is, a clock. My wife was being just what she is. Nothing more, nothing less. In addition, I thought, these things that were happening all depended on me for their existence, but I also depended on them for my existence. In other words, my cat was just a cat, but she was living her existence because of me, and I was in my existence because of her. She would still be a cat without me, and I would still be a human without her, but she wouldn't be the same cat, and I wouldn't be the same human. All the books that are in my office (where I sit zazen) would still fundamentally be books, but they wouldn't be the same books without me and I wouldn't be the same human without them. Everything in this world is what it fundamentally is, but this very existence is dependent on each object in our shared existence. I think I might be confusing, so I'll try a different approach. The clock that I heard ticking is just a clock and nothing more, but without me it wouldn't be the same clock, and without the clock I wouldn't be the same person. If someone else bought that clock instead of me, it would be the same clock, but it would be on a different wall in a different house, so ultimately its existence would not be the same. I experience the noise of the clock, so without that noise, I wouldn't be the same. Without my reading the books in my office, I wouldn't be the same person. I would still be a person, but not the exact existence that I am now at this moment. Those books wouldn't be the same books if someone else possessed them (different room, atmosphere, different hands holding them), but they would still be books. We are all dependent on each other and the world around us to exist every moment of this life. Without our experiences and interactions with these objects we would not be the same person (animal, book, clock, sound). I hope I'm making sense, but when I had this thought, it seemed to be the truth. I can always expand on this thought because I don't believe that I'm doing it justice in this post, but I just felt like sharing with the Sangha. I do not understand the full scope of everything, but I cannot help but feel that I stumbled on some truth today.