wabi sabi

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  • Longdog
    • Nov 2007
    • 448

    wabi sabi


    Just to let you know there's an interesting doc on BBC iplayer for those of you who can get it
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... el_Theroux

    From about 58 minutes onwards he's in a soto zen temple in Japan for a day, never quite caught the name of it, sorry. Some nice footage of the tea ceremony being practised too.

    In gassho, Kev
  • Chogetsu
    • Feb 2009
    • 24

    Re: wabi sabi

    Thanks for posting Kev. I'll have a look at it now

    When Dharma does not fill your whole body and mind, you may assume it is already sufficient. When Dharma fills your body and mind, you understand that something is missing.
    Dogen Zenji


    • CharlesC
      • May 2008
      • 83

      Re: wabi sabi

      Thanks Kev, looks interesting (not available for download yet).

      British novelist Marcel Theroux is fascinated by Wabi Sabi, a theory of Japanese aesthetics in which imperfection and transience are the touchstone of beauty.

      The Japanese say that if you can understand Wabi Sabi, you will understand Japan and the Japanese. Yet at the same time they have immense difficulty in explaining the concept themselves, so Marcel travels across Japan, from Tokyo to Kyoto and then on to the mountains of Fukui, trying to unravel the meaning of this baffling concept that is at the heart of what makes the Japanese tick.

      It is a challenging, funny and ultimately moving journey that starts under the bright neon lights and craziness of Tokyo and ends in an austere Zen Temple in the snowy foothills of Japan's eastern mountains.


      • Koshin
        • Feb 2012
        • 938

        Re: wabi sabi

        Just watched from here

        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-In1lQd4Eno&feature=relmfu[/video]] ... ure=relmfu

        ... loved it

        Thank you for your practice


        • Hoyu
          • Nov 2010
          • 2020

          Re: wabi sabi

          Originally posted by lipor
          Just watched from here

          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-In1lQd4Eno&feature=relmfu[/video]] ... ure=relmfu

          ... loved it

          Thanks for the link!
          I thought it was a great film too
          It took a little while to warm up to it though. When he first got to Japan he really was a stereotypical gaijin. Which almost made me quit watching after the 1st part. But I stuck with it. I'm glad I did because I felt that over time he really did begin to grow and open up to the culture and philosophy!
          Loved all the Zen and Tea scenes!!!
          Really enjoyed this which was spoken by the Zen priest:
          In both Tea and Zen the goals are the same. You reach an appreciation of what is really important in life. You do this by eliminating everything which isn't essential.
          Ho (Dharma)
          Yu (Hot Water)

