Spent the last day or so going over old posts to get a feel for things here at treeleaf.
I have actually been on before but never took the time find out what it's all about in detail - thought it was just "another Buddhist forum" with a lot less members than e-sangha - sorry - hence the "stupid" in the post subject.
I haven't posted much at all on e-sangha in the last year or so for a number of reasons that there's no point going over. I have found none of those reasons in my reading here on Treeleaf. WOO HOO!! :mrgreen:
Contrary to my initial misguided opinions this is far more than just a zenny forum. I am blown away to discover you are a proper sangha - filled with genuine folks all doing the same thing/moving in the same direction. (Amazing thatJukai/Sanzen etc available on-line :!: ) Already I would feel comfortable posting some of the questions/thoughts that I felt stoopid trying to discuss elsewhere.
Anyway, I will stop the smoke-al-blowage
and just say glad you are here and thanks - really looking forward to getting to know you all.
And thank-you Jundo for spotting the gap in the market! Ideal for soemone like me with Tourettes.
I have actually been on before but never took the time find out what it's all about in detail - thought it was just "another Buddhist forum" with a lot less members than e-sangha - sorry - hence the "stupid" in the post subject.
I haven't posted much at all on e-sangha in the last year or so for a number of reasons that there's no point going over. I have found none of those reasons in my reading here on Treeleaf. WOO HOO!! :mrgreen:
Contrary to my initial misguided opinions this is far more than just a zenny forum. I am blown away to discover you are a proper sangha - filled with genuine folks all doing the same thing/moving in the same direction. (Amazing thatJukai/Sanzen etc available on-line :!: ) Already I would feel comfortable posting some of the questions/thoughts that I felt stoopid trying to discuss elsewhere.
Anyway, I will stop the smoke-al-blowage

And thank-you Jundo for spotting the gap in the market! Ideal for soemone like me with Tourettes.