How I Spent My Summer Vacation

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  • disastermouse

    Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

    Originally posted by Tobiishi

    The only way I can think of for this whole enterprise to stay completely free of anything that could be interpreted as 'Spiritual Heroism' is for this to be my last word on the subject. It was not my idea to post a 'diary'- my original question went PM to Jundo. He suggested I keep the Sangha informed, but if its going to be an issue of "Look at what I'm doing!" then I'll wait for the Ango, when perhaps everyone will be able to ride in the same boat and compare experiences.

    I wasn't accusing you of anything - I'm genuinely curious... And I don't mean to say that being public about it is what may cause it to be spiritual heroism either.



    • Shonin
      • Apr 2009
      • 885

      Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

      Tobiishi, whether it counts for anything or not, I'd like to hear about it if ya don't mind sharing. And if your intention was not to report or be "spiritually heroic" , but you're doing it because others asked, then i don't see how you fall into any form of "trap to be avoided".

      What's really the difference between that and talking about any other aspect of your life? I think it may be quite inspiring, and who knows maybe we can even support you if you stumble on the road.

      But that's just me. *shrugs*



      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 40942

        Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

        Originally posted by Tobiishi

        The only way I can think of for this whole enterprise to stay completely free of anything that could be interpreted as 'Spiritual Heroism' is for this to be my last word on the subject. It was not my idea to post a 'diary'- my original question went PM to Jundo. He suggested I keep the Sangha informed, but if its going to be an issue of "Look at what I'm doing!" then I'll wait for the Ango, when perhaps everyone will be able to ride in the same boat and compare experiences.

        Like so many aspects of this practice, we move ahead diligently ... knowing that we are only human, knowing that we will rarely if ever be "perfect" (only perfectly imperfect), knowing that there is no "goal" at the finish line. If you are sincere and energetic about this, but stay humble and common sensical about it all ... I do not see that it can be "spiritual heroism". Not at all.

        As a matter of fact, posting a diary should be medicine for "spiritual heroism" if it honestly shares all the joys and difficulties, up downs and trips in holes. Then it is not "look at me" or "see how wonderful I am" ... not at all, but more, laugh and cry along with me. I am sure it will be a Bodhisattva's aid for others who may wish to learn from your experiences and perhaps follow the same road. An honest record of the goods days -and- any not so good days (I assume there may be a few), as well as what you encounter including some surprises, will be a great resource for all of us.

        So, I hope you will post a diary, Toby.

        Gassho, Jundo

        Ps - If you want to be private, that is okay too. Sometimes these practices should be private.


        • Shugen
          • Nov 2007
          • 4532

          Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

          I would be interested to know how it goes. So, if you feel inclined, post.

          Meido Shugen
          明道 修眼


          • Tobiishi
            • Jan 2009
            • 461

            Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

            Sorry Chet for jumping to conclusions- my fault for getting defensive.

            Ok, if its going to be a diary of good and bad days, I'll jump right in:

            Yesterday I thought I would test the idea of a restricted diet. I took my lunch to work: tub of home-grown salad greens w/ radishes, and 1/2 C. (dry) Jasmine white rice. I ate those at about 10:am. At lunchtime, I got rilly friggin hungry, man, and went to Culvers for a fish sandwich, cheese curds and a black-cherry smoothie. It was too much food, but I ate it. It was like subconsciously I was storing up. The problem is, it shakes my confidence.

            Today was better- rice and greens again, and this time my only slip was a Coke from the vending machine in the afternoon.

            Incidentally, it took me about 40 tries to quit smoking. Willpower is not my strong suit.

            I have 16 days to convince myself that it is possible to only have what is necessary. Intellectually, I know it. I just gotta convince my traitorous stomach. I think food will be the hardest part.

            It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


            • Jinho

              Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

              Originally posted by Tobiishi
              Sorry Chet for jumping to conclusions- my fault for getting defensive.

              Ok, if its going to be a diary of good and bad days, I'll jump right in:

              Yesterday I thought I would test the idea of a restricted diet. I took my lunch to work: tub of home-grown salad greens w/ radishes, and 1/2 C. (dry) Jasmine white rice. I ate those at about 10:am. At lunchtime, I got rilly friggin hungry, man, and went to Culvers for a fish sandwich, cheese curds and a black-cherry smoothie. It was too much food, but I ate it. It was like subconsciously I was storing up. The problem is, it shakes my confidence.

              Today was better- rice and greens again, and this time my only slip was a Coke from the vending machine in the afternoon.

              Incidentally, it took me about 40 tries to quit smoking. Willpower is not my strong suit.

              I have 16 days to convince myself that it is possible to only have what is necessary. Intellectually, I know it. I just gotta convince my traitorous stomach. I think food will be the hardest part.


              I suspect greens and white rice is not a sufficient diet for you (or anyone). Your body probably needs wholegrains and protein (white rice is not a very healthy grain). Tofu, seitan, cheese made with vegetarian rennet, cottage cheese, etc. Also eating every 3-4 hours (breakfast, midmorning snack, lunch, 3pm snack, dinner, snack before bed so as to keep your blood sugar even. I am hypoglycemic and have found that wholegrain bread has made a BIG difference for me (note "wholegrain" is not the same as "whole wheat".) Try to stay away from caffeine as it jacks up your metabolism. Cut out refined sugar (eat fruit and use fruit spread instead of jam, etc.) These are of course just stating the obvious. I guess what I am trying to say this that it is not your stomach being traitorous.



              • Jinho

                Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                HI Tobiishi,

                Regarding "spiritual heroism", it could only be a problem if one actually intellectually believes "I am a SUPERIOR being because I am doing XYZ". I highly doubt, based on your writings that you would seriously be trapped intellectually by that particular delusion. That one might have the EMOTION that one is a superior person, etc. - well that is just an emotion, emotions come and go. Perhaps it is important NOT to avoid "spiritual heroism", just let it come and then go, being kind and gentle with all one's delusions, just practicing with whatever arises, taking care of whatever needs doing at every moment.

                thank your for your time, hope this is useful?


                • Tobiishi
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 461

                  Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                  Thanks Rowan for the tips- I actually was only intending to do the rice & vegetable thing for lunch. I will have a good day-starting breakfast, and a sufficient dinner, although still vegetarian.

                  One thing I thought might simplify the decision on how much to eat: I have a square wooden bowl (Wal-Mart Special!) about 6" (9cm) square that I thought looked like a good size to limit to. Most nutrition info I've seen since I was a kid talks about how Americans' serving size is so grossly overdone, and we would be a lot healthier if we just ate a bit less of what we eat. I already eat my salads from this bowl* and I think 3 meals daily of this size (being nutritionally conscious of course- I have no desire to end up with a vitamin deficiency) will be enough.

                  *note on the bowl: try eating salad with chop sticks, one piece at a time, from a wooden bowl, at work. Never have I had so many weird looks. Well, except for when I got my head tattoo'd.

                  It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


                  • Shohei
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 2854

                    Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                    Very inspiring Tobiishi!

                    Gassho, Shohei.


                    • Brock
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 70

                      Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                      Originally posted by Jinho
                      I suspect greens and white rice is not a sufficient diet for you (or anyone). Your body probably needs wholegrains and protein (white rice is not a very healthy grain). Tofu, seitan, cheese made with vegetarian rennet, cottage cheese, etc. Also eating every 3-4 hours (breakfast, midmorning snack, lunch, 3pm snack, dinner, snack before bed so as to keep your blood sugar even. I am hypoglycemic and have found that wholegrain bread has made a BIG difference for me (note "wholegrain" is not the same as "whole wheat".)
                      Beans, baby! Eat more beans.

                      Abstain from caffeine. This follows the fifth precept.
                      I don't believe that caffeine is forbidden and I'm sticking to it.


                      • Jinho

                        Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                        (posting deleted by Jinho because it was stupid)

                        more brain later.......


                        • Tobiishi
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 461

                          Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                          Beans, baby! Eat more beans.
                          Oh, I eat beans. Just ask my wife. :roll:

                          Rowan, I can't figure out what this
                          more brain later.......
                          is supposed to mean, so I decided to make a haiku out of it:

                          rush hour scares buzzard-
                          he figures to eat
                          more brain later...

                          I'm so sorry, sometimes my humor gets out ahead of my manners and makes a scene. :roll:

                          It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


                          • Jinho

                            Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                            Originally posted by Tobiishi

                            Rowan, I can't figure out what this
                            more brain later.......
                            is supposed to mean, so I decided to make a haiku out of it:

                            rush hour scares buzzard-
                            he figures to eat
                            more brain later...

                            I'm so sorry, sometimes my humor gets out ahead of my manners and makes a scene. :roll:

                            tobiishi, your manners are perfection! Lovely poem. my note means I wrote and posted something, looked at it and thought "this is a waste of space" then deleted the text (noting that my brain was not awake, or here or something) Thank you for all you posts.

                            who is still asleep.....


                            • Tobiishi
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 461

                              Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                              The biggest problem is going to be food. I can see that from trials over the past few days. I should get the Golden Arches tatoo'd on my nose, for the sake of pete.

                              I read a little book long ago in which the author posited the idea that maybe overweight people were just hungrier than 'ideal weight' people. That certainly seems to bite me in the ass on the days when I try to eat less. A couple days ago I ate my brought-to-work lunch mid-morning, and then had a #13 from Mickey-D's at lunch. The madness has to stop!

                              OK, I know I CAN eat less. I just have to be held accountable. That's the problem with not being a monk, I guess- no one else in my family is on this restrictive regimen, and my wife even lamented that one of her great joys in life has always been to cook for me. I had to tell her she either needed to put that joy aside, or learn to cook meatless for awhile. I've already told her I don't expect her to cook special for me. I can throw something together for myself. But, we are the classic Practical Male/Emotional Female couple, so you can imagine how those discussions end.

                              OK, also in the interest of pure honesty, this is how I ramble when I've had a bit of Mountain Dew with JB Straight Kentucky Bourbon mixed in. I've had to backspace and re-spell so many times my fingers hurt.

                              I'm not pathetic, I just smell that way :mrgreen:

                              OK, don't mind me. Here is the final Tobiishi's Rule:

                              1. No more than 3 vegetarian meals per day, each of which could fit in my 6" square bowl, even if I don't actually eat it from that. No snacking between meals. (Or, a snack must be subtracted from the volume of the preceding or next meal)

                              2. No cash on hand. I'm counting on my wife to hold me to the vow of not spending money unnecessarily, since I do carry a bank card.

                              3. No purchases for self, other than necessary hygene items. (Gotta keep that shine)

                              4. 60 minutes zazen daily, however it works out.

                              5. If any of the above rules threaten, on a specific occasion, to be a hardship to another person (besides myself), I will bend as much as necessary to avoid being a pain in the ass. I don't want to be "that pain-in-the-ass buddhist nut"

                              If I had a camera I could wear all the time, that would upload in real time to the internet, where you could all keep tabs on my vow without me knowing, in order to hold me accountable, I would probably forget to turn it on.


                              ps- I'm still open to ideas for additional vows, if you think I've left something out.

                              EDIT: Oh yeah,I forgot: No Caffeine or alcohol.
                              It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


                              • will
                                • Jun 2007
                                • 2331

                                Re: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

                                Look. One day some habits are going to eventually smack you in the face and you are going to put them down (for a while at least). Greed, craving etc.. Things that we realize and drop through our practice. The benefits of a monastery, as you said, is the environment. Working, sitting, chanting, etc.. No time for lounging.

                                Just keep practicing and sitting.

                                I lay on my side when I watch movies (on my left arm) for hours. My arm falls asleep. This effect Bodymind and I start to go back to unnecessarily stretching the legs, and what not.

                                Has anybody ever fake yawned? like you know your not tired but you yawn anyway. It happens a lot when one's bored.

                                Don't underestimate Bodymind.

                                And lay off the booze.


                                To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                                To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                                To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                                To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.

