TASPG: Hey Sally. You look like your hard at work.
S: Tell me about it. (vigorously scrubbing carpet with towel). I just can't seem to get this stain out. I've tried for hours.
TASPG: Well. You can stop your scrubbing and throw away those unneeded detergents and scrubbing tools. This is what you've been waiting for.

That's right. ZEn can help you get those pesky unwanted stains out that carpet.
BUT LET'S NOT STOP THERE !!!. Throw away that tiresome mop, and squeegee !

TASPG: Hey Billy.

B: Hey T.V. ad spokesperson man.
TASPG: What's got you down?
B: Well, there's this girl I like, but she never seems to notice me.
TASPG: She doesn't huh? Don't worry. I have just the thing for you.

B: ZEN? What's that?
TASPG: Zen is the all around, all purpose, Date in a package. That's right. Just sprinkle a little ZEN on you, and before you know it you' ll have girls falling for you in no time. Here have a look at one of our satisfied customers:
Tom: You know.Before I started using Zen, I was just an average Joe. I could never get the girls to talk to me, and everytime I spoke I just didn't know what to say. Then I tried ZEN and things have really changed (5 girls walk up in pink Bikinis and put their arms around him. He smiles and and his teeth sparkle)
TASPG: That's quite a smile you have there Tom.
Tom: Thanks T.V. ad spokesperson guy.
TASPG: You guessed it. Say goodbye to that dull smile and say hello to ZEN. Zen has so many great qualities that WE JUST CAN'T TALK ABOUT THEM ALL IN THIS AD.
Good for:
Cardiovascular stimulation (say goodbye to exercise)
Dietary supplement
facial smoothing cream (that's right it'll take years off in front of your eyes)
Paint primer
Vision enhancer
Rocket fuel
Don't miss out on this one time offer. We'll give you two cartons of ZEN, a $2000 value, for only $19.99. Yes. $19.99. But wait! we'll also throw in a bottle of Bodhicitta, a $300 value, for free.
That's a $2300 worth of ZEN for only $19.99.
DON'T MISS OUT!!! Dial 1 800 000 000 NOW!!
May contain side effects.

Buddhatogo products limited
S: Tell me about it. (vigorously scrubbing carpet with towel). I just can't seem to get this stain out. I've tried for hours.
TASPG: Well. You can stop your scrubbing and throw away those unneeded detergents and scrubbing tools. This is what you've been waiting for.

That's right. ZEn can help you get those pesky unwanted stains out that carpet.
BUT LET'S NOT STOP THERE !!!. Throw away that tiresome mop, and squeegee !

TASPG: Hey Billy.

B: Hey T.V. ad spokesperson man.
TASPG: What's got you down?
B: Well, there's this girl I like, but she never seems to notice me.
TASPG: She doesn't huh? Don't worry. I have just the thing for you.

B: ZEN? What's that?
TASPG: Zen is the all around, all purpose, Date in a package. That's right. Just sprinkle a little ZEN on you, and before you know it you' ll have girls falling for you in no time. Here have a look at one of our satisfied customers:
Tom: You know.Before I started using Zen, I was just an average Joe. I could never get the girls to talk to me, and everytime I spoke I just didn't know what to say. Then I tried ZEN and things have really changed (5 girls walk up in pink Bikinis and put their arms around him. He smiles and and his teeth sparkle)
TASPG: That's quite a smile you have there Tom.
Tom: Thanks T.V. ad spokesperson guy.
TASPG: You guessed it. Say goodbye to that dull smile and say hello to ZEN. Zen has so many great qualities that WE JUST CAN'T TALK ABOUT THEM ALL IN THIS AD.
Good for:
Cardiovascular stimulation (say goodbye to exercise)
Dietary supplement
facial smoothing cream (that's right it'll take years off in front of your eyes)
Paint primer
Vision enhancer
Rocket fuel
Don't miss out on this one time offer. We'll give you two cartons of ZEN, a $2000 value, for only $19.99. Yes. $19.99. But wait! we'll also throw in a bottle of Bodhicitta, a $300 value, for free.
That's a $2300 worth of ZEN for only $19.99.
DON'T MISS OUT!!! Dial 1 800 000 000 NOW!!
May contain side effects.

Buddhatogo products limited