It is that time again. So, a few classics from our holidays past. By coincidence, "Ho" happens to mean "Dharma" (法) in Japanese.
A Shingon priest in Japan presents this Ceremony to honor Santa Bosatsu (散多菩薩) or “Santa Bodhisattva” ... "Christmas Buddhist Offering (of Merit) to Santa" ...
Santa is a symbol of giving and generosity, so why not?
I stumbled on a Japanese Gospel Choir's performance of the Heart Sutra in Japanese, and if you are wondering about the melody ... it is the Chorus from Beethoven's 9th Symphony (which, in Japan, is considered to be a Christmas song for whatever reason, so is sung everywhere this time of year.)
The lead singer is Hiroshi Tsunoda, a former rock star in Japan ...
We could gather the family together, sing songs: ... "We Wish You a Merry Rohatsu" ... the Buddhist version of "Silent Night" (which is truly silent) ... "Oh Little Town of Kapilavastu" ... "Rudolph the Red Nosed Unsui" ... "Santa Kannon's Coming to Town" ( ... gonna find out whose Karma's naughty or nice) ... "Frosty the Snow Man" (but as a lesson in impermanence and non-attachment and appreciating the moment) .... The Eight Days of Rohatsu (... 8-fold Path, 7 Devas Flying, 6 Tenzos Cooking, 5 Golden Buddhas ... 4 Noble Truths, 3 Treasures, 2 Truths and a Buddha under a Bodhi Tree )
Heading home to see family and friends always presents a few special "opportunities for Practice" at this time of year ...
Meeting family and old friends ... how do you explain to them about "being a Buddhist"?
You may even start to feel a little guilty for not being part of the religion you were raised in.
How should we celebrate the holidays with friends and family?
My answer: Sing all the songs, be with the ones we love ... Celebrate Peace & Joy!
Rohatsu, Christmas, and Happy Chanukah, celebrate all. And if mom asks you to accompany her to church, and someone might hesitate, well ... why not make mom happy? Where is Buddha not found?
I am also reminded of this cartoon ...
Every year, until Covid, I was asked to be Santa for various local churches and volunteer groups. Why not? The kids would get so happy to see me, I had little kid bite marks on my legs.
So, I would like to wish each and all members of Treeleaf, and our "Sit-a-Long" family, a Peaceful Rohatsu, Merry Christmas, and Happy Chanukah ...
.... as well as All the Happy Holidays of Peace and Goodwill, whenever and whatever they are ...
... and a Very Tranquil and Content 'Just This Very Moment' too, ever new and changing
Gassho ho ho, Jundo Santa
PS - And yesterday was the Winter Solstice too ... "In Japan, this time, known as Toji, is distinguished by traditions such as bathing in yuzu-scented hot water [a kind of citrus fruit] and savoring pumpkin dishes pumpkin. There are intriguing reasons behind these unique cultural practices in Japan, which are worth exploring to understand their significance and origins."