Hi my name is Will and I'm and addict. From the ages of 13-15 I practiced self mutilation in the form of cutting. Now for those who don’t know how that works its like this, I would cut myself to release brain chemicals to make myself feel better. I am now about four years clean, yes I know I’m a still at kid at 19, but I still have a problem with cutting. Whenever I become extremely negatively emotional, anger sadness ect…, I want to cut to ease the emotional pain. Now because of the mindfullness I’ve found in practice I’ve seen that the emotions that lead to the want of cutting are bound in the ego. Now to note, knowing that the feelings are just because of the ego and truly feeling better are sometimes a little far apart.
I share this information with everyone at Treeleaf in the hopes that we can grow together in mindfullness through practice to kick our addictions and so that I can grow closer in understanding with my fellow sangha members.
Much loving-kindness to you all
Gassho _/ _
Will Dover
I share this information with everyone at Treeleaf in the hopes that we can grow together in mindfullness through practice to kick our addictions and so that I can grow closer in understanding with my fellow sangha members.
Much loving-kindness to you all
Gassho _/ _
Will Dover