I ran across something that was surprising to me. I had known for some time that Dogen studied with a Butsuju Myozen, a Rinsai master, but I had always thought that his Dharma Transmission was exclusively through Rujing of the Caodong lineage later to become Soto. I know there are some sources that state that he received transmission from both lineages. My first Soto teacher never said this had happened, so I am a bit surprised. There is an entry in the infamous Wikipedia that says,
Not sure I ever heard of that before.
What got me on this question recently is my reading of"Meeting the True Dragon" by Daniel Gallagher in which he says,
It later says that he also received transmission from Rujing which seems to be the more familiar history. This is news to me about supposed Rinzai transmission.
I am wondering if this is a way for the Sanbo-kyodan to give a credible history beyond Harada-Yasutani??
Dogen received dharma transmission from his Chinese teacher Rujing, with whom he studied two years, but in medieval Sōtō he was also considered to be a dharma heir of Myōzen, a Rinzai-teacher, with whom he studied eight years
What got me on this question recently is my reading of"Meeting the True Dragon" by Daniel Gallagher in which he says,
Dogen studied for many years at Kenninji with his teacher, Butsuju Myozen (1184-1225), from whom he received Rinzai transmission in the Oryu lineage.
I am wondering if this is a way for the Sanbo-kyodan to give a credible history beyond Harada-Yasutani??