Gathas from the Flower Ornament Sutra

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  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6991

    Gathas from the Flower Ornament Sutra

    Dear all

    I have slightly modified a number of gathas (verses for mindfulness) from the Avatamsaka Sutra, chapter eleven 'Purifying Practice', and post them here in case people find any of them useful.


    Taking refuge in the Buddha
    I wish that all beings
    Continue the lineage of Buddhas
    Conceiving the unexcelled aspiration.

    Taking refuge in the Teaching
    They should wish that all beings
    Enter deeply into the scriptures
    And their wisdom deep as the sea.

    Taking refuge in the Community,
    I wish for all beings
    To see our interconnectedness
    And become free from obstruction.

    Sitting Practice

    When entering the Buddha Hall
    I wish that all beings
    Ascend to the unexcelled sanctuary
    And rest there, secure and unshakeable.

    When setting out the cushion
    I wish that all beings
    Nurture their good qualities
    And see their true nature.

    Sitting up straight
    I wish that all beings
    Sit on the seat of enlightenment
    Their minds without attachment.

    Sitting cross-legged
    I wish that all beings
    Have firm and strong roots of goodness
    And attain the state of immovability.

    Cultivating awareness
    I wish for all beings
    To become fully intimate
    With the 10 000 things.

    When practicing contemplation
    I wish that all beings
    See truth as it is
    And become forever free of opposition and contention.
    Last edited by Kokuu; 05-06-2024, 09:07 PM.
  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6991

    Daily Activities

    Taking a toothbrush in hand
    I wish for all beings
    To attain the wonderful teaching
    And become free from delusion.

    When brushing my teeth
    I wish for all beings
    To become harmonious and pure in thought
    Brushing away all afflictions.

    When going to the toilet
    I wish that all beings
    Reject greed, hatred and ignorance
    And clean away harmful ideas.

    When washing the body
    I wish for all beings
    To see their original nature
    With no trace of defilement.

    When washing the hands
    I wish for all beings
    To have clean and open hands
    To receive and hold the Buddha’s teaching.

    When washing the face with water
    I wish that all beings
    Attain the pure teaching
    And are forever free of defilement.

    Taking up a bowl
    I wish that all beings
    Become a perfect vessel of truth
    To receive the teachings.

    When sitting in a bath
    I wish for all beings
    To have omniscient knowledge
    And see the emptiness of past, present and future.

    When washing the body
    I wish for all beings
    To be undefiled in body and mind
    Radiantly pure, inside and out.


    Picking up a staff
    I wish for all beings
    To act with great charity
    And follow the road of truth.

    Setting out on a road
    I wish for all beings
    To follow the path of the Buddha
    Into the realm of nonattachment.

    Walking on the road
    I wish that all beings
    May walk the path of true reality
    With a mind free of obstruction.

    Seeing a winding road
    I wish that all beings
    Abandon false paths
    And leave wrong views behind them.

    Seeing a straight road
    I wish for all beings
    To be straight and true in mind
    Without flattery or deceit.

    Seeing a dusty road
    I wish for all beings
    To realise the truth of non-self
    Where dust and dirt cannot abide.

    Seeing a big river
    I wish for all beings
    To gain entry to the stream of truth
    And the ocean of Buddha knowledge.

    Seeing a bridge
    I wish for all beings
    To be carried across
    To the other shore.


    • Kokuu
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Nov 2012
      • 6991


      Seeing people wearing ornaments
      I wish that all beings
      Would be adorned with a Buddha’s
      Thirty-two marks of distinction.

      Seeing people unadorned
      I wish for all beings
      To live as simply as they can
      Taking only what is needed.

      Seeing people attached to pleasure
      I wish for all beings
      To take delight in the truth
      Instead of worldly things.

      Seeing people without attachments
      I wish for all beings
      To be freed from attachment
      To conditioned things.

      Seeing happy people
      I wish for all beings
      To be peaceful and happy
      In the way of the Buddha.

      Seeing people suffer
      I wish for all beings
      To attain the way
      And be free from pain.

      Seeing healthy people
      I wish for all beings
      To attain true wisdom
      And be free from sickness and afflictions of the mind.

      Seeing sick people
      I wish for all beings
      To know the emptiness of the body
      And freedom from suffering.

      Seeing handsome people
      I wish for all beings
      To have unwavering faith
      In the buddhas and ancestors.

      Seeing ugly people
      I wish for all beings
      To not be attached
      To how things appear.

      Seeing grateful people
      I wish for all beings
      To know the blessings and teachings
      Of the buddhas and ancestors.

      Seeing ungrateful people
      I wish for all beings
      To have love and compassion
      For those who sorrow.

      Going for Alms

      Entering a village to beg
      I wish for all beings
      To enter the profound realm of truth
      With a clear and stainless mind.

      Approaching someone’s door
      I wish for all beings
      To find the dharma gate
      Of Buddha’s teaching.

      Entering a house
      I wish for all beings
      To enter the vehicle of Buddhahood
      Which is unequalled in its truth.

      Meeting someone who doesn’t give
      I wish for all beings
      To never give up
      Supremely virtuous ways.

      Meeting those who give
      I wish for all beings
      To forever abandon
      The three poisons and the miseries they bring.

      Seeing an empty bowl
      I wish for all beings
      To be pure of heart
      And free from afflictions.

      Receiving fine food
      I wish for all beings
      To fulfil their aspirations
      And be free of envy and longing.

      Receiving poor food
      I wish for all beings
      To taste the path
      Of goalless sitting.


      When eating
      I wish for all beings
      To feed on the joy of meditation
      And be sated by delight in truth.

      When tasting flavour
      I wish for all beings
      To obtain the supreme taste of Buddhahood
      And be filled with the elixir of wisdom.

      When the meal is finished
      I wish for all beings
      To accomplish their tasks
      And fulfil the Buddha’s teachings.

      Sleep and Waking

      When going to sleep at night
      I wish for all beings
      To have physical ease
      And undisturbed minds.

      Awakening from sleep
      I wish for all beings
      To see everything with awareness
      In the ten directions.



      • Ryumon
        Ryumon commented
        Editing a comment
        “Seeing people attached to pleasure
        I wish for all beings
        To take delight in the truth
        Instead of worldly things.”

        I think it’s worth noting, if I’m correct, that the word truth here is actually a translation for dharma. So other translators might say, “to take delight in the way.“ Yes, no?
    • Anthony
      • Aug 2023
      • 122

      Thank you for sharing these Kokuu! I find gathas to be pretty helpful for staying present throughout the day.



      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41208


        Maybe we might explain, to those who do not know, that Gathas are little traditional recitals said at various times, many of them ordinary in life, to remember how special and sacred is even this ordinary action or moment, and to dedicate our doing so to the well-being and enlightenment of all sentient beings.

        Gassho, J

        Last edited by Jundo; 05-06-2024, 10:52 PM.


        • Kaitan
          • Mar 2023
          • 591

          Thanks Kokuu, I should print this verses

          stlah, Kaitan
          Kaitan - 界探 - Realm searcher


          • Huichan
            • Jan 2022
            • 234

            Planning to study this sutra at some point but it seems like it would take a while

            Maybe I can just start with these gathas

            慧禅 | Huìchán | Ross


            • Shigeru
              • Feb 2024
              • 64

              Thank you Kokuu

              - Will

              Respecting others is my only duty - Ryokan


              • Kokuu
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Nov 2012
                • 6991

                I love these! They remind me a lot of Thich Nhat Hanh's gathas that he wrote also!
                I think, although could be horribly wrong, that this was the original source for the idea of gathas.

                I really like Thich Nhat Hanh's ones also.



                • Onki
                  Novice Priest-in-Training
                  • Dec 2020
                  • 964

                  Beautiful, Kokuu [emoji3590][emoji1431]



                  Sat today/LAH
                  “Let me respectfully remind you
                  Life and death are of supreme importance.
                  Time swiftly passes by
                  And opportunity ist lost.
                  Each of us should strive to awaken.
                  Awaken, take heed,
                  Do not squander your life.​“ - Life and Death and The Great Matter


                  • Chikyou
                    • May 2022
                    • 720


                    Chikyō 知鏡
                    (Wisdom Mirror)


                    • Tai Do
                      • Jan 2019
                      • 1457

                      Beautiful, Kokuu!
                      I will adopt some for my daily practice this Ango (and hopefully for after it as well).
                      Tai Do
                      怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
                      (also known as Mateus )

                      禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


                      • Kaisho
                        • Nov 2016
                        • 190

                        Ah! Just saw these! Lovely Kokuu


