I need to sit more!

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  • AlanLa
    • Mar 2008
    • 1405

    Re: I need to sit more!

    Chet, this may be completely off the wall, but maybe you can roll with it. Instead of listening to what WE tell you regarding how to be more consistent in your practice, listen to yourself. Specifically, here's the off the wall part, what would yourself of 10 years ago, that person that was sitting regularly, say to you now about how to sit regularly? In other words, have a conversation with your "self" of 10 years ago and listen to him/you. Let him/you advise you. Who knows how to talk to and motivate you better than you? Seriously, the point is it has to come from inside you, and this is just a possible means of finding that right place inside you to do this.
    AL (Jigen) in:

    I sat today


    • Eika
      • Sep 2007
      • 806

      Re: I need to sit more!

      Originally posted by AlanLa
      Chet, this may be completely off the wall, but maybe you can roll with it. Instead of listening to what WE tell you regarding how to be more consistent in your practice, listen to yourself. Specifically, here's the off the wall part, what would yourself of 10 years ago, that person that was sitting regularly, say to you now about how to sit regularly? In other words, have a conversation with your "self" of 10 years ago and listen to him/you. Let him/you advise you. Who knows how to talk to and motivate you better than you? Seriously, the point is it has to come from inside you, and this is just a possible means of finding that right place inside you to do this.
      I like this, Alan!

      Originally posted by will
      It's kind of like a habit. Do you brush your teeth? Same thing. Don't make it a big deal.
      I agree with Will here. Avoid, if possible, making it an issue . . . just simply start sitting again, you've done it before.

      For my music students who are experiencing trouble establishing a practice routine (18-22 year-old college kids with LOTS of things to distract them), I will often meet with them in a lesson and spend some time letting them utilize their planner to schedule practice times for the week. For these students we don't jump straight to the 3 hours they need to spend practicing every day. That would lead to failure and disappointment. We start with more reasonable chunks of time so that they may become confident that an everyday practice habit is attainable. In your case, you have already proven to yourself you can keep a practice routine going for four years, so a week at a time shouldn't be a scary proposition.

      Also, is there someone you can sit with? Like exercise, committing to sitting with someone else may motivate you long enough to reestablish the habit.

      {shrug} That's about all I can think of at the time.

      It'll happen . . . don't push too hard.

      [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


      • Dosho
        • Jun 2008
        • 5784

        Re: I need to sit more!

        Originally posted by disastermouse
        I was thinking of something you often say, Jundo. "Acceptance without acceptance." To me, that means acceptance without passivity or tacit 'approval'. It means having a sense of imagination and creativity regarding one's life that neither aggressively opposes reality nor passively accepts it without contributing to it. It means that instead of saying, "That's it, the world/this situation/my life sucks and it will always suck", one recognizes the reality of the situation and rather than simply opposing it, one seeks to engage creatively with it as it is - but also adding one's own contribution. Of course, that also means that sometimes the 'correct' course IS passive acceptance, and occasionally the correct course may also be direct confrontation - but without resentment in the former and without aggression in the later.

        Please correct me if I am confused here.

        Not trying to "stink" of Zen here Chet, but honestly what allowed me to sit for long periods was to stop analyzing it so much. I just did it. That's easier said than done however and even now I'm having some "trouble" sitting. But it's only the act of taking it down to the simplest level that ever allowed me to see what I was doing to myself. I was getting in my own way...so I did my best to get out of my own way.

        That probably isn't at all helpful. Just keep trying.


        • Jinho

          Re: I need to sit more!

          Hi CHet,

          I am also having a very hard time sitting, feeling overwhelmed by everything. I might be cracking up, but that's ok, these things happen. But I sit some late each night (I go to sleep early and wake about 2 to 4 am for a bit, that is when I sit.) Sitting in acceptance of my (local) reality is very hard at this time and my sitting is quite ragged, but then I am quite ragged at this time. But ragged is ok too.

          What helps me is remembering that each moment is a little decision, moment after moment after moment. And you have expressed your disatisfaction at not sitting each day, maybe try to remember how more peaceful (less conflicted) you feel when you do what you believe you should do. Anyway, this happens for me.

          Also, I listen to Jundo's lovely little talks, such a gentle reminder of simple basic things. Perhaps there are little writings (a sentence, a paragraph) that you find encouraging, to read before you sit.

          as always, sanctimoniously yours (little private joke)

          On a more external note, I find that if I haven't taken my vitamins, I am much more jittery and unable to focus to do anything.

