life death or is it?

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  • FeMonky
    • May 2007
    • 50

    life death or is it?

    Well, I just received news that my Granddad did not awaken after surgery this afternoon.
    I am profoundly sad. Not, the tear you hair out sad you see on tv and movies. It is a hole or void in the center of my being.
    There is nothing I can do right now.
    Hell, there was nothing I could have done.
    I am thankful I used my vacation time to see him this past winter.
    All I'm left with is a zafu to sit with it and await my mom's call to tell me of the memorial arrangements.
  • Aswini
    • Apr 2008
    • 108

    Re: life death or is it?

    I'm sorry to hear of ur loss. May your grandfather's memories spur you on to do the important things in the life.




    • Chogetsu
      • Feb 2009
      • 24

      Re: life death or is it?

      Im sorry to hear of your granddad FeMonky.

      I wish there was more I could say, but all I can say is my thoughts are with you.

      When Dharma does not fill your whole body and mind, you may assume it is already sufficient. When Dharma fills your body and mind, you understand that something is missing.
      Dogen Zenji


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41217

        Re: life death or is it?

        Yes, losing someone we love is at the heart of life.

        I think you put a good description in "life & death or is it?" ... Is there truly "losing"? That nothing and no one is ever "lost" is a Buddhist perspective. They are not "lost" for they were never "gained".


        • Shugen
          • Nov 2007
          • 4532

          Re: life death or is it?

          I'm sorry for your loss.

          Meido Shugen
          明道 修眼


          • disastermouse

            Re: life death or is it?

            Originally posted by Jundo
            Yes, losing someone we love is at the heart of life.

            I think you put a good description in "life & death or is it?" ... Is there truly "losing"? That nothing and no one is ever "lost" is a Buddhist perspective. They are not "lost" for they were never "gained".
            I remember when my father died. He was only 55 years old, and I was 24.

            I was worried at the time because I didn't cry - but when I saw his body, I knew that the thing lying in front of me was not really my father - and that wherever my father was, he could never really leave. I don't know why it didn't bother me much. It was the same with my grandparents.

            Then I hear about people like FeMonkey who are hit very hard by the death of their grandparents. What hurts the most, FM? That you will no longer talk to him? That it's a reminder that you too will someday die?

            I am sorry for your loss, even if I have to admit that I don't understand it.



            • Mountaintop Rebel
              • Dec 2008
              • 29

              Re: life death or is it?

              My condolences.
              "Some motherf*ckers are always tryin' to ice skate uphill."
              Wesley Snipes


              • FeMonky
                • May 2007
                • 50

                Re: life death or is it?

                Thank you for all your support.
                i have good friends here, other forums, and in real life.
                I am doing my best to see it as moment to moment and experience fully the sadness as well as remember the times we had.
                Sometimes, even if you sit everyday in Zazen, the full brunt of exactly how impermanent everything is hits you. its very profound. and fleeting. and not fleeting. And, I've had a very difficult day. off to bed with me.
                thank you all, again. it means a lot to me.


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41217

                  Re: life death or is it?

                  Well, it is all part of it, is it not?

                  Dirk's New Buddha Thread:

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Dojin
                    • May 2008
                    • 562

                    Re: life death or is it?

                    Femonky, i am sorry for your lose.

                    yesterday was a day that involved death for me too.
                    in the morning the grandmother of my girlfriends neighbor died and we had to rush to a funeral that we were informed of in the last moment.

                    on different story, about a year ago my dog for the last 14.5 years died... just to give it some perspective i have had her longer than i had my brother.
                    she was a part of the family and i have cried so much when she died in my arms.
                    i was sure that it was the 20th of march that she died and it turned out it was the 11th. i missed the date and got it all wrong.
                    i am still not really sure how i feel about it.
                    thank you for listening.

                    Gassho, Dojin.
                    I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called supreme enlightenment
                    - the Buddha


                    • Eika
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 806

                      Re: life death or is it?

                      [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                      • Shohei
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 2854

                        Re: life death or is it?

                        Very sad news indeed. My deepest sympathy.

                        Gassho, Shohei


                        • rlehnen

                          Re: life death or is it?

                          I am so sorry for your loss FeMonkey.
                          My condolences to you and your family.


                          • Jinho

                            Re: life death or is it?

                            Thinking of you. Wishing you whatever support I can.

                            It is a great loss, because you have lost being with him, and that really is a loss.



                            • Martin
                              • Jun 2007
                              • 216

                              Re: life death or is it?

                              Thinking of you. There may be no birth and death, etc etc, but there is a feeling of loss, and it hurts.



