"The blue mountains are of themselves blue mountains.
The white clouds are of themselves white clouds."
Such is suchness. Effortless. No trying, no holding back, no fixing. I suppose we could call it absolute unconditionnal acceptance of what comes and goes within and without and in between. You see it is hard to believe and even harder to put into practice, things, peoplle, dogs, roads, health and sickness,jobs and joblessness, shelves and stuff ...are perfect as they are, and of course we have some mending to do here and there, like on an old robe, perfect and imperfect. I once asked a Japanese friend of mine to write this on a wooden kotsu, shippei or nyoi-bo, a short stick that teachers sometimes hold like a short toilet brush during ceremonies and the likes. But, better than holding this priest staff, one of my daily practice is to see it written everywhere, to exercise the shobogenzo, gen, to spot this path on every little corner of this beautiful world. And of course, I daily fail. And of course, failing is also
"The blue mountains are of themselves blue mountains.
The white clouds are of themselves white clouds."
The white clouds are of themselves white clouds."
Such is suchness. Effortless. No trying, no holding back, no fixing. I suppose we could call it absolute unconditionnal acceptance of what comes and goes within and without and in between. You see it is hard to believe and even harder to put into practice, things, peoplle, dogs, roads, health and sickness,jobs and joblessness, shelves and stuff ...are perfect as they are, and of course we have some mending to do here and there, like on an old robe, perfect and imperfect. I once asked a Japanese friend of mine to write this on a wooden kotsu, shippei or nyoi-bo, a short stick that teachers sometimes hold like a short toilet brush during ceremonies and the likes. But, better than holding this priest staff, one of my daily practice is to see it written everywhere, to exercise the shobogenzo, gen, to spot this path on every little corner of this beautiful world. And of course, I daily fail. And of course, failing is also
"The blue mountains are of themselves blue mountains.
The white clouds are of themselves white clouds."