Metta Beyond Left Right and Center

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41218

    Metta Beyond Left Right and Center

    Dear All,

    On this night before an election in the U.S.A., many other countries filled with political tensions, sometimes wars, I would like to offer this version of the Metta Verses that we chanted in our Treeleaf Sangha this week during Zazenkai.

    I try to keep politics and political arguments outside the Sangha for the most part, in the belief that there is enough tension and conflict in the world and people need to drop opinions for a time, sit Zazen beyond all opinions and views, and have a little rest and respite from all the conflict (There are a few exceptions, such as Global Warming and opposition to gun violence, where I believe that the Precepts override such policy, and we discuss these issues. But generally, we leave the political noise at the door). Folks are free to pick up their opinions on the way home, although perhaps this time, a little Buddhist clarity will shine through those opinions too.

    Today's chant is in keeping with this, for I asked people to chant Metta, "Loving Kindness," for the following people:
    • First, for oneself, as there is not anything wrong with hoping for these qualities for oneself:
    • Next, for a friend who seems to agree with you on most social and political issues;
    • Third, for the person you know who thinks that "politics is all corrupt, voting and getting involved does not matter;"
    • Fourth, for your family relative or good friend whom you absolutely love and otherwise think is a great person, but their political views drive you CRAZY at family dinners and such!
    • Fifth, for the politician (there can be several) who you think is evil and truly ruining your country or the whole world.

    This last takes some explaining: Simply put, we wish for their peace, their feeling of safety, their health in body and mind, their freedom from enmity (hate), their acceptance of life conditions, with the thought that ... if they truly knew peace, greater love, mental and physical health, freedom from hate and such in their heart, they would not do all the damage they seem to do.
    • Finally, we chant for all sentient beings ... or citizens of our nation and the world, in this case.

    Why not try it, as the election results come in, or whatever ugly story is reported in the news tomorrow? It goes like this:
    1. May he(she/they/we) be free of suffering; may he(she/they/we) feel safe and still.
    2. May he(she/they/we) be free of enmity; may he(she/they/we) be loving, grateful and kind.
    3. May he(she/they/we) be healthy and at ease in all his(her/their/our) ills.
    4. May he(she/they/we) be at peace, embracing all conditions of life.

    In this world in which an ugly message typed on facebook or otherwise spoken to others has power to infect and impact people near and far in your life, these simple words of Metta, loving kindness, have power too. Yes, we still have much work to do in this world ... and please don't forget to vote, be active and concerned, to be the change that you believe in! But this is good to do as well.

    We need healing too.

    You can witness and join in this Metta recital from the 3:32:00 mark here, during our Zazenkai:

    Gassho, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 11-09-2022, 12:46 AM.
  • Tai Do
    • Jan 2019
    • 1457

    Thank you, Jundo.
    It really was a powerful practice on the Zazenkai and on crazy political times.
    怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
    (also known as Mateus )

    禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


    • Shinshi
      Senior Priest-in-Training
      • Jul 2010
      • 3827

      Originally posted by Jundo
      • Fifth, for the politician (there can be several) who you think is evil and truly ruining your country or the whole world.
      Thank you Jundo. I have been doing the above and I started number 5 about two years ago. I have found, that for me, it has helped me from getting caught up in repeating loops of anger and despair. Kind of like making sure you are watering the right seeds.

      Gassho, Shinshi

      空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

      For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
      ​— Shunryu Suzuki

      E84I - JAJ


      • Chikyou
        • May 2022
        • 720

        Thanks for this Jundo, I think I will be doing a lot of this today.

        I'm truly scared today.

        Chikyō 知鏡
        (Wisdom Mirror)


        • Shujin
          Novice Priest-in-Training
          • Feb 2010
          • 1190

          Thank you, Jundo. I will adopt this after voting this afternoon.
          Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


          • Naiko
            • Aug 2019
            • 847

            Thank you, Jundo. This Metta variation has been on my mind these last few days. I have repeated it several times a day. I have really been struggling with anger and finding it most difficult to find equanimity.

