What are the 108 Defilements (Bonno)

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  • Tai Do
    • Jan 2019
    • 1457

    What are the 108 Defilements (Bonno)

    With the New Year approaching, I will again do my small practice of ringing the bell 108 times (though this time the bell will ring in my mind only, as we already packed the butsudan kit for moving to our new house next month). I always do this practice, but now I realized I never read any list of these 108 defilements (bonno) that we try to remove... I want to be more mindful of what defilement each ring of the bell is supposed to stand for... does anyone have a list of these 108 defilements? How is the Soto Zen approach to them?
    怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
    (also known as Mateus )

    禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!
  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6992

    Hi Mateus

    They appear to be made up of a calculation based on feelings, sense doors, time and attachment.

    Six senses (five conventional + mind) x Three feelings (pleasant, neutral and unpleasant) x Attachment to or detachment from pleasure (2) x Past, present or future (3) = 108

    It is said there are 108 defilements, impure thoughts or unwholesome qualities to our minds, discover what they are and how to avoid them



    • Tai Do
      • Jan 2019
      • 1457

      Thank you very much, Kokuu.
      I will ring them all in my mind, being mindful of each defilement as a reminder that I should eliminate them by practicing Shikantaza Zazen and the Precepts
      怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
      (also known as Mateus )

      禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


      • aprapti
        • Jun 2017
        • 889

        hi, every explanation is as good as the next one Buddhism of course has its roots in the vedic religions where 108 was a holy number. See for instance https://www.indiadivine.org/signific...-108-hinduism/



        hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

        Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


        • Kokuu
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Nov 2012
          • 6992

          I will ring them all in my mind, being mindful of each defilement as a reminder that I should eliminate them by practicing Shikantaza Zazen and the Precepts
          And each ring denotes the empty nature of all things that goes beyond notions of good and bad, pure and impure, and your own buddha nature.

          Last edited by Kokuu; 12-29-2022, 08:09 PM.


          • Tai Do
            • Jan 2019
            • 1457

            Originally posted by Kokuu
            And each ring denotes the empty nature of all things that goes beyond notions of good and bad, pure and impure, and your own buddha nature.


            怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
            (also known as Mateus )

            禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41220

              Lovely response.

              In addition to all that, I have seen more detailed lists, specifying all the big and little harmful and unhealthful states of mind that one may fall into. I believe that the original such lists derive from the Abhidharma tradition of list making analysis in early Buddhism.

              This is another area in which I do not feel it very helpful or realistic to think that we can truly scrub ourselves of all these negative states of mind thoroughly, turning ourselves into idealized images of perfect "Buddhas" and otherwise saints. However, they are excellent reminders of states which we can do our best to recognize, moderate and avoid as best we can. A soft and pliant heart as developed in Zazen and Zen practice certainly helps. When we succeed in turning each Bonno to its opposite, even for a moment, then a bit of Buddha is brought to life in our doing so in that moment.

              I don't think that the following is the definitive list, as there is some variation in how things are categorized and translated. Of course, the following is alphabetized into English as well:

              108 Defilements of Buddhism
              (Hyakku no bonnou)

              In the New Year's there is a custom of Buddhist temples ringing their bells 108 times. Usually this is a process that takes place at midnight. The Chion-in Temple in Kyoto has the largest bell in Japan and has a special ceremony around 8:30pm [JUNDO NOTE: I will post such a scene on New Years Day], this is because their famous neighbor, Gion Yasaka Shrine, attracts huge crowds at midnight. Some temples have special ceremonies in which regular people can line up and have a turn at ringing the bell, but this can get rather competitive as there are usually far more than 108 volunteers for the honor. The reason that the bells are rung 108 times is due to the recurring value of the number 108 in Buddhist philosophy. Particularly, in relation to the new year, the bells are rung to rid visitors of the 108 vices that are thought to afflict human existence.

              In Buddhist philosophy these afflictions are called "klesha" in Japanese the word "bonnou" refer to this problems. In English this concept is translated with different terms; defilements, vices, evils, earthly desires... Below is a list of the vices with a Japanese translation of each. Note that some of the words are redundant (deciept/deception, envy/enviousness...) this is due to the difficulty of translating the original philosophical doctrines into different languages which makes it difficult to express the contextual nuances of this confusing similar words. ...
              1. Abuse らんよう
              2. Aggression しんりゃく
              3. Ambition やしん
              4. Anger いかり
              5. Arrogance おうへい
              6. Baseness ひれつ
              7. Blasphemy ぼうとく
              8. Calculation ださん
              9. Callousness むしんけい
              10. Capriciousness うつりぎ
              11. Censoriousness けんしき
              12. Conceitedness おごり
              13. Contempt けいべつ
              14. Cruelty ざんこく
              15. Profanity ふけい
              16. Debasement ふはいだらく
              17. Desceipt ひまん
              18. Deception きへん
              19. Delusion もうしゅう
              20. Derision ぐろう
              21. Desire for fame めいよしん
              22. Dipsomania (alcoholism) かつしゅうへき
              23. Discord ふわ
              24. Disrespect ふけい
              25. Disrespectfulness (flippancy) けいはく
              26. Dissatisfaction ふまん
              27. Dogmatism どくだんろん
              28. Dominance ゆうせ
              29. Eagerness わっしん
              30. Effrontery そうがん
              31. Egoism りこしゅぎ
              32. Enviousness みたみ
              33. Excessiveness かど
              34. Falseness ぎ
              35. Faithlessness ふじつ
              36. Garrulity たげん
              37. Gluttony たいしょく
              38. Greed よく
              39. Avarice りよく
              40. Grudgeうらみ
              41. Hard heartedness じゃけん
              42. Hatred にくしみ
              43. Haughtiness ごうもん
              44. High-handedness せんおう
              45. Hostility てきい
              46. Humiliation くつじよく
              47. Hurt いたみ
              48. Hypocrisy ぎぜん
              49. Ignorance もうまい
              50. Imperiousness そんだい
              51. Imposture だぎ
              52. Impudence てつめんぴ
              53. Inattentiveness ふねっしん
              54. Indifference ふねっしん
              55. Ingratitude ぼうおん
              56. Insatiability ぼうsじょく
              57. Insidiousness いんきな
              58. Intolerance ふかんよう
              59. Intransigence がんこ
              60. Irresponsibility むできにん
              61. Jealousy しっと
              62. Furtiveness ひみつ
              63. Gambling かけ
              64. Know-it-all しったかぶりや
              65. Lack of comprehension (stupidity) むち
              66. Lecherousness いんらん
              67. Lying/dishonesty ふしょうじき
              68. Malignancy あくしつ
              69. Manipulation あやつ
              70. Masochism じぎゃく
              71. Mercilessness むざんさ
              72. Negativity はんたい
              73. Obsession こだわり
              74. Obstinancy いじ
              75. Oppression あっせい
              76. Ostentatiousness きょしょくてき
              77. Pessimism ひかん
              78. Prejudice へきけん
              79. Presumption すいてい
              80. Presence しゃこう
              81. Pride じまん
              82. Prodigality ほうとう
              83. Quarrelsomeness けんかすきなこと
              84. Rage けきど
              85. Rapacity ごうよく
              86. Ridicule ぐろう
              87. Sadism しきゃく
              88. Sarcasm いやみ
              89. Seducement ゆうわく
              90. Self-denial じこひてい
              91. Self-hatred じこけんお
              92. Sexual lust あいよく
              93. Shamelessness こうがん
              94. Stinginess りんしょく
              95. Stubbornness いじ
              96. Torment くろしめる
              97. Tyranny ぼうせい
              98. Unkindness ふじんせつ
              99. Unruliness ふじゅうじゅん
              100. Unyielding きょうこ
              101. Vanity きょえいしん
              102. Vindictiveness しゅうねんぶかい
              103. Violence ぼうりょく
              104. Violent temper かんしゃくだま
              105. Voluptuousness (seeking things that are full of pleasure) あだっぱさ
              106. Wrath どき
              107. Obstinancy いじ
              108. Envy せんのう

              the 108 Defilements of Buddhism -- Explore a wide variety of topics from large numbers to sociology at mrob.com

              Japanese culture, history, festival, events, kendo, and teaching English in the Kansai region of Japan; Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara, Himeji ...
              By the way, I found that a popular (and a bit controversial) Japanese painter, Takashi Murakami, released a composition he calls 108 Bonno. Apparently, Each field has 108 flower images, resulting in 11,664 flower images in total. I am not sure of the connection of each image to a particular Bonno however ... They seem almost too happy to be Obstructions. Perhaps they represent the goodness when we turn each Bonno to its opposite.

              Gassho, J


              Last edited by Jundo; 12-30-2022, 06:15 AM.


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41220

                Another list in English ...

                Ostentatiousness, grudge, gambling, ingratitude, dipsomania, ambition, dominance, faithlessness, manipulation, stinginess, pessimism, hostility, abuse, debasement, sexual lust, sarcasm, humiliation, jealousy, gluttony, unruliness, hurt, cruelty, unkindness, obstinacy, envy, indifference, negativity, furtiveness, sadism, enviousness, derision, falseness, high-handedness, know-it-all, rage, aggression, rapacity, effrontery, disrespectfulness, hard-heartedness, power hungriness, lying, insidiousness, self-denial, inattentiveness, contempt, wrath, haughtiness, greed for money, seducement, vindictiveness, insatiability, voluptuousness, excessiveness, censoriousness, dissatisfaction, egoism, ignorance, hatred, greed, impudence, imposture, cursing, imperiousness, lecherousness, callousness, malignancy, torment, intolerance, blasphemy, shamelessness, irresponsibility, obsession, prejudice, arrogance, violent temper, garrulity, dogmatism, presumption, intransigence, oppression, prodigality, lack of comprehension, obstinacy, pride, conceitedness, delusion, quarrelsomeness, self-hatred, violence, vanity, hypocrisy, stubbornness, baseness, pretense, mercilessness, disrespect, ridicule, masochism, tyranny, capriciousness, deceit, anger, discord, calculation, unyielding, desire for fame and deception.
                There are many more abstract interpretations as well, as Kokuu mentions, such as this from a Tibetan interpretation

                108 kinds of emotional distress: (S. Klesas, J. Bonno) This doctrine is from the Abhidharma; The different kinds of Emotional Distress (S. Klesas or Klistomanas) are the afflictions of mind that stain or defile comprehension of realities (dharmas). Most kinds (darsana-heya klesas) are conceptual errors (false views) and can be eliminated by the path of insight, which is proper knowledge of the four truths. The most intractable (bhavana-heya klesas) must be eliminated through the cultivation of meditation practice because they are habitual and ingrained compulsions. The 108 different kinds are calculated as follows:

                There are 36 in the Realm of Desire:

                A. 10 eliminated by knowledge of the Truth of Suffering: greed, hatred, ignorance, conceit, doubt & the five false views (disbelief in cause & effect, clinging to views, belief in the ego, belief in extremes, and belief that rituals will lead to salvation)
                B. 7 eliminated by knowledge of the Truth of Origination: The above ten except belief in the ego, belief in extreme views, and belief that rituals will lead to salvation
                C. 7 eliminated by knowledge of the Truth of Extinction: The same as above
                D. 8 eliminated by knowledge of the Truth of the Path: The same as above except belief in that ascetic practice or rituals will lead to salvation is added.
                E. 4 eliminated only through practice of meditation: greed, hatred, ignorance & conceit - To a degree these four can be eliminated by knowledge of the Four Truths as conceptual errors, but there is a habitual and ingrained aspect to these that can only be eliminated by the intensive practice of introspective meditation. Doubt and the Five Views can be entirely eliminated through knowledge.
                There are 31 each in the Realms of Form & Formlessness (Total of 62): In these two realms there is no hatred because they are purified from the desire for food or sex. Since the Realm of Desire associated with much suffering, it is easier to eliminate the relatively more crude afflictions. Since the Realms of Form & Formlessness are associated with more subtle kinds of contentment, it is more difficult to eliminate these afflictions.

                A. 9 eliminated in each by knowledge of the Truth of Suffering (like above but without hatred)
                B. 6 eliminated in each by knowledge of the Truth of Origination (like above but without hatred)
                C. 6 eliminated in each by knowledge of the Truth of Extinction (like above but without hatred)
                D. 7 eliminated in each by knowledge of the Truth of The Path (like above but without hatred)
                E. 3 eliminated in each by greed, ignorance, & conceit
                The 10 secondary afflictions (Upaklesas): absence of shame, absence of embarrassment (before others), envy, stinginess, regret, sleepiness, restlessness (distraction), sloth, anger, and the concealment of wrongdoing.

                36 + 31+ 31 + 10 = 108

                Hmmm. Master Dogen advised that we should do our best to be good, avoid harmful acts. Maybe that is enough to understand.

                Gassho, J

                Last edited by Jundo; 12-30-2022, 01:31 AM.
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Tai Do
                  • Jan 2019
                  • 1457

                  Thanks, Jundo.
                  It appears many of the defilements are just specific variations of greed, anger and ignorance. Anyways, I don’t think it is practical to work with each of the 108 defilements individually; I prefer the wisdom and compassion will work for them all approach.
                  怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
                  (also known as Mateus )

                  禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41220

                    Originally posted by mateus.baldin
                    It appears many of the defilements are just specific variations of greed, anger and ignorance. Anyways, I don’t think it is practical to work with each of the 108 defilements individually; I prefer the wisdom and compassion will work for them all approach.
                    Yes, that sounds very wise.

                    And I could add many sub-categories too ... like my gluttony for a very specific chocolate cookie that I have developed in recent weeks, and I need to be careful about (I am sneaking a few too many from the cookie jar).

                    Gassho, J

                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

