Re: Zen of Work
I agree!
Well my problems do not get solved any easier just my approach to them changed. Also my interactions with co-workers and clients have definitely changed since sitting. Many may say for the better many may say for worse. For better is I am kind, careful and direct. For worse Im Direct, careful and kind. More often now then ever, I help by saying No, and point them in a direction. Before i would just bristle and do it for them (in 1/10 of the time and with far less questions). This showed me how i was being Contrary to them as well as me. (even though i did exactly what they asked).
Anywho, Thanks you Mushin for bringing it up! (interesting as I'm working in tight quarters all this past week with "The boss!" - also a human being )
Gassho, Shohei
Zen of Work
Zen of Work
I have come to experience great benefits of regular zazen on a number of things, but in particular my ability to problem-solve at work.
Through sitting, I have come to find that many supposedly problematic situations are just "in your head." If you can see past that, or clear your head, and just "be" in the situation (e.g., just purely "experience" a particular problem..."embrace" the problem so to speak, without immediately judging it) suddently the problem isn't nearly as big as it seems and the solution easily presents itself.Tags: None
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