getting people into the groove...

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  • Tb
    • Jan 2008
    • 3186

    getting people into the groove...


    Came across this article.. ... 82,0,0,1,0

    Buddhist Priests Use Pop Culture to Win Back Faithful
    Its about finding new ways to get people into buddhism in japan...
    I know i've seen it here before (at least i think so...), but i have a different twist to it.
    The question is is this a right way to go or do you have an better idea ?

    Life is our temple and its all good practice
  • Hoko
    • Aug 2009
    • 458

    Re: getting people into the groove...

    It's kind of a double-edged sword.
    On the one hand, it sometimes takes seemingly unsubtle, less-than-reverent tactics to get people's attention.
    Case in point: Brad Warner's books have brought a lot of interest in Zen by being "edgy" and "hip" and funny.
    On the other hand, it's own irreverence sometimes works against it with more "mainstream" Buddhists.

    Similarly, there are a lot of Christian "mega-churches" with rock bands and "Jumbo-tron" TV screens.
    This has brought a lot of new, younger Christians into the fold but can irritate those of us who grew up with conservative priests in dog-collars and black suits. I went to a Marianist Brotherhood taught Catholic High School and they would have flipped their cookies over such "irreligious" trappings!

    So while big, animated Buddhas and hip-hop monastics are just as irritating as a rapping Jesus or Christian rock bands, they have their place in inspiring interest.
    You know, if you think about it, Zen is quite marketable!
    The image of the Zen Master with his super-calm demeanor and Yoda-like musings is very mythical and romantic.
    If that misconception or idealism gets people interested in Zen, then perhaps it's not such a bad thing.
    Sometimes getting folks in the door is the hardest part!

    So I guess I think this is a pretty good idea in the long run. It may irritate the "converted" but so what? It's not directed at them anyway!

    法 Dharma
    口 Mouth


    • Shonin
      • Apr 2009
      • 885

      Re: getting people into the groove...

      Uhhh, Kliff? I beg to differ. Nothing is more irritating than Christian Rock.


      • berrykat
        • Apr 2009
        • 36

        Re: getting people into the groove...

        Christian country music is worse than christian rock . I don't like either.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41218

          Re: getting people into the groove...

          I like a lot of Christian rock and folk. Depends on the artist and song.

          Gassho, Jundo


          • Kevin
            • Oct 2007
            • 113

            Re: getting people into the groove...

            Originally posted by Fugen
            Its about finding new ways to get people into buddhism in japan...
            Why do people need to be gotten into Buddhism?



            • Hans
              • Mar 2007
              • 1853

              Re: getting people into the groove...

              Hello Folks!

              Sorry for not having been able to write a lot during the last couple of months, but we just moved to a new house and had our internet connection installed only a few days ago. Here's my two cents regarding Kevin's question in his last post: Why do people need to be gotten into Buddhism?

              In an ideal world, I would simply say that the chick will hatch when it's ready, end of story. No need to get anyone into anything. We as human beings who for the most part live in indutrialized countires do not exist in a religio-cultural vacuum however. Quite the opposite happens to be the case in fact, we are being constantly confronted with the tenacious efforts of many a different religions to proselytize and to get their world view across. On one hand you have the clearly visible Jehova's Witnesses approach, tv-preachers etc., on the other hand however, the influence is more subtle.

              Whenever I listen to political discussions e.g. regarding possible legislative change that deals with very sensitive issues like abortion, one half of the politicians and commentators involved base their very important two-cent views on assumptions that rest firmly on the bedrock of bronze-age ethics and holy books, but do not always acknowledge the fact (at least not as often in Europe) that theirs is a religious POV first and foremost . To cut he long story short, people are not truly free to just discover the Dharma, because we have a couple of hundred religions actively involved in trying to "get people into XYZ".

              Should we then try the same?

              Nope.At least that's my opinion.We should not, or rather we MUST not ever try to proselytize, sneakily persuade or even bully people into Buddhism (and yes there are some Buddhist groups who do just that) , lest we lose our own integrity. However, IMHO we SHOULD try to make the Buddhadharma as widely available as possible witout cutting any corners.

              Shakyamuni could not teach the Dharma successfully to those not ready to hatch or with too much dust in their eyes and neither can we. We can however try to make sure that the Buddhadharma in its human sangha form is as available as possible to those whose eyes bear little dust.




              • Shui_Di
                • Apr 2008
                • 213

                Re: getting people into the groove...

                Originally posted by berrykat
                Christian country music is worse than christian rock . I don't like either.
                In Indonesia, it's really popular.

                You know, one of my friend asked another friend of mine to join his Church.
                When he was asked "Why should I join to your Church?"
                He answered "because the music in my church is really wonderful, There are a lot of new albums and songs there..., it's really fun".

                Hearing this, I just think maybe this person go to church, not because the teaching, but because it's more like a song concert" :roll:

                It's O.k to use rap music, or animations, because Zen is flexible.

                Zen has no form, that's why it can turns in to any possible forms.

                But, of course there is consequence in any action, that we have to consider.

                Be wise....

                Gassho, Mujo
                Practicing the Way means letting all things be what they are in their Self-nature. - Master Dogen.


                • AlanLa
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 1405

                  Re: getting people into the groove...

                  Ya gotta reach people where they are, so maybe we need some more Buddhist rock or country or whatever music as a skillful means of doing that.
                  AL (Jigen) in:

                  I sat today


                  • disastermouse

                    Re: getting people into the groove...

                    Originally posted by AlanLa
                    Ya gotta reach people where they are, so maybe we need some more Buddhist rock or country or whatever music as a skillful means of doing that.
                    The point isn't to reach people 'where they are'. It is very much not so, IMHO. This is why Zen has never been a very good 'proselytizing' religion. It's really a religion of last resort. You have to come to it.

                    The point is not really to make the rest of the world Buddhist. In a way, that attitude cannot help but water the teachings down.

                    Once again, IMHO.

                    I'd like to hear others' viewpoints on this as well.



                    • Shonin
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 885

                      Re: getting people into the groove...

                      LOL, sorry Jundo. Stuff hurts my ears. _/_

                      I don't think we need to "draw" people in. But I'm not opposed to folks trying. In fact, I think being too pushy and putting too much out there can turn people off to it, if anything.

                      If any religion/spiritual philosophy is worth a damn then I don't think they have to "look" for converts. People who are interested will come to listen to the message. That's alot better than someone who just got sucked in.

                      Dave _/_

