Dear All,
My Dharma Brother, Gustav Ericsson, who is both a Zen Teacher and a fully Ordained Priest in the Lutheran Church of Sweden ...
... will be visiting Japan in April and, I expect, will come for a visit with us to offer a guest Teaching here.
In the meantime, Gustav recently found and uploaded a few dozen short comments by our Teacher, Nishijima Roshi, on a variety of topics, in answer to some questions posed by Gustav many years ago:
They really give a nice feel for Nishijima's personality and special way of expressing things, and some of his ideas about Buddhism. Below are a sample. I call them the "Dish Rack Teachings" because Nishijima, then about 86 years old (he died at age 94 in January, 2014) had retired to a TINY apartment in a building for seniors, and made these recordings in the little kitchen sitting next to the sink.
He also had a bed, a Zafu, his priest Robes (he always sat in Kesa) and all his books for his translation work in that tiny place. Most of the short comments are 1 to 4 minutes long ...

Beginner's mind
Just Sit
Who am I?
Future optimism
Posture, Handicap and Zazen
more below ...
My Dharma Brother, Gustav Ericsson, who is both a Zen Teacher and a fully Ordained Priest in the Lutheran Church of Sweden ...
... will be visiting Japan in April and, I expect, will come for a visit with us to offer a guest Teaching here.
In the meantime, Gustav recently found and uploaded a few dozen short comments by our Teacher, Nishijima Roshi, on a variety of topics, in answer to some questions posed by Gustav many years ago:
They really give a nice feel for Nishijima's personality and special way of expressing things, and some of his ideas about Buddhism. Below are a sample. I call them the "Dish Rack Teachings" because Nishijima, then about 86 years old (he died at age 94 in January, 2014) had retired to a TINY apartment in a building for seniors, and made these recordings in the little kitchen sitting next to the sink.

Beginner's mind
Just Sit
Who am I?
Future optimism
Posture, Handicap and Zazen
more below ...